Louise Stephenson, Addiction Psychiatrist - Malaga, Spain
About - Louise Stephenson
Dra. Louise Stephenson - Psiquiatra especializada en tratamiento de adicciones en Málaga, España
La Dra. Louise Stephenson destaca como psiquiatra líder en el tratamiento de adicciones en Málaga, España, reconocida por su enfoque compasivo y su amplia experiencia. En Satori Recovery , brinda atención especializada que apoya a los pacientes durante todo su proceso de recuperación.
Impresionantes cualificaciones profesionales
La Dra. Stephenson es una consejera certificada en adicciones a las drogas y al alcohol y es miembro de AP, ICADC y MBACP. Su compromiso con la excelencia como psiquiatra especializada en el tratamiento de adicciones en Málaga, España, garantiza que sus pacientes reciban un apoyo de primer nivel.
Reputada trayectoria académica
Sus actividades académicas la han llevado a través de instituciones respetadas, entre ellas The Westminster Pastoral Foundation, The Metanoia Institute, Bath University y London South Bank University, donde obtuvo su maestría en Psicología de Adicciones y Asesoramiento con Distinción.
Expertos en Tratamiento Avanzado de Adicciones en Málaga, España
Las cualificaciones de la Dra. Stephenson van más allá del asesoramiento, incluida una certificación en terapia grupal interpersonal de Action on Addiction y una credencial en terapia de esquemas del Institute of Schema Therapy en Londres. Esta amplia formación la posiciona como una psiquiatra altamente calificada en el tratamiento de adicciones en Málaga, España.
El compromiso del Dr. Stephenson con la atención basada en el trauma y la certificación EMDR
La práctica de la Dra. Stephenson está profundamente arraigada en la atención basada en el trauma, lo que garantiza que los pacientes se sientan comprendidos y seguros durante el tratamiento. Actualmente, está cursando la certificación como terapeuta EMDR, lo que mejorará aún más sus capacidades para apoyar la recuperación de los pacientes.
Más de una década de experiencia en recuperación de adicciones
Desde 2009, la Dra. Stephenson ha brindado una atención excepcional en centros de tratamiento de adicciones tanto en España como en el Reino Unido. Su amplia experiencia le ha proporcionado conocimientos valiosos sobre los desafíos y las soluciones que implica la recuperación de las adicciones, lo que ha consolidado su reputación como psiquiatra líder en el tratamiento de adicciones en Málaga, España.
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Los pacientes que buscan un psiquiatra especializado en el tratamiento de adicciones en Málaga, España, pueden confiar en la Dra. Louise Stephenson de Satori Recovery para recibir apoyo compasivo, profesional e integral. Su dedicación a guiar a las personas en su camino hacia la recuperación la convierte en una figura de confianza en la psiquiatría de las adicciones.
Satori Recovery reviews
Kaya W
I am very happy to provide positive feedback on Satori. This past summer I had a family member who was very unwell from alcohol abuse. I was scared for her life and knew I needed some external help to bring her back to herself. After researching what addiction supports are available in southern Spain, I discovered Satori and got connected with Luke who runs the Centre. He was very generous with his time and helped answer all of my questions and was able to get our family member very quickly into treatment. He was patient and very kind and supportive, which I really needed, to get through this difficult time.
Google Sep 16 2024
One of the things that appealed to me with Satori is the holistic approach that they take to addiction and recovery, combining a range of modalities in supporting someone who is struggling with alcohol or other substance abuse. The centre also feels very non-clinical which was vital for our family member who has a deep distrust of the medical system. Satori is a beautiful environment for healing and I\'m happy to say that our family member emerged after a month of care in a completely different, healthier, happier and stronger place than when she entered Satori.
The feedback I heard from our family member has been so positive about her experience at the Centre. Really wonderful, friendly staff, fantastic food, helpful medical and counselling support, interesting outings and activities, and generally a really great supportive environment for healing and detoxing.
It was a huge relief to me to know that our relative was in good hands at Satori and it was so gratifying to witness the progress that she made during her time at the centre and now also since she returned home. The ongoing support that she is receiving has been very helpful in the form of twice weekly online counselling sessions and opportunities for day trips back at Satori. our family has also been able to make use of family counselling.
Thank you so, so much Luke and your staff for the genuine care you show to your clients, and to their families, and for literally helping save lives. I am incredibly grateful that I stumbled across the Satori website and had the helpful conversation that I did with Luke that opened the doors to healing for our loved one. -
Aiden H
This place is amazing, well run, great staff, really a life changing recovery center.
Google Nov 30 2024 -
Alexander v M
I am very happy to provide positive feedback on Satori. This past summer I had a family member who was very unwell from alcohol abuse. I was scared for her life and knew I needed some external help to bring her back to herself. After researching what addiction supports are available in southern Spain, I discovered Satori and got connected with Luke who runs the Centre. He was very generous with his time and helped answer all of my questions and was able to get our family member very quickly into treatment. He was patient and very kind and supportive, which I really needed, to get through this difficult time.
Google Reviews Sep 19 2024
One of the things that appealed to me with Satori is the holistic approach that they take to addiction and recovery, combining a range of modalities in supporting someone who is struggling with alcohol or other substance abuse. The centre also feels very non-clinical which was vital for our family member who has a deep distrust of the medical system. Satori is a beautiful environment for healing and I'm happy to say that our family member emerged after a month of care in a completely different, healthier, happier and stronger place than when she entered Satori.
The feedback I heard from our family member has been so positive about her experience at the Centre. Really wonderful, friendly staff, fantastic food, helpful medical and counselling support, interesting outings and activities, and generally a really great supportive environment for healing and detoxing.
It was a huge relief to me to know that our relative was in good hands at Satori and it was so gratifying to witness the progress that she made during her time at the centre and now also since she returned home. The ongoing support that she is receiving has been very helpful in the form of twice weekly online counselling sessions and opportunities for day trips back at Satori. our family has also been able to make use of family counselling.
Thank you so, so much Luke and your staff for the genuine care you show to your clients, and to their families, and for literally helping save lives. I am incredibly grateful that I stumbled across the Satori website and had the helpful conversation that I did with Luke that opened the doors to healing for our loved one.
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