Odontología asequible en Turquía con Özkan Sarkın
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Özkan Sarkın, Oral surgeon - Antalya, Turkey

Bahçelievler, Konyaaltı Cd. Mart Apartmanı No:72/A, 07050 Muratpaşa/Antalya Antalya, Turkey
Especialidad: Oral surgeon
Idiomas: English
Área de enfoque: 1. Limpieza de dientes | Estambul, Turquía 2. Empastes dentales | Ankara, Turquía 3. Tratamiento de conductos radiculares | Esmirna, Turquía 4. Blanqueamiento dental | Bursa, Turquía 5. Implantes dentales | Antalya, Turquía 6. Aparatos de ortodoncia | Konya, Turquía 7. Extracción de muelas del juicio | Adana, Turquía 8. Tratamiento de enfermedades de las encías | Gaziantep, Turquía 9. Coronas dentales | Diyarbakir, Turquía 10. Dentaduras postizas | Mersin, Turquía

About - Özkan Sarkın

Acerca del Dr. Özkan Sarkın

Introducción özkan Sarkın cción

El Dr. Özkan Sarkın es un cirujano oral, periodoncista y especialista dental altamente calificado con una amplia experiencia en varios campos de la odontología. Es conocido por su experiencia en prostodoncia, odontología láser, implantología y cirugía oral. El Dr. Sarkın se dedica a brindar atención de la más alta calidad a sus pacientes en la Clínica Dental Internacional IDC en Antalya, Turquía.

Educación y formación

El Dr. Özkan Sarkın completó su título de odontólogo en una prestigiosa escuela de odontología en Turquía. Luego realizó una formación adicional en cirugía oral, periodoncia y prostodoncia para mejorar sus habilidades y conocimientos en estas áreas especializadas de la odontología. El Dr. Sarkın se compromete a mantenerse actualizado con los últimos avances en tecnología y técnicas dentales para brindar a sus pacientes la mejor atención posible.

Áreas de especialización

Las áreas de especialización del Dr. Sarkın incluyen:

  • Cirugía Oral
  • Periodoncia
  • Prostodoncia
  • Odontología láser
  • Implantología
  • Odontología general

Afiliaciones profesionales

El Dr. Özkan Sarkın es miembro de varias organizaciones profesionales, entre ellas la Asociación Dental Turca y el Congreso Internacional de Implantólogos Orales. Participa activamente en programas de formación continua y conferencias para ampliar sus conocimientos y habilidades en odontología.

Declaración personal

El Dr. Sarkın se apasiona por ayudar a sus pacientes a lograr una salud bucal óptima y sonrisas hermosas. Adopta un enfoque personalizado para el plan de tratamiento de cada paciente, asegurándose de que se aborden sus necesidades e inquietudes individuales. El Dr. Sarkın se esfuerza por crear un entorno cómodo y acogedor en IDC International Dental Clinic, donde los pacientes pueden recibir atención dental de primer nivel.


Si busca un cirujano oral, periodoncista o especialista dental altamente calificado y con experiencia en Antalya, Turquía, el Dr. Özkan Sarkın de IDC International Dental Clinic es la opción ideal. Programe una cita hoy para experimentar el más alto estándar de atención dental.


Hello everone. I am a founder dentist at International Dental Clinic.

I was born on September 9, 1980, in Antalya. From an early age, I was fascinated by the field of dentistry, which led me to pursue my studies at Süleyman Demirel University's Faculty of Dentistry in Turkey. This was in the year 2000. During my time at university, I actively engaged in various projects that enriched my academic journey and developed my practical skills.

Upon graduating,I was inclined to surgical operations and prosthetic treatments. Some of the training I received includes Surgical and Prosthetic Approaches in Implantology, Augmentation Techniques, Soft Tissue Gain Protocol, and Implant Applications in the Aesthetic Zone. Thanks to these trainings I can provide qualified treatments to my patients.

Our clinic is equipped with the latest advancements in dental technology. We ensure that you receive the highest quality treatments. Today, my copartner Cihan and I are proud to serve our patients all around the world.

Hope to see you too.

IDC International Dental Clinic reviews

  • User Profile Image

    Cemali A

    I would like to thank ID Clinic and all its staff for their efforts, caring approaches and patience throughout my more than one-month treatment process. Dt. Beren Oz did a wonderful work, her confidence and advanced skills solved all my issues conveniently. Visit without any doubt! ID Clinic will be my regular stop for my check-ups every year during my visits to Turkey.

    Google Aug 05 2024
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    I am in the first stage of my treatment, one more stage still to go and can honestly say they have been brilliant so far. Right from meeting them in Leeds for a consultation they have been very helpful and explained every step of the process. Clinic lovely, hotel was lovely and since I have been home they are still contacting me to make sure I am healing well. Go back in January for the last of my treatment and can’t wait

    Trustpilot Sep 23 2024
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    Steven P

    Hi I'm from Castleford Id clinic was coming to Leeds so of I went for consultation very happy with the outcome and price they said.so of to Antalya I was picked up from airport as arranged and taken to the hotel as arranged must say very nice hotel.picked up for clinic, clinic very nice clean all staff friendly and professional.went to clinic I think 4 times through week it went all well credit to id clinic.i must say I was nervous about it all but it went better than clockwork very professional team looking forward to march Wen I get back to complete my treatment thanks steven.and they did exactly wot they said witch made it very reassuring for me

    Trustpilot Sep 23 2024
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    Carl W

    I was looked after from start to finish
    Beautiful clinic with lovely people absolutely first class
    The dentist was brilliant
    Mozart was the interpreter who looked after us and text constantly to see if everything was ok even when I got back home
    I highly recommend anybody thinking of going please use ID clinic

    Trustpilot Sep 20 2024
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    Basem A

    Overall, the service is absolutely brilliant at very reasonable prices. ID Clinic catered for all our needs from when we first arrived at Antalya Airport until our departure. They organised accommodation in a lovely hotel. Regarding dental treatment, the service is exceptional and very efficient. I look forward to my next visit here to continue treatment, and would definitely recommend this place to others.

    Trustpilot Sep 24 2024
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    Madalina-Alexandra B

    I am visiting ID Clinic in Turkey for several dental procedures, including implants, extractions, and crowns, and I am thoroughly impressed with the experience. The clinic's modern facilities and state-of-the-art technology provided a comfortable and reassuring environment throughout my treatment.

    The staff at ID Clinic are highly professional and attentive. The consultation process was thorough, with the dentist carefully explaining the options available and helping me choose the best plan for my needs. The implant procedure was seamless and well-managed, with minimal discomfort and a quick recovery time. The extraction was performed with great skill and efficiency, and I was pleased with the post-procedure care provided.

    Overall, ID Clinic offers top-notch dental care with a focus on patient comfort and satisfaction. Shortly i will have my last appointment but i declare very happy and grateful.
    I highly recommend their services to anyone seeking high-quality dental treatments in Turkey.

    Trustpilot Sep 09 2024

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