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Francisco Javier Sainz Hernandez, Internal Medicine Specialist - Cancun, Mexico

Plaza Kun 21°86°, Local 303, Av. Bonampak, Lote 4C, SM 4A, MZ1, Cancún Q.R. México 77500 Cancun, Mexico
Centro Asociado: YeahSmile
Especialidad: Internal Medicine Specialist
Idiomas: English,Spanish
Grado: Doctor
Área de enfoque: 1. Medicina interna | México 2. Medicina familiar | México 3. Cardiología | México 4. Endocrinología | México 5. Gastroenterología | México 6. Nefrología | México 7. Neumología | México 8. Reumatología | México 9. Enfermedades infecciosas | México 10. Neurología | México 11. Hematología | México 12. Oncología | México 13. Dermatología | México 14. Alergia e inmunología | México 15. Geriatría | México 16. Manejo del dolor | México 17. Medicina del deporte | México 18. Medicina integral | México 19. Cuidados paliativos | México 20. Medicina del sueño | México

About - Francisco Javier Sainz Hernandez

Especialista en Medicina Interna
Ubicación: Cancún, México

Clínica de trabajo: YeahSmile

Soy médico internista con más de 15 años de experiencia en atención integral al paciente. Tengo una sólida formación en medicina interna, con especial énfasis en cuidados intensivos y el manejo de enfermedades crónicas.

Me especializo en una amplia gama de procedimientos médicos, incluido el manejo de pacientes con enfermedades graves en unidades de cuidados intensivos y la coordinación de la atención en hospitales. Ya sea que mis pacientes requieran atención de emergencia o el manejo de enfermedades crónicas complejas, tengo las habilidades y la experiencia necesarias para brindar resultados excepcionales.

Educación y formación

• Certificación del Consejo Mexicano de Medicina Interna
Válido desde el 20 de enero de 2020 hasta el 20 de enero de 2025
Certificado N° #00752-R20

• Diplomado en Administración Hospitalaria y Servicios de Salud
Instituto Politécnico Nacional, 2015

• Residencia en Medicina Interna
Universidad de Guadalajara, 2006 - 2010
Hospital Civil “Dr. Juan I. Menchaca” (Hospital Civil)
Licencia Profesional #6745625

• Médico Cirujano y Obstetra
Universidad de Guadalajara, 2000 – 2004
Centro Universitario de Ciencias de la Salud Licencia Profesional #5192385


Como especialista en medicina interna, el Dr. Sainz Hernández está capacitado para diagnosticar y tratar una variedad de afecciones médicas complejas que afectan a los adultos. Tiene un interés particular en la medicina preventiva, el manejo de enfermedades crónicas y la prestación de atención integral a sus pacientes.


• Capacidad para realizar diagnósticos precisos y detallados.
• Desarrollo y ajuste de planes de tratamiento personalizados.
• Dominio de la farmacología y las terapias médicas actuales.
• Dirigir y coordinar equipos médicos en entornos hospitalarios.

Experiencia laboral

YeahSmile, Cancún, 2021 - Presente
• Realizar evaluaciones preoperatorias detalladas de pacientes sometidos a procedimientos dentales, identificando y mitigando posibles riesgos médicos.
• Colaborar estrechamente con dentistas y otros especialistas para planificar y coordinar la atención médica del paciente.
• Monitorear la salud general de los pacientes antes, durante y después de los procedimientos dentales para garantizar una recuperación segura y eficiente.
• Desarrollar y ajustar planes de tratamiento personalizados en función de las condiciones médicas individuales y los resultados de la evaluación preoperatoria.

Director General
Hospital Medica Cancún, 2024 - Presente
• Supervisar todas las operaciones del hospital, garantizando los más altos estándares de atención y seguridad al paciente.

Subdirector Médico
Hope4Cancer Cancún, 2020-Presente
• Coordinar al personal clínico y garantizar el cumplimiento de las normas y estándares de salud.
• Implementar y monitorear programas de mejora de la calidad para optimizar los resultados de los pacientes.

Director médico
Hospital Victoria Medical Cancún (Hospital Azura), 2014
• Dirigir todas las operaciones clínicas, supervisar la atención al paciente y gestionar la administración del hospital.
• Desarrollar protocolos y procedimientos para garantizar servicios médicos de alta calidad.

Médico asistente
Hospital Victoria Medical Cancún (Hospital Azura), 2013
• Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos. Coordinar con un equipo multidisciplinario para desarrollar e implementar planes de tratamiento individualizados.

Médico asistente
Hospital Galenia Cancún, 2010
• Unidad de cuidados intensivos. Monitorizar y gestionar la evolución del paciente, ajustando los tratamientos según sea necesario.

Médico asistente
Hospital General Regional del IMSS No. 17 Cancún, 2010 - Presente
• Medicina Interna y Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos. Brindar atención integral en medicina interna.

Reservar una cita

Si está buscando un especialista en medicina interna compasivo y capacitado en Cancún, México, el Dr. Francisco Javier Sainz Hernández está aquí para ayudarlo. Programe una cita en YeahSmile hoy para recibir atención personalizada y experta para sus necesidades de salud.

YeahSmile reviews

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    James E L

    What a wonderful experience I had with Yeahsmile office in Cancun. I'm from Chicago and heard about Dr. Miller's office and decided to call. I was so impressed with him and the entire staff on the phone that I decided to visit and see if he was as good as I thought. Dr. Miller's professionalism, expertise and care for me his patient was much better than I had every expected.

    Doctor Miller is not only highly skilled but also very compassionate,ensureing that I felt comfortable and that I was well informed about everything. The staff was very freindly and helpful in making arrangements for my hotel accomodiations and transportation. They ensured I felt completely safe during my entire 12 day stay.
    Not only did I get fantastic dental work done but I also enjoyed a mini vacation and saved MUCH money for everything.

    I wholeheartdely recomment Dr. Miller to anyone seeking exceptional dental care.


    PlacidWay Feb 25 2025
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    Nova G

    Good Morning Team Yea Smile! Just wanted to send a quick message thanking Dr. Miller and everyone at the office for your continued excellent care! Both Dad and I are doing well. I feel great and I am in love with my smile! I’ve been wearing my guard every night for my TMJ, it’s actually pretty comfortable. I hope everyone is doing well. Thank you so much again for all of the care and love XoN. -Nova

    PlacidWay Feb 27 2025
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    Nira S

    My name is Nira, and I’m from Canada. I came to Cancun for dental implant treatment with YeahSmile. During my first visit, I had implants placed for two teeth. The team was incredibly professional, and before my trip, they provided excellent care and gave me all the information I needed to ensure everything went smoothly.

    On my second visit, I had the crowns placed over my implants, completing my treatment. I’m very satisfied with the service I received.

    Today was my last day here. I had to visit twice, and both times were great experiences!

    PlacidWay Jan 02 2025
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    Michael L J

    I'm a professor at St. Bonaventure University in New York and also here in Cancun. This is my second time with Dr. Miller and his team, and it’s because they did such a phenomenal job the first time. This time, they repaired nine of my teeth, and as always, the equipment and technology were top-notch.

    The first thing you should know is that the people here are true professionals. Dr. Miller is known as the legendary "painless dentist." Even the injection of Novocaine is completely painless—they have a special technique that makes the typically dreaded injection feel effortless.

    The work they do is incredibly professional and of the highest quality. The clinic uses cutting-edge technology, some of the most advanced I’ve seen anywhere in the world—and I’ve traveled extensively. On top of that, the entire staff is remarkably friendly, kind, and helpful.

    I can’t recommend this place enough. If you need major dental work, this is the place to have it done. Plus, you get the added bonus of being in Cancun, which isn’t a bad place to be while undergoing dental care.

    I highly recommend it—if you need major dental work, give it a try. You won’t be disappointed.

    PlacidWay Dec 16 2024
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    Craig S

    This was the absolute best dental treatment and experience I have had and stands head and shoulders above any treatment I have received in Canada in regards to the service, experience, quality of work, and cost. Not only this, but the staff were very efficient, informative, and friendly right from greeting you to getting to work within five minutes of arriving versus visiting a dentist in Canada who has you sit in the waiting room for 20 to 40 minutes before moving you to another room waiting for the dentist for another 15 to 30 minutes before starting the assembly line dental work. Neo Clinic offers you water, tea, or coffee, then within 5 to 10 minutes have you being evaluated, having x-rays taken, mapping out a plan of procedure and then explaining why they are recommending what they are doing and possible alternatives that you and the dentist can discuss.

    In terms of the office, it was modern and very clean, and even a large TV on the ceiling you can watch while your procedures are being done. I also felt very safe in the area of Cancun where the office is located, they even have a staff member to help you get the office or pick you up and drop you off if needed at no additional cost.

    The treatment I had completed was two root canals, some fillings, and a crown repair that had failed from previous work completed in Canada, to add to this the dentist explained what was going on and let me know that she would be using the best filling materials available to get a great colour match and a long-lasting result and all of this at a cost that is at least 50 to 60% less than what I would get in Canada.

    I was so happy with the Dentists and all the other support staff that I asked for six business cards that I will be giving to any of my friends who are in need of some dental work. I have in fact already recommended Neo Clinic to three people since returning from my visit to Neo Clinic in December 2023 and will continue to do so.

    PlacidWay Feb 25 2024
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    Gina J

    YeahSmile is a fantastic clinic. Every member of the team is super friendly, professional, and highly competent. I had to have 4 root canals and 22 crowns placed over the span of a week and was amazed and delighted with the quality of results in such few visits. And the value!! This dental work would have cost 3x as much in the US.

    I can’t speak highly enough about Dr. Miller and his team. I strongly, strongly recommend it.

    PlacidWay Feb 27 2024

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