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Odontologia Laser Descripción general del perfil
Odontologia Laser, con sede en Bogotá, Colombia, ha brindado odontología láser a pacientes de todo el mundo desde 2012. Comenzamos con 5 especialistas y un asistente cuyo objetivo principal era hacer de la odontología una experiencia placentera. Con 5 oficinas en Colombia y un personal de alrededor de 80 personas Nos hemos consolidado como líderes nacionales en atención dental confortable y especialistas en láser dental.
Odontologia Laser brinda servicios dentales con la máxima integridad y honestidad. La odontología láser es un tipo de odontología que está diseñada para que su tratamiento dental sea lo menos doloroso posible. Esto se logra a través de la tecnología láser, que permite realizar cirugías bucales sin usar bisturí ni anestesia. Sus procedimientos serán mucho más convenientes, rápidos y cómodos con la Odontología Láser indolora.
Ventajas de Clínica Láser Odontologia
- Tratamiento dental indoloro con tecnología láser
- Técnicas y equipos de última generación
- Procedimientos cómodos realizados en una sola visita
- Muchos pacientes felices en todo el mundo
- Odontólogo profesional especialista en tratamiento láser dental
- Excelentes vacaciones en la hermosa Colombia con opciones de turismo dental asequibles
Reserva tu trabajo dental sin dolor en Bogotá, Colombia en Odontologia Laser
En lugar de tener miedo al dentista y posponer una visita, la clínica Odontologia Laser en Bogotá le ofrece una experiencia agradable con sus técnicas láser avanzadas. Comuníquese con nuestro equipo de Atención al Cliente hoy mismo para obtener más información sobre la tecnología láser dental y programar una consulta con un profesional calificado. Dentista en Odontologia Laser.
Odontologia Laser, Bogota, Colombia Detalles del perfil
Conozca Dentistas Altamente Calificados en Bogotá
Dr. Diego Gaviria
- Fundador y director ejecutivo de Laser Dentistry
- Odontólogo General, Universidad del Valle
- Especialista en Rehabilitación Oral, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
- Maestría en Odontología Láser, ITAV Monterrey México
- Cofundador de Artek Laser Dentistry
- Odontólogo General Universidad Javeriana
- Especialista en Ortodoncia
- Universidad Nacional de Colombia
- Máster en Odontología Láser
- ITAV Monterrey México
Hable sobre sus opciones dentales con dentistas profesionales en Bogotá en Odontologia Laser.
Odontologia Laser Tratamientos ofrecidos
Odontologia Laser Testimonios
Odontologia Laser Premios y reconocimientos
Procedimientos Dentales en Clínica Láser Odontologia
- Periodoncia
- Cirugía Oral y Maxilofacial
Para obtener más información sobre los procedimientos dentales en Odontologia Laser en Bogotá, comuníquese con nuestro Equipo de Atención al Cliente.
Bogota, Colombia Descripción general del destino
Odontología Láser | Bogota Colombia | Implantes Dentales | Restauración de Sonrisa | Carillas Dentales | Tratamiento de Conductos | Cirugía Maxilofacial
In my opinion, getting to that place was the best decision I could have made hahaha. Normally I have been very afraid of dentists, since I was little I was nervous just going in there.
Odontologia Laser Jul 13 2022
I had seen them for almost 2 years on social networks, following their work, their cases and others, I assumed that it was expensive, because something so good cannot be cheap, so after a long time I made my diagnosis appointment, I waited around 3 weeks for her and to my surprise I arrived at the quiet place, confident that everything would turn out well, and it did, a quiet environment, very friendly and talkative people; so they explained my case to me in detail and the step by step I had to take to obtain a good smile. When they gave me the prices, I cannot deny that the cost was high for my point of view, but regardless of that, I paid a certain amount to remove my wisdom teeth, I saved a couple of months for it and when I removed them I was so shocked with the procedure, because I couldn't fit in my head as something that is so "strong", that just listening to it is scary hahaha, it can be so simple and painless.
Obviously I was able to go to my Eps to do the procedure, but I can assure you that I would never have received such good care. I swear I almost cried with joy when I got rid of that "thorn" that I had been waiting for years. Investing in our health is the best decision we can make, because unlike clothes and technology, teeth are with us for life. -
Adriana D
I just want to thank you for your excellent service. I am a patient at the Galerias headquarters and last Saturday I had scheduled an extraction of 2 teeth. I am very, very nervous, I did not sleep the night before, I arrived sweating, hands sweating, my nerves at 100; but since I entered the girl who received me and made me sign the consents very talkative hehehe and began to give me peace of mind about the procedure, the doctor telling me about his experience and that of other patients that my mind was relaxing and helped me calm down a bit with your comments. When I arrived for the procedure, the doctor also noticed my nerves, he explained the process to me, which was very simple, reassuring words, and when I least realized it, I was already lying down and the doctor told me one came out and then the other and I didn't realize it, I didn't feel pain. And I couldn't believe what a soft hand, what a professional process. The recovery is going super well, it didn't swell me, it doesn't hurt and I couldn't go to therapy for the scarring because of my work. and a thousand thanks recommended 100%.
Odontologia Laser Sep 23 2022 -
Erika M
I came to Artek laser dentistry, through social networks, I was curious to know a different dentistry, I do not have good experiences with traditional dentistry, but I can say that the short time I have been in treatment has been an excellent experience, the Treatment, ethics, professionalism of each one of them towards their patients is great, from reception, their advisors, assistants, dentists of all specialties make me feel safe and calm in my process. There you will find a friendly face, a smile, a respectful and assertive treatment, highly recommended! I hope to complete my process satisfactorily.
Odontologia Laser Oct 14 2022

Acerca del Centro Médico
- Especialidad: Dentistry
- Ubicación: Calle 53 No 21-62 Bogota , Bogota, Colombia
- Descripción general: Odontologia Laser, clínica dental internacional con cinco consultorios en Colombia, se dedica a atender las necesidades de salud bucal de las personas con un enfoque principal en una odontología cómoda y sin dolor.
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