Reseñas verificadas de WestDent Clinic Turkey en Izmir, Turkey
WestDent Clinic Turkey en Izmir, Turkey Reseñas de pacientes reales

WestDent Clinic Turkey en Izmir, Turkey Reseñas de pacientes reales

(13 Reviews)
Price range:: $65 to $6600
Focus Area: Clínica WestDental | Izmir Turquía | Implantes dentales | Restauración de sonrisa | Carillas dentales | Tratamiento de conductos radiculares | Cirugía maxilofacial | Implantes dentales All on 4 | Implantes dentales All on 6 | Coronas E-max

Acerca de WestDent Clinic Turkey

Su salud bucal es nuestra máxima prioridad y estamos aquí para ayudarlo en su camino hacia una sonrisa saludable y hermosa. Programe una cita con nosotros hoy y experimente la diferencia.

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Review Summary of WestDent Clinic Turkey

In WestDent Clinic Turkey, reviewers Tugce, Ryokan, Mehmet, Erhan, Viktoriya Strahl, Craig, Happy, Comfortable, Tali Wolder, and Erica shared their experiences. Patients praised the personalized care and detailed explanations provided by the doctors, expressing gratitude for the attentive and caring approach of the clinic staff. The clinic is commended for its professionalism, efficiency, and high-quality treatments, with specific mentions of zirconia crowns, veneers, and comprehensive dental services. Patients highlighted feeling comfortable, happy, and satisfied with the results, emphasizing the beautiful clinic environment and the expertise of the dentists. Additionally, the clinic's responsiveness to inquiries and the knowledgeable, young dental team were noted as standout features, making WestDent Clinic a top choice for dental care in Izmir, Turkey.

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Lo que dicen los pacientes sobre WestDent Clinic Turkey en Izmir, Turkey

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