Clínica del Dr. Ozge Ergun

Dr. Ozge Ergun Clinic

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Dr. Ozge Ergun Clinic Descripción general del perfil

Dr. Ozge Ergun Clinic, Istanbul, Turkey Bienvenido a la Clínica del Dr. Ozge Ergun

El Dr. Ozge Ergun es uno de los cirujanos plásticos y estéticos más reconocidos a nivel mundial. Es cofundador y cirujano plástico y reconstructivo sénior de la Clínica NewAge, con sede en Estambul, Turquía. Este cirujano plástico y reconstructivo sénior ha dedicado su vida a la restauración capilar transmédica y la cirugía plástica. Su contribución al trasplante capilar y la cirugía plástica ha transformado muchas vidas.

El cirujano plástico estético de Estambul, Turquía, se compromete a brindar atención integral y satisfacción al paciente. La clínica ofrece rinoplastia, cirugía de párpados, cirugía de frente y cejas, levantamiento y aumento de senos, liposucción, levantamiento de grasa, tratamientos con Botox A, ginecomastia y todo tipo de tratamientos con rellenos a precios accesibles.

Tratamientos y procedimientos

• Cirugía facial

• Cirugía de mama

• Cirugía corporal

• Botox A y rellenos

• Tratamiento de trasplante de cabello

Si necesita más información sobre los tratamientos y procedimientos que ofrece la Clínica Dr. Ozge Ergun , no dude en contactarnos.

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    Olivia L

    I CANNOT EXPRESS HOW STRONGLY I RECOMMEND THAT YOU DONT COME TO THIS CLINIC!!! DR ERGUN(if I can call him that) HAS PERFORMED AN ABSOLUTE HORRIFIC BOTCH JOB ON MY FACE!! STAY FAR AWAY FROM THIS CLINIC!!! This doctor is incompetent, and irresponsible and doesn’t care about his patients. He will botch you and take no responsibility. I have attached screenshots off all conversations I have had with this absolute scam artist Hack of a doctor so please beware.

    On March 20th I went in for jaw implants. About 4 days after the surgery I realised I have puss and fluid leaking from my mouth from a hole in the stiches. Dr. Ergun didn’t spend the 5 extra minuets that was needed in order to properly close the wound in my mouth. I clearly had an infection and this sorry excuse for a doctor had the audacity to tell me that it was completely normal for puss to be coming out of a wound and that I SHOULDNT visit the doctors back in Germany. after I flew back home on Saturday. I was in the emergency room in Munich the following day. When I got to the emergency room the German doctor immediately took a look at leaking puss coming out of the open stitch in my mouth and said I had an infection that could kill me and that I needed to stay in the hospital for treatment.
    I underwent 20 rounds of IV antibiotic therapy and during this time. The doctors in Germany examined my face under CT and via ultrasound where they were able to clearly see there was an infection. They also took samples from the yellow puss drainage and there were clear signs of infection . Ozge was only concerned if I had removed the implant or not and this complete failure of a doctor RECOMMEND THAT I KEEP AN INFECTED IMPLANT IN MY FACE. I could have died if I had waited any longer with the infected implant in my face. It was extremely painful. After I had the implant removed the surgeon informed me that both sides were infected and I would have returned back to them in a few months time if I didn’t take the right implant out as well. It was an extremely painful process I couldn’t eat or swollen or open my jaw. The left side of my face was massively swollen and I was in agonising pain
    This doctor is irresponsible and doesn’t care about his patients. The only thing he cares about is money and he would have happily let me die. DO NOT COME HERE!
    He took no responsibility whatsoever for the atrocity he committed on my face and even after promising a refund he still has not delivered it to me even after I provided all of the documents and receipts for the treatment of his botch job. After I confronted him again about when I would have my money back this complete joke once again took no responsibility and then later blocked me when I confronted him about his other botch jobs. STAY AWAY FROM THIS PLACE.

    . He believes that because I’m a foreigner that he won’t be held responsible. But I have very intention of taking this horrible butcher to court so he never has the opportunity to do this to someone else.
    I have attached photos of the botchjob the swelling and the conversations that I had with this horrible, incompetent sorry excuse for a doctor. I will See you in court!

    Sep 19 2023
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    I had a breast augmentation and vaser lipo in different areas, so the surgery itself was quite extensive and I am glad I went with dr Ozge. The results were beyond expectation I am very happy and getting a lot of compliments. Very professional team and they deliver what they promise .

    Google Mar 11 2021
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    Doctor Ozge is amazing dont go anywhere else he is the best in reconstruction surgery! He did my temporal cat eye lift and i couldn’t be happier! Came all the way from Canada and it was well worth it! My eyes look great and i love the Temporal Cat Eye lift look i couldnt be happier… He speaks English and he team and location is perfect… Thanks again doctor you are a true artist

    Google Nov 18 2021

Logo of Dr. Ozge Ergun Clinic

Acerca del Centro Médico

  • Especialidad: Anti Aging, Cosmetic/Plastic Surgery, Skin Care
  • Ubicación: Fulya Terrace, Hakki Yeten Avenue No:11, C1-67, Fulya istanbul TR, Istanbul, Turkey
  • Precios del Centro Médico: Dr-Ozge-Ergun-Clinic
  • Descripción general: La Clínica Dr. Ozge Ergun es una clínica multidimensional de cirugía plástica estética y reconstructiva en Estambul, Turquía. Ofrece paquetes asequibles de rinoplastia, cirugía de párpados, frente y cejas, levantamiento y aumento de senos, liposucción, levantamiento de grasa, tratamientos con Botox A, ginecomastia y muchos otros tratamientos con rellenos.