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Dr. Delfin Barquero, Cosmetic Dentistry, Prosthodontics, Dentist - San Jose, Costa Rica

CC Plaza Mayor, Suite 11 3rd Floor - Rohrmoser Blvd., San José, 10109, Costa Rica San Jose, Costa Rica
Especialidad: Cosmetic Dentistry, Prosthodontics, Dentist,
Grado: Master in Prosthodontics
Área de enfoque: Dr. Delfin Barquero | Davincis Dental Designers Group | Odontología estética | Implantes dentales | Carillas dentales | Coronas dentales | Reconstrucciones de boca completa | San José, Costa Rica

About - Dr. Delfin Barquero

Dr. Delfin Barquero

El nombre Barquero tiene una larga historia en la odontología en Costa Rica . Durante más de cien años, la tradición de la odontología se ha transmitido de generación en generación. El Dr. Delfín Barquero continúa la orgullosa tradición familiar al incorporar nuevas tecnologías y ciencias innovadoras al arte de la odontología moderna en Costa Rica con DaVinci's Dental Care.

Después de graduarse de la Universidad de Costa Rica con su título en odontología, el Dr. Barquero obtuvo la certificación de protésico. También completó la capacitación en implantes y cursos sobre oclusión funcional y prótesis totales. Como director de Davinci's Designers Dental Group, el Dr. Barquero prioriza la educación continua y se mantiene firme en que cada paciente sea tratado como un individuo único y valioso.

Cuenta con una amplia experiencia profesional, con numerosos trabajos publicados sobre el trabajo odontológico y además es un orgulloso miembro de varias asociaciones y organizaciones odontológicas reconocidas a nivel mundial. Es uno de los mejores odontólogos de Costa Rica con numerosos pacientes satisfechos y felices en sus 18 años de carrera odontológica.

El Dr. Barquero ofrece consultas por video con sus pacientes para ayudarlos a prepararse antes del tratamiento. Reserve hoy su consulta con el Dr. Delfín Barquero haciendo clic en el botón a continuación.



  • General Dentist  University of Costa Rica,  2002.
  • Internship in Oral Rehabilitation, University of Costa Rica,  2003-2004.
  • Clinical Research Course University of Puerto Rico,  2006.
  • Oral Rehabilitation Residency Graduation with Honors, University of Costa Rica,  2007.
  • Pro Bono Professor University of Costa Rica,  2002 to date.
  • University Professor ULACIT,  2005 2007.

Professional experience

  • Demanding Esthetic Vita VM13. Vita Zahnfabrik,  2006.
  • Sprint Course Vita In Ceram and Vita VM 7 Unversity of Costa Rica,  2006.
  • Opinion Leaders Symposium Latin America, Seefeld Germany,  2007.
  • Internship in physiological occlusion, Vita Zahnfabrik, Munich Germany,  2007.
  • Advanced Dental Implant Surgical Procedures. Tel Aviv University,  2008.
  • Academic Director Odontópolis Training Center – MIS Implants,  2008- 2010.
  • Clinical Director and owner of Specialty was DaVincis Dental Designers Group,  2010 to date.
  • Director and Owner Training Center DaVincis Dental Designers Group,  2010 to date.
  • Current Concepts in American Dentistry Advances in Implantology and Oral Rehabilitation. New York University,  2011.
  • Ceramic Attendant week. UCLA,  2014.
  • Da Vincis Dental Director Training Center.
  • Coltene Opinion Leader.
  • Ultradent Opinion Leader.
  • Digital Smile Design Master Instructor,  Sao Paulo Brazil.
  • International Speaker.
  • Lecturer of the College of Dentistry of Costa Rica.

Imparted Lectures

  1. Small and Big Details: The Key to Success. Conference Universidad de San Carlos, Guatemala, 2008.
  2. Small and Big Details: The Key to Success. Conference UAM Managua, Nicaragua
  3. Implant Rehabilitation, New Tendencies. Universidad Latina Costa Rica, 2008.
  4. How to Choose a Color: Science and Strategy. Conference FOCAP, 2008.
  5. Opinion Leader and Lecturer 3M ESPE, Seefeld, Germany, Current.

contact us


  • American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry
  • American Dental Association
  • School of Dental Surgeons
  • Ondontólogos CAO,  College of Costa Rica

  • Micro View Group

contact us

DaVincis Dental Care Esthetic and Implant Dentistry reviews

  • User Profile Image


    I had veneers and bridges for my whole upper teeth. The result has been amazing. Even though they are veneers, you would really not notice. Like any North American, I had reservations about getting such major procedures done in a developing country. But, the dentists, support staff, facility and equipment would most likely outrank many dental facilities in North America.

    Having digital photos and designs done prior to procedure made the whole experience much more comfortable. You basically get to see what your teeth will look like when finished.

    Very happy with my experience and have already recommended to friends.

    Google May 24 2017
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    Absolutely fabulous!! my new smile is the best thing that I have ever done for myself. I am so grateful to Dr. Soto, Lori, Adri and everyone at DaVincis Dental Care. They simplified the whole procedure and made everything so simple for me. My dental team back home admired the work and said Dr. Soto is an artist

    Google May 09 2017
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    While in Costa Rica recently, I had an idea to treat myself to 6 or 8 veneers on my top teeth, which were kind of dingy and with an old crown. At the dentist I had originally booked a consult with, I learned I had bruxism and had been grinding for a long time. My teeth were not in good shape. That dentist wanted to protect my teeth with a mouthful of crowns. I confided to a Costa Rican friend that I did not feel good about that and she recommended that I see her dentist, the wonderful Dr. Delfin Barquero at Davinci Dental Care. He verified that I had bruxism and my teeth needed to be covered and bite opened up but he could use emax veneers. He and his lovely asssistant Vanessa worked so hard and I had a full day to prep the teeth and a week later, a full day to put on my new veneers and left with the most beautiful smile and a mouth guard plus copy of my 3D X ray. I am forever grateful to Dr. Barquero and his staff, including his North American office manager, Lori.

    Google Jun 06 2019
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    These guys are absolute rock stars!!! I have had a whole mouth restoration done and could not be happier with the results. Dr. Soto is the best and most caring dentist I have ever been with. The office is the best I have ever seen. They actually have their own 3D scanner for the x rays. Lori is their dedicated North American liaison and does an excellent job of keeping everything sorted for you. She even picks you up at the airport when you arrive. I want to thank them for all they have done for me and I will drop in to say hello any time I am in San Jose. I highly recommend DaVinci.

    Google Apr 15 2020
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    My patient experience at DaVinci Dental Care was exceptional. The technology, including whole mouth tomography basically a CAT scan and 3D impressions, involved stuff I would never seen before. Dr. Sotos chair side manner is relaxed and, yet, all business. Also, I had a session with their Peridontist which was terrific. The communication from Lori, their International Patient Laision, was A plus. I could not recommend DaVinci more highly.

    Google Feb 27 2020
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    Patients have experienced how it's like having a brighter smile with the teeth alignment in DaVincis Esthetic & Implant Dentistry in Costa Rica. See for yourself how a simple process can enhance someone's smile and self esteem!

    Dec 02 2021

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