Reseñas verificadas de Private Olimpos Hospital en Antalya, Turkey
Private Olimpos Hospital en Antalya, Turkey Reseñas de pacientes reales

Private Olimpos Hospital en Antalya, Turkey Reseñas de pacientes reales

(8 Reviews)
Ogretmenevleri Mh. Camlik Cad. No 48
Price range:: $2100 to $11000
Focus Area: Hospital Privado Olimpos | Antalya | Turquía | Cirugía Plástica | Cirugía Bariátrica | Cirugía Ortopédica | Otorrinolaringología | Cirugía Ocular | Urología | Radiología | Rehabilitación | Cardiología | Ginecología | Neurocirugía | Trasplante Capilar

Acerca de Private Olimpos Hospital

Hospital Privado Olimpos en Antalya, Turquía Cirugía Plástica de primer nivel, Cirugía de Obesidad Bariátrica, Trasplante de Cabello, Implante de Pene, Levantamiento de Senos e Implantes y Servicios Médicos Especializados.

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Review Summary of Private Olimpos Hospital

Patients like Grace Olivia Noden, Tímea Vas, and Darek Lizak shared their experiences at Private Olimpos Hospital in Antalya, Turkey, highlighting the exceptional care provided by the medical staff. Grace mentioned the brilliant treatment she received after her gastric sleeve surgery by Dr. Namik, while Tímea appreciated the excellent service on the 4th floor by the team of Tugce, Mujde, and Hatice. Darek commended the professionalism and kindness of the staff, especially the nurses on the 3rd floor.

Many reviewers emphasized the high standards of nursing care and the friendly atmosphere at the hospital. Yasmine mentioned the cooperative and kind nature of the staff, while Robert pointed out the ungratefulness of negative reviewers. Elmaddin had a great experience with Dr. Mehmet Öfgeli during his heart check-up, and Akile praised the excellent care she received after a biking accident, highlighting the efficiency of the emergency services.

Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. It is important to consult with qualified healthcare professionals to determine the most appropriate treatment for your individual needs.

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Lo que dicen los pacientes sobre Private Olimpos Hospital en Antalya, Turkey

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