Dana Fabiola Pinto Moserrate - Dentista en Cancún México
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Dana Fabiola Pinto Moserrate, Implantology - Cancun, Mexico

Plaza Kun 21°86°, Local 303, Av. Bonampak, Lote 4C, SM 4A, MZ1, Cancún Q.R. México 77500 Cancun, Mexico
Centro Asociado: YeahSmile
Especialidad: Implantology
Idiomas: English,Spanish
Grado: Implantologist
Área de enfoque: Dana Fabiola Pinto Moserrate | Cancún | México | NEO Dental Cancún | Yeah Smile

About - Dana Fabiola Pinto Moserrate

Dra. Dana Fabiola Pinto

Dra. Dana Fabiola Pinto: Periodoncista destacada en reconstrucción de sonrisas

Dana Fabiola Pinto Moserrate se destaca en el panorama dental de Cancún como una periodoncista dedicada y especializada en la reconstrucción de la sonrisa. Con más de 7 años de experiencia, el compromiso de Dana con la excelencia en periodoncia e implantología se refleja en su meticuloso enfoque en el cuidado dental. Es reconocida por su capacidad para realizar extracciones complejas y reconstrucciones integrales de la sonrisa, asegurando resultados tanto funcionales como estéticos para sus pacientes.

“Soy Dana Fabiola Pinto Moserrate, una periodoncista dedicada con 7 años de experiencia en la prestación de una atención dental excepcional. Mi experiencia abarca la periodoncia y la implantología, donde empleo técnicas avanzadas para garantizar el bienestar duradero del paciente. Conocida por mi sólida ética de trabajo y espíritu colaborativo, me especializo en una amplia gama de procedimientos que incluyen cirugía oral, tratamientos periodontales e implantes dentales”. - Dana Fabiola Pinto Moserrate

Excelencia académica y desarrollo profesional

La trayectoria de Dana en la odontología está marcada por logros académicos y un desarrollo profesional continuo. Cuenta con una Maestría en Ciencias Odontológicas y una Especialización en Periodoncia en la Universidad Latinoamericana Campus Valle. Su búsqueda de conocimiento la llevó a obtener un Diplomado en Implantología Oral, mejorando aún más sus habilidades en técnicas avanzadas de implantes. La dedicación de Dana para mantenerse a la vanguardia de las innovaciones dentales se ve subrayada por sus licencias profesionales en México y su compromiso continuo con el aprendizaje.

Conjunto de habilidades versátiles y comunicación eficaz

Conocida por su conjunto versátil de habilidades, Dana se destaca no solo en procedimientos clínicos, sino también en la comunicación efectiva con sus pacientes. Sus claras habilidades de comunicación y su enfoque empático le permiten establecer una sólida relación con los pacientes y explicar las opciones de tratamiento de manera integral. Las cualidades de liderazgo y las habilidades organizativas de Dana son invaluables para gestionar procedimientos dentales complejos y liderar equipos interdisciplinarios, lo que garantiza una atención perfecta al paciente.

Experiencia bilingüe que fomenta la confianza del paciente

Dana habla español e inglés con fluidez y garantiza una experiencia perfecta para el paciente a través de una comunicación clara y una atención inclusiva. Su dominio del idioma mejora la confianza y la comodidad del paciente, lo que le permite atender de manera eficaz a una base de pacientes diversa en Cancún. La capacidad de Dana para comunicarse de manera eficaz en varios idiomas permite a sus pacientes tomar decisiones informadas sobre su salud dental, lo que refuerza su compromiso con la atención personalizada.

Dra. Dana Fabiola Pinto

Experiencia en NeoDental - YeahSmile, Cancún

Desde marzo de 2023, Dana se desempeña como especialista en periodoncia e implantología en NeoDental - YeahSmile en Cancún. Aquí, se enfoca en cirugías avanzadas de implantes dentales y tratamientos integrales de enfermedades periodontales. La experiencia de Dana incluye raspado, alisado radicular y técnicas innovadoras de regeneración ósea, abordando problemas complejos de salud bucal con precisión y comodidad del paciente como sus principales prioridades.

Experiencia previa y crecimiento profesional

Antes de unirse a NeoDental, Dana adquirió una valiosa experiencia en cirugía de implantes dentales y tratamientos de enfermedades periodontales en una importante clínica de Cancún. Sus funciones anteriores en Guadalajara enriquecieron aún más su experiencia en el manejo de infecciones de tejidos blandos y la realización de extracciones quirúrgicas. El enfoque integral de Dana en el cuidado de la salud bucal se basa en su diversa experiencia profesional, lo que enfatiza su compromiso de mejorar la calidad de vida de los pacientes a través de tratamientos dentales avanzados.

“Desde marzo de 2023, trabajo en NeoDental - YeahSmile en Cancún, especializándome en Periodoncia e Implantología. Me enfoco en cirugías avanzadas de implantes dentales y en el tratamiento integral de enfermedades de las encías. Mediante técnicas como raspado, alisado radicular y regeneración ósea innovadora, garantizo una atención precisa y priorizo la comodidad del paciente”.Dana Fabiola Pinto Moserrate

Compromiso con la atención compasiva al paciente

Durante su permanencia en Dental Natural en CDMX, Dana desempeñó un papel fundamental en la prestación de atención dental compasiva, en particular para pacientes de edad avanzada y aquellos que requieren tratamientos periodontales de emergencia. Su experiencia subrayó su dedicación a mejorar la salud bucal y el bienestar general de los pacientes a través de una atención personalizada y enfoques de tratamiento empáticos. La carrera de Dana se define por su compromiso inquebrantable con la excelencia y la compasión en la odontología, lo que la convierte en un nombre de confianza en la comunidad dental de Cancún.



About Me

I am a periodontist with 7 years of experience in providing dental services. I have extensive expertise in periodontics and implantology, including advanced procedures, techniques, and the latest technology, with a strong focus on ensuring the patient's long-term well-being. I am a dedicated and hardworking professional who works well as a team.

 I specialize in various dental procedures, including oral surgery, periodontal treatments, and dental implants. Whether my patients require a straightforward extraction or a full mouth reconstruction, I have the expertise and experience to achieve excellent results.

Academic Background

  • Diploma in Oral Implantology - Centro de Formación Profesional en Odontología, 2021
  • Master's Degree in Dental Sciences - Universidad Latinoamericana Campus Valle, 2017, Mexican Professional License #10268101
  • Specialization in Periodontics, Universidad Latinoamericana Campus Valle, 2016, Mexican Professional License #10134707
  • Bachelor’s Degree in General Dentistry - University of Carabobo, Valencia, Venezuela, 2016, Mexican Professional Dentistry License #09716306


  • Clear and effective communication
  • Leadership and commitment
  • Organizational capacity
  • Computer and diverse software skills
  • Flexibility and adaptability
  • Multidisciplinary teamwork
  • Problem resolution
  • Sales techniques
  • Responsibility, punctuality, and empathy


  • Spanish
  • English

Work Experience

Periodontics and Implantology Specialist

  • NeoDental - YeahSmile, Cancun / March 2023 - Present
  • Perform advanced dental implant surgeries with precision and patient comfort.
  • Expertise in treating periodontal diseases through comprehensive scaling, root planning, and innovative bone regeneration techniques.
  • Skillfully conduct surgical extractions for compromised teeth due to erosion, trauma, or infections.
  • Implement cutting-edge oral implantology techniques to restore dental aesthetics and functionality effectively.

Dental Clinic, Cancun / July 2022 - March 2023

  • Specialized in dental implant surgery and periodontal disease treatments through scaling, root planning, and bone regeneration.
  • Conducted surgical extractions for teeth affected by erosion, trauma, or infections.

Keralty, Guadalajara / January 2021 - June 2022

  • Treated soft tissue infections and specialized in periodontal diseases through extractions, scaling, and root planning.

Proclinic, Guadalajara / October 2020 - June 2022

  • Educated patients on oral hygiene and preventive oral care strategies.
  • Performed oral implantology treatments.

Coedent, Zapopan / October 2017 - June 2022

  • Provided personalized patient care and offered multidisciplinary treatments in implantology and rehabilitation.

Dental Natural, CDMX / May 2016 - April 2017

  • Managed care for elderly patients and provided emergency periodontal treatments as needed.

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YeahSmile reviews

  • User Profile Image

    Lang M

    I had a wonderful experience at the clinic! Dr. Miller, Andre, and the entire team were incredibly professional and friendly, and they made me feel at ease throughout my visit. Their care and attention to detail are truly appreciated. Highly recommend them to anyone looking for excellent dental care!

    PlacidWay Mar 06 2025
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    James E L

    What a wonderful experience I had with Yeahsmile office in Cancun. I'm from Chicago and heard about Dr. Miller's office and decided to call. I was so impressed with him and the entire staff on the phone that I decided to visit and see if he was as good as I thought. Dr. Miller's professionalism, expertise and care for me his patient was much better than I had every expected.

    Doctor Miller is not only highly skilled but also very compassionate,ensureing that I felt comfortable and that I was well informed about everything. The staff was very freindly and helpful in making arrangements for my hotel accomodiations and transportation. They ensured I felt completely safe during my entire 12 day stay.
    Not only did I get fantastic dental work done but I also enjoyed a mini vacation and saved MUCH money for everything.

    I wholeheartdely recomment Dr. Miller to anyone seeking exceptional dental care.


    PlacidWay Feb 25 2025
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    Nova G

    Good Morning Team Yea Smile! Just wanted to send a quick message thanking Dr. Miller and everyone at the office for your continued excellent care! Both Dad and I are doing well. I feel great and I am in love with my smile! I’ve been wearing my guard every night for my TMJ, it’s actually pretty comfortable. I hope everyone is doing well. Thank you so much again for all of the care and love XoN. -Nova

    PlacidWay Feb 27 2025
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    Nira S

    My name is Nira, and I’m from Canada. I came to Cancun for dental implant treatment with YeahSmile. During my first visit, I had implants placed for two teeth. The team was incredibly professional, and before my trip, they provided excellent care and gave me all the information I needed to ensure everything went smoothly.

    On my second visit, I had the crowns placed over my implants, completing my treatment. I’m very satisfied with the service I received.

    Today was my last day here. I had to visit twice, and both times were great experiences!

    PlacidWay Jan 02 2025
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    Michael L J

    I'm a professor at St. Bonaventure University in New York and also here in Cancun. This is my second time with Dr. Miller and his team, and it’s because they did such a phenomenal job the first time. This time, they repaired nine of my teeth, and as always, the equipment and technology were top-notch.

    The first thing you should know is that the people here are true professionals. Dr. Miller is known as the legendary "painless dentist." Even the injection of Novocaine is completely painless—they have a special technique that makes the typically dreaded injection feel effortless.

    The work they do is incredibly professional and of the highest quality. The clinic uses cutting-edge technology, some of the most advanced I’ve seen anywhere in the world—and I’ve traveled extensively. On top of that, the entire staff is remarkably friendly, kind, and helpful.

    I can’t recommend this place enough. If you need major dental work, this is the place to have it done. Plus, you get the added bonus of being in Cancun, which isn’t a bad place to be while undergoing dental care.

    I highly recommend it—if you need major dental work, give it a try. You won’t be disappointed.

    PlacidWay Dec 16 2024
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    Craig S

    This was the absolute best dental treatment and experience I have had and stands head and shoulders above any treatment I have received in Canada in regards to the service, experience, quality of work, and cost. Not only this, but the staff were very efficient, informative, and friendly right from greeting you to getting to work within five minutes of arriving versus visiting a dentist in Canada who has you sit in the waiting room for 20 to 40 minutes before moving you to another room waiting for the dentist for another 15 to 30 minutes before starting the assembly line dental work. Neo Clinic offers you water, tea, or coffee, then within 5 to 10 minutes have you being evaluated, having x-rays taken, mapping out a plan of procedure and then explaining why they are recommending what they are doing and possible alternatives that you and the dentist can discuss.

    In terms of the office, it was modern and very clean, and even a large TV on the ceiling you can watch while your procedures are being done. I also felt very safe in the area of Cancun where the office is located, they even have a staff member to help you get the office or pick you up and drop you off if needed at no additional cost.

    The treatment I had completed was two root canals, some fillings, and a crown repair that had failed from previous work completed in Canada, to add to this the dentist explained what was going on and let me know that she would be using the best filling materials available to get a great colour match and a long-lasting result and all of this at a cost that is at least 50 to 60% less than what I would get in Canada.

    I was so happy with the Dentists and all the other support staff that I asked for six business cards that I will be giving to any of my friends who are in need of some dental work. I have in fact already recommended Neo Clinic to three people since returning from my visit to Neo Clinic in December 2023 and will continue to do so.

    PlacidWay Feb 25 2024

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