Reseñas verificadas de Tabash Dentistry (Endoservicios SA) en San Jose, Costa Rica
Tabash Dentistry (Endoservicios SA) en San Jose, Costa Rica Reseñas de pacientes reales

Tabash Dentistry (Endoservicios SA) en San Jose, Costa Rica Reseñas de pacientes reales

(10 Reviews)
Centro Comercial Boulevard Lindora, 147
Focus Area: Odontología Tabash | Cuidado dental | Carillas | Coronas | Puentes | Odontología estética | Restauraciones totalmente de cerámica | Ortodoncia | Puentes fijos | Cirugía dental | Odontología restauradora | Cirugía maxilofacial | San José, Costa Rica

Acerca de Tabash Dentistry (Endoservicios SA)

Tabash Dentistry, ubicada en San José, Costa Rica, se compromete a brindar los mejores procedimientos de odontología cosmética a todos los pacientes, combinando la excelencia en cada trabajo realizado con un cuidado especial en cada trabajo dental. Tabash Dentistry ofrece implantes dentales, procedimientos de endodoncia, cirugía oral, periodoncia y blanqueamiento Opalescence para brindarle confianza en su sonrisa.

Tabash Dentistry (Endoservicios SA) en San Jose, Costa Rica Reseñas de pacientes reales Slider image 1
Tabash Dentistry (Endoservicios SA) en San Jose, Costa Rica Reseñas de pacientes reales Slider image 2
Tabash Dentistry (Endoservicios SA) en San Jose, Costa Rica Reseñas de pacientes reales Slider image 3
Tabash Dentistry (Endoservicios SA) en San Jose, Costa Rica Reseñas de pacientes reales Slider image 4
Tabash Dentistry (Endoservicios SA) en San Jose, Costa Rica Reseñas de pacientes reales Slider image 5
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Review Summary of Tabash Dentistry (Endoservicios SA)

Dollie Thompson had a horrible experience at Tabash Dentistry in Costa Rica, urging others to do thorough research before traveling. Wingfield, on the other hand, was much improved and satisfied with the precise dental treatment received. Carlos Mora Reyes praised the incredible service, care, quality, and pricing provided by the professionals at the clinic. Begin expressed complete trust in the great team, service, and results, emphasizing their preference for this clinic above all others. Tatiana was recommended to Dr. Alberto Tabash's clinic by friends who were highly satisfied with their treatments, leading her to contact the doctor. Marino has consistently experienced professionalism and excellent results in the treatments received at the clinic over time. Nader underwent several dental procedures at Tabash Dentistry and commended Dr. Alberto Tabash for his fantastic dentistry skills and results achieved. Thanh had an amazing experience with Dr. Tabash, undergoing multiple procedures with successful outcomes. Andres highlighted the clinic's top-level professionalism and attention to detail, expressing total satisfaction as a long-term client. Carolina received excellent service, prompt attention, and a successful root canal by Dr. Tabash, correcting a previous poor treatment experience. Overall, Tabash Dentistry in San Jose, Costa Rica, offers a range of experiences from cautionary tales to glowing recommendations, showcasing a mix of patient perspectives on the clinic's services and outcomes.

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Lo que dicen los pacientes sobre Tabash Dentistry (Endoservicios SA) en San Jose, Costa Rica

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