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Adriana Pamela Traconis Martinez, Orthodontist - Cancun, Mexico

Plaza Kun 21°86°, Local 303, Av. Bonampak, Lote 4C, SM 4A, MZ1, Cancún Q.R. México 77500 Cancun, Mexico
Centro Asociado: YeahSmile
Especialidad: Orthodontist
Idiomas: English,Spanish
Grado: Oral rehabilitation specialist Orthodontist and Oral surgeon, invisible aligners
Área de enfoque: Dra Adriana Pamela Traconis Martinez | Cancún | México | Neo Dental Cancún | Yeah Smile

About - Adriana Pamela Traconis Martinez

Adriana Pamela Traconis Martinez

Dra. Adriana Pamela Traconis Martinez - Top Dentista en Cancún, México

La Dra. Adriana Pamela Traconis Martínez es reconocida como una de las ortodoncistas más importantes de Cancún, México, con una impresionante trayectoria que abarca más de 14 años. Especializada en ortodoncia y procedimientos cosméticos dentales, se ha ganado una reputación de excelencia en la mejora de sonrisas y la promoción de la salud bucal en general. Su compromiso con el cuidado del paciente, junto con su competencia en técnicas de ortodoncia avanzadas, la ha establecido firmemente como una profesional confiable en el campo.

“Hola, soy ortodoncista con 14 años de experiencia, especializado en procedimientos dentales cosméticos. Tengo una amplia experiencia en las últimas técnicas y tecnologías de ortodoncia, incluidos los alineadores invisibles.
Me mantengo a la vanguardia en mi campo actualizando continuamente mis conocimientos y habilidades, asegurándome de que mis pacientes reciban la más alta calidad de atención y servicios dentales. Mi pasión por la odontología impulsa mi compromiso con el bienestar de mis pacientes, su salud y su Sonríe. "
- Dra. Adriana Pamela Traconis Martinez

Experiencia y Especialización de la Dra. Traconis Martínez en Cancún, México

Con una gran experiencia, la Dra. Traconis Martínez se destaca por realizar evaluaciones exhaustivas de los pacientes, administrar con pericia los tratamientos de ortodoncia y diseñar planes de tratamiento personalizados adaptados a las necesidades únicas de cada paciente. Su enfoque garantiza que cada individuo reciba atención integral durante todo su recorrido de ortodoncia, con el objetivo de tanto para la mejora funcional como para la mejora estética.

Trayectoria académica y especialización

Dra. Adriana Pamela Traconis Martínez inició su trayectoria académica en la prestigiosa Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) en Ciudad de México, donde obtuvo su título de Cirujano Dentista con honores. Impulsada por su pasión por la ortodoncia, realizó una formación especializada en el reconocido Centro de Estudios e Investigación en Ortodoncia (CEIO) en Ciudad de México, donde se graduó con un profundo conocimiento de los últimos avances en técnicas y tratamientos de ortodoncia.

Dra. Adriana Pamela Traconis Martinez

Educación continua y desarrollo profesional

En NEO Dental Yeah Smile en Cancún, México, la Dra. Traconis Martínez sigue dedicada a mejorar sus habilidades y conocimientos a través de la educación continua y el desarrollo profesional. Ha completado numerosos cursos y seminarios avanzados, incluido un Diploma integral en Ortodoncia utilizando la Técnica Roth. Participar en conferencias internacionales le permite integrar prácticas de vanguardia en su enfoque clínico, garantizando que sus pacientes se beneficien de los tratamientos más innovadores y efectivos disponibles.

Compromiso con el cuidado del paciente

Conocida por su actitud compasiva y su meticulosa atención a los detalles, la Dra. Adriana Pamela Traconis Martínez prioriza la educación y el empoderamiento del paciente. Ella cree en la creación de un entorno colaborativo donde los pacientes estén completamente informados sobre sus opciones de tratamiento y participen activamente en los procesos de toma de decisiones. Un enfoque centrado en el paciente fomenta la confianza y la transparencia, lo que conduce a resultados que superan las expectativas y contribuyen a la salud bucal a largo plazo.

“En nuestra clínica en Cancún, México, nos centramos en su atención. Soy conocido por mi compasión y atención a los detalles. Creo en educar a los pacientes y trabajar juntos para decidir cuál es el mejor tratamiento. Esto ayuda a generar confianza y garantiza que logremos resultados que superan las expectativas, promoviendo la salud bucal a largo plazo.” - Dra. Adriana Pamela Traconis Martinez

Afiliaciones académicas y profesionales

A lo largo de su carrera, la Dra. Traconis Martínez ha mantenido afiliaciones activas con instituciones de prestigio como el CEIO y la UNAM. Participa activamente en foros profesionales y aporta su experiencia al avance de la ortodoncia. Su participación en círculos académicos no solo mejora su propia práctica, sino también subraya su compromiso de ampliar los límites de la atención de ortodoncia.

Logros y reconocimientos

El compromiso inquebrantable de la Dra. Adriana Pamela Traconis Martínez con la excelencia le ha valido un amplio reconocimiento como ortodoncista líder en Cancún, México. Su dedicación a transformar sonrisas y mejorar la salud bucal en general le ha valido elogios tanto de pacientes como de colegas. Al ofrecer constantemente resultados excepcionales y un servicio personalizado, atención, ha consolidado su reputación como un proveedor de atención médica confiable dedicado a mejorar las vidas de aquellos a quienes sirve.



About Me

I am an orthodontist with 14 years of experience specializing in orthodontics and dental cosmetic procedures. I am proficient in the latest orthodontic techniques and technologies, including aligners, and I am strongly committed to enhancing patient smiles and oral health.


  • Comprehensive Patient Assessment
  • Orthodontic Appliance Management
  • Treatment Planning
  • Patient Education
  • Technological Proficiency
  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Attention to Detail
  • Time Management
  • Problem-Solving
  • Continual Learning

Academic Training

  • Orthodontics Specialty at Centro de Estudios e Investigacion en Ortodoncia (CEIO), Ciudad de Mexico, 2011-2013.
  • Dental Surgeon at Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM), Ciudad de Mexico, 2005-2008.



  • Diploma in Orthodontics, Roth Technique, 2014, 85 hours, Mexico City
  • 41st International Seminar, 2013, 16 hours, Mexico City
  • 40th International Seminar Conducted by R.G. "Wick" Alexander, 2012, 16 hours, Mexico City
  • 38th Seminar Conducted by Dr. Raul Cerecedo Anaya, 2011, 15 hours, Mexico City


  • Functional Anomalies in Pediatric Dentistry/Diagnosis and Management of TMJ Disorders, 2013, 10 hours, Mexico City
  • Dental Stomatology Diagnosis/Oral Surgery and Cancer, 2013, 10 hours, Mexico City
  • Conventional Prosthodontics/Medical Propedeutics in Dentistry, 2013, 10 hours, Mexico City

Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM)

  • Management of Hypertensive Patients, 2009, 4 hours, Mexico City
  • Periodontal Treatment and Grafts, 2009, 4 hours, Mexico City
  • Management of Systemically Compromised Dental Patients, 2009, 4 hours, Mexico City
  • Maxillofacial Traumatology, 2009, 4 hours, Mexico City
  • Guided Tissue Regeneration, 2009, 4 hours, Mexico City
  • Prevention of Periodontal Diseases, 2008, 4 hours, Mexico City
  • Osteomyelitis in the Jaws, 2008, 4 hours, Mexico City
  • Hypersensitivity and Pulpal Hyperemia, 2008, 4 hours, Mexico City
  • Pharmacology in Dentistry, 2008, 4 hours, Mexico City
  • Bacterial Endocarditis, 2008, 4 hours, Mexico City

Other Courses

  • Universidad de Cuautitlan Izcalli - Student Colloquium, 2008, 8 hours, Mexico City
  • Unidad Militar de Especialidades Odontologicas - Maxillofacial Surgery and Occlusion in Patients with Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction, 2007, 24 hours, Mexico City
  • UNAM (Facultad de Estudios Superiores “Iztacala”) - Student Colloquium, 2005, 16 hours, Mexico City
  • UNAM (Facultad de Estudios Superiores “Iztacala”) - Cardiopulmonary Cerebral Resuscitation (CPR), 2005, 8 hours, Mexico City

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YeahSmile reviews

  • User Profile Image

    Craig S

    This was the absolute best dental treatment and experience I have had and stands head and shoulders above any treatment I have received in Canada in regards to the service, experience, quality of work, and cost. Not only this, but the staff were very efficient, informative, and friendly right from greeting you to getting to work within five minutes of arriving versus visiting a dentist in Canada who has you sit in the waiting room for 20 to 40 minutes before moving you to another room waiting for the dentist for another 15 to 30 minutes before starting the assembly line dental work. Neo Clinic offers you water, tea, or coffee, then within 5 to 10 minutes have you being evaluated, having x-rays taken, mapping out a plan of procedure and then explaining why they are recommending what they are doing and possible alternatives that you and the dentist can discuss.

    In terms of the office, it was modern and very clean, and even a large TV on the ceiling you can watch while your procedures are being done. I also felt very safe in the area of Cancun where the office is located, they even have a staff member to help you get the office or pick you up and drop you off if needed at no additional cost.

    The treatment I had completed was two root canals, some fillings, and a crown repair that had failed from previous work completed in Canada, to add to this the dentist explained what was going on and let me know that she would be using the best filling materials available to get a great colour match and a long-lasting result and all of this at a cost that is at least 50 to 60% less than what I would get in Canada.

    I was so happy with the Dentists and all the other support staff that I asked for six business cards that I will be giving to any of my friends who are in need of some dental work. I have in fact already recommended Neo Clinic to three people since returning from my visit to Neo Clinic in December 2023 and will continue to do so.

    PlacidWay Feb 25 2024
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    Gina J

    YeahSmile is a fantastic clinic. Every member of the team is super friendly, professional, and highly competent. I had to have 4 root canals and 22 crowns placed over the span of a week and was amazed and delighted with the quality of results in such few visits. And the value!! This dental work would have cost 3x as much in the US.

    I can’t speak highly enough about Dr. Miller and his team. I strongly, strongly recommend it.

    PlacidWay Feb 27 2024
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    Liana L B

    I recently traveled to Cancun for a dental implant and couldn't be happier with my experience at Neo Dental with Dr. Miller. Initially drawn by the reasonable pricing compared to the US, I was pleasantly surprised by Dr. Miller's honesty and expertise. He clearly explained the procedures I needed and answered all my questions thoroughly.

    The entire process, from consultation to implant placement, was smooth and professional. Dr. Miller's skill and attention to detail are truly impressive. He made sure I felt comfortable throughout the procedure and followed up regularly to ensure a smooth recovery.

    I'm now sporting a fantastic new smile thanks to Dr. Miller's incredible work. If you're considering dental implants at an affordable price point and with a highly skilled dentist, I highly recommend Dr. Miller at Neo Dental Cancun.

    PlacidWay Feb 27 2024
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    Charles B

    I came to get all on four, I was ready to have all my teeth pulled and be in dentures for six months when Dr. Miller was able to save all of my teeth with crowns and make my smile look perfect. Dr. Miller is an absolute perfectionist. My before and after photos on Facebook look absolutely unreal.

    The facilities are state of the art. They speak perfect English and are willing to go out of their way to make your visit to Cancun perfect. You get your concierge and they handle all the transportation and everything!

    Set your doubts aside and visit yeah smile. It was a great vacation; your dental work will be excellent and pain-free. I even got to watch Avatar while I had my root canals done! You'll save tens of thousands of dollars on your work, get a vacation, and have a brand new perfect smile. I really am so happy to have found YeahSmile.

    PlacidWay Jun 06 2024
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    Cassandra B

    "The team was so professional and very communicative. The crazy person who lives inside of me decided to have dental work done in MEXICO one day before leaving for vacation. I did my research and decided on YeahSmile. From my initial request for a quote and appointment, the staff called, emailed and texted me right away. I checked into my hotel at 1 pm and transportation from the clinic was there to pick me up and transport me to my appointment at 2:30 pm. Everyone was friendly and professional. I am pleased with the dental work and will be returning for more dental work on my next vacation. Their aftercare and check-ins were very appreciated."

    Jun 03 2024
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    William S

    Muy bueno servicio me encantó el resultado de mi tratamiento, gracias por todo!!! Súper recomiendo.

    (Translated by Google)
    Very good service, I loved the result of my treatment, thank you for everything!!! Super recommend.

    Google Mar 25 2022

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