Selahattin Erdem Médico de Medicina Interna en Kayseri Turquía
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MD. Selahattin Erdem, Internal Medicine Specialist - Kayseri, Turkey

Tacettin Veli, Mahallesi, Seyyid Burhanettin Blv. No:58, 38150 Melikgazi/Kayseri, Turkey Kayseri, Turkey
Centro Asociado: HUMA Hospital
Especialidad: Internal Medicine Specialist,
Idiomas: English
Área de enfoque: Dr. Selahattin Erdem | Hospital Huma | Kayseri | Turquía | Medicina interna

About - MD. Selahattin Erdem

Dr. Selahattin Erdem

Dr. Selahattin Erdem: Especialista en medicina interna en Kayseri, Turquía

El Dr. Selahattin Erdem es un prestigioso médico internista con sede en Kayseri, Turquía, en el Hospital Huma , reconocido por su experiencia y atención compasiva al paciente. Con una amplia formación médica y amplia experiencia en diversos ámbitos sanitarios, el Dr. Erdem se ha consolidado como un profesional de confianza en el campo de la medicina interna.

Pasión por la precisión y la empatía

La trayectoria profesional del Dr. Erdem abarca diversas instituciones de prestigio, lo que pone de relieve su compromiso con la formación continua y la excelencia en la atención al paciente. Desde sus inicios en el Hospital Estatal Yahyali hasta su puesto actual en el Hospital Privado de Ginecología y Obstetricia Huma, ha demostrado constantemente su pasión por abordar afecciones médicas complejas con precisión y empatía.

Áreas de especialización e interés

Las áreas de interés del Dr. Erdem abarcan un amplio espectro de especialidades de medicina interna, incluyendo enfermedades reumatológicas, hematológicas, gastrointestinales, cuidados intensivos, cuidados paliativos, endocrinológicas, oncológicas, nefrológicas, pulmonares y cardíacas, infecciosas, entre otras. Su diversa experiencia le permite brindar atención integral y personalizada a pacientes con diversas necesidades médicas.

Compromiso con el aprendizaje continuo y la innovación

Además de su práctica clínica, el Dr. Erdem participa activamente en la formación continua y el desarrollo profesional. Su participación en cursos y certificaciones especializadas, como mesoterapia, PRP, bótox y rellenos, refleja su dedicación a mantenerse al día con los últimos avances en tratamientos y tecnologías médicas.

Membresías activas en asociaciones profesionales

El Dr. Erdem es miembro de varias asociaciones profesionales de prestigio, como la Asociación Turca de Medicina Interna y Especialización, la Asociación Turca de Gastroenterología, la Sociedad Torácica Turca, la Sociedad Turca de Endocrinología y Metabolismo, la Sociedad Turca de Ciencias Internas y Quirúrgicas y la Asociación Turca de Hipertensión y Enfermedades Renales. Estas membresías subrayan su compromiso con los más altos estándares de la práctica médica y el fomento de la colaboración en la comunidad sanitaria.

Un enfoque holístico para la atención al paciente

Una de las cualidades que definen al Dr. Erdem es su enfoque holístico en la atención al paciente. Prioriza el desarrollo de relaciones sólidas entre médico y paciente basadas en la confianza, el respeto y la comunicación abierta. Al dedicar tiempo a comprender el historial médico, las inquietudes y los objetivos únicos de cada paciente, se asegura de que los planes de tratamiento se adapten a sus necesidades individuales, promoviendo resultados óptimos de salud y una mejor calidad de vida.

Un socio de confianza en salud y bienestar

Gracias a su dedicación, experiencia y genuina preocupación por el bienestar de sus pacientes, el Dr. Selahattin Erdem se ha ganado la reputación de ser un aliado confiable en salud y bienestar. Su compromiso con la atención integral, compasiva y basada en la evidencia ha tenido un impacto positivo en la vida de innumerables personas, convirtiéndolo en una figura muy respetada en la comunidad médica de Kayseri, Turquía.



​​Work Experience:

  • 2023 - Currently Private Huma Gynecology and Obstetrics Hospital
  • 2021 - 2023 Private Mus Sifa Hospital
  • 2019 - 2021 Mus State Hospital
  • 2018 - 2019 Mus Hasköy State Hospital
  • 2014-2018 Kayseri Training and Research Hospital Internal Diseases
  • 2012 - 2014 Yahyali State Hospital - Yahyali District Health Directorate


  • 2012 Firat University Faculty of Medicine
  • 2018 Kayseri Training and Research Hospital

Areas of Interest:

  • Rheumatological Diseases
  • Hematological Diseases
  • Gastrointestinal Diseases
  • Intensive care
  • Palliative Care
  • Endocrinological Diseases
  • Oncological Diseases
  • Nephrological Diseases
  • Lung And Heart Diseases
  • Infectious Diseases
  • Hemodialysis
  • Liver Diseases
  • Diabetes And Thyroid Diseases
  • Lymphoma And Leukemias
  • Gastrointestinal Diseases
  • Bowel Diseases
  • Extreme Weight Gain and Loss
  • Anemias
  • Hypertension
  • Hepatitis
  • Cholesterol Disorder
  • Gastrointestinal Bleedings
  • Asthma and COPD


  • Mesotherapy
  • PRP
  • Botox
  • Filling

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Memberships and Associations

  • Turkish Internal Medicine and Specialization Association
  • Turkish Gastroenterology Association
  • Turkish Thoracic Society
  • Turkish Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism
  • Turkish Society of Internal and Surgical Sciences
  • Turkish Association of Hypertension and Kidney Diseases

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HUMA Hospital reviews

  • User Profile Image

    Ozlem T

    I am a patient of Prof. Dr. Gökhan Açmaz and I was very pleased with the surgery process and hospital services. Your nurses, although young, were experienced and caring, thank you.

    HUMA Hospital Jan 17 2024
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    Ceylan E

    We came to our hospital for Mr. Hakan, my mother's doctor performed surgery on my mother, and then we came to the ENT specialist Murat Bey again for the ligament surgery on my brother. We were very pleased. Then, I was examined by Mr. Hakan for my check-ups. I would also like to thank Ms. Muhabbet, who entered the reception desk, she was very caring and helpful. directed. We were very pleased with the friendly staff of Hüma Hospital.

    HUMA Hospital Feb 27 2024
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    Nurhayat G

    An excellent hospital! Everyone takes very good care of you. I entrusted myself without even thinking. I didn't regret it at all. Everyone was very, very interested. I received very good moral support during my surgery, transportation, recovery process and afterwards. A hospital you can choose with your eyes closed. I congratulate all your employees for their devoted approach. Hoping to encounter people more beautiful than the attention you show.

    HUMA Hospital Feb 26 2024
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    I went into labor on the morning of February 5th and my birth was performed by Cahit Hodja. I don't know their names until the moment of birth and during the birth, but 3 midwives always accompanied me, supported me, gave me morale, their support at that moment made me feel very comfortable, then I did not have the opportunity to see them. This is my first birth and I would like to thank all of them from here. Thank you, they were very attentive, I am also very happy with my doctor. A week before the birth, different things were said about my baby by a doctor in another hospital. When I went for a check-up with my doctor Cahit, he examined my baby in detail and said that I had no problems, which made me feel relieved. We stayed in the hospital for one day, the only problem I saw was the part. The rooms were extremely hot and people could not adjust their own room temperature. It was really oppressively hot and we could not open the windows very much because we were a baby.

    HUMA Hospital Feb 13 2024
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    Semra K

    Today, I applied to Hüma hospital to get an ultrasound. I would like to thank Ms. Gamze from the moment I entered the hospital, Ms. Muhabbet from Admissions, Ms. Dilek who helped me during this process, your Radiology Doctor Ufuk and his secretary Ms. Sena. You have a very friendly team. They help in every way and really make the patients feel very good. That's why it's a good thing Hüma hospital. Thank you for your efforts...

    HUMA Hospital Mar 08 2024
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    Edaa G

    Since it was my third pregnancy and I did not have a living baby, we came to Mr. Erşad and proceeded with him from start to finish, we trusted him and thank God, we held our baby in our arms in good health. We really enjoyed our son's 80-day doctor's attention and experience. We were always available and I highly recommend him. I also go to Mr. Ufuk regularly for the mass in my breast and I am very pleased with him and I can get answers to all my questions. And tomorrow I will take my son to the general surgery department for circumcision. God willing, we will get through it without any problems.
    I'm adding...
    Last week Saturday, my 6-month-old son was circumcised by a doctor. I looked at the comments here and we chose Mr. Abdurrahman. I waited for it to heal a little before writing a comment. Our circumcision took place within 15 minutes. The process went well, it was not at all as we feared, I gave her calpol before the injection took effect, I gave her 2 more times, as a precaution, she only whined when she first urinated, and she whined the first day while applying cream, it did not go away as we feared, we thought she would cry non-stop. We wanted to have it done before, but my baby was a gassy and colicky baby, he is very active now, but we did not have any problems. We can get answers to every question we ask our doctor. We have improved greatly in 1 week. It's almost over, people have difficulty in entrusting their babies, of course they are afraid, but I handed them over with peace of mind. We are glad we had it done, we are glad we chose Mr. Ardurrahman. Thank you for everything ☺️ You can hand your baby over to the doctor's hands with peace of mind...

    HUMA Hospital Mar 11 2024 ofrece información y servicios relacionados con viajes. No ofrecemos servicios de atención médica. Ofrecemos información únicamente con fines informativos y no respaldamos a ningún proveedor o centro de atención médica en particular ni a ningún servicio o tratamiento de atención médica en particular. No estamos afiliados a ningún proveedor o servicio de atención médica y no somos responsables de ningún servicio de atención médica. Consulte con su proveedor de atención médica autorizado local antes de buscar los servicios de cualquier proveedor de atención médica del que se entere a través de nuestro sitio.

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