Juan Manuel Donato - Dentista en San José, Costa Rica
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Juan Manuel Donato, Implantology, Dentist, Oral Surgeon - San Jose, Costa Rica

63 Street, between 18 Avenue and 20 Avenue, San Pedro Montes San Jose, Costa Rica
Centro Asociado: Americas Dental Care
Especialidad: Implantology, Dentist, Oral Surgeon,
Idiomas: English,Spanish
Grado: Dental Implantologist Specialist; Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery; Doctor in Dental Surgery;
Área de enfoque: Juan Manuel Donato | San José | Costa Rica |

About - Juan Manuel Donato


  • Consultor Senior Cirujano Oral y Maxilofacial e Implantólogo Dental.
  • Gestión de Personal Clínico y Asistencial, Administración de la Atención Sanitaria.
  • Coaching Dental.
  • Implantes Dentales Quirúrgicos y Rehabilitadores de Alta Complejidad, más de 3000 colocados.
  • Pacientes con compromiso médico.
  • Protocolo LPRF.
  • Implantes cigomáticos.
  • Cirugía guiada 3D.
  • Cirugía Oral.
  • Traumatología y Patología Oral y Maxilofacial.
  • Artroscopia de ATM, etc.



  • Dental Implantologist Specialist; UCA University, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2006.
  • Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery; FAVALORO University, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2006.
  • Doctor in Dental Surgery; ULACIT, San José, Costa Rica.
  • 2nd year, Business Administration; TEC, San José, Costa Rica, 1994.
  • 3rd year, Tourism and Hotel Administration; ULACIT, San José, Costa Rica, 1994.




  • Costa Rica DDS Board Certified.
  • Costa Rica Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon Board Certified, 2007.
  • Costa Rica Dental Implantologist Board Certified, 2011.
  • Costa Rica Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Member.
  • Latin-American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Traumatology and Surgery Member, ALACIBU.
  • International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Fellow, IAOMS.

Americas Dental Care reviews

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    Tatiana S

    Thank you so much for your wonderful care before, during and after my procedure, you all put me at ease and calmed my fears!

    Apr 08 2024
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    Dr. Donato provided excellent care to my mother and me. He always made sure we were comfortable and understood every procedure before he began work. I never thought I would say I love my dentist but now I say it with a smile!!

    Google Aug 17 2016
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    Dr Donato and his team are Great !! Cant say thank you enough Im sporting a great smile thanks to you.

    Google Jul 08 2016
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    I attended this clinic to have six dental implants ... After having traumatic experiences with other dentists, I felt insecure, fearful, distrustful.
    Upon entering this office, I met two angels, the two professionals, they care about rehabilitating my mouth, they took care of me, they assisted me in the whole process of almost a year. They were always aware of how I was feeling.
    Thanks Anita and Juan Manuel, excellent professionals with great vocation. They give me a nice smile. Blessings

    Google Jun 30 2016
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    Excellent attention, a professional in the service provided, I feel very satisfied for the work they have done me.
    Thank you very much Doctor, I will always recommend it.

    Google Feb 14 2017
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    Wonderful and very professional dental care. They provided complete information before we went to even got on a plane. You had your own personal dentist and help touring Costa Rica. I would send anyone who needs dental work like implants or crowns. I will be returning in 2017 for more of their special care.

    Google Mar 07 2017

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