Aydan BİRİ - Tratamiento ginecológico en Turquía
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Aydan BİRİ, Obstetrician/Gynecologist (OB/GYN) - Ankara, Turkey

Kızılırmak, 1450. Sk. No:13, 06510 Çankaya/Ankara, Turkey Ankara, Turkey
Centro Asociado: Private Koru Ankara Hospital
Especialidad: Obstetrician/Gynecologist (OB/GYN)
Grado: Prof. M.D.
Área de enfoque: Tratamiento ginecológico | Turquía

About - Aydan BİRİ

Dr. Aydan BİRİ - Ginecólogo obstetra (OB GYN)

La Prof. Dra. Aydan Biri completó sus estudios en la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Ankara en 1987 y se especializó en Obstetricia y Ginecología en 1992. Tras adquirir experiencia en diversas ciudades y hospitales de Turquía en el campo de la obstetricia y la ginecología, regresó a Ankara y trabajó en el Hospital de Maternidad de Ankara y el Hospital Gazi. En 2010, fundó el Hospital Koru de Ankara, donde trabaja desde entonces.

En 2001, comenzó su carrera académica como profesora adjunta en el Departamento de Obstetricia y Ginecología de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Gazi. Se convirtió en profesora asociada en 2006 y profesora titular en 2011. A lo largo de su trayectoria académica, recibió diversas formaciones nacionales e internacionales, completando sus prácticas internacionales en la Universidad de California y la Universidad de Cornell.

La Prof. Dra. Aydan Biri decidió cursar un doctorado en biología médica y genética para especializarse en enfermedades genéticas y métodos de diagnóstico. Comenzó su doctorado en la Universidad de Gazi en 2006 y lo completó en 2011. A lo largo de su carrera, ha atendido a numerosos pacientes y realizado cirugías, convirtiéndose en una de las médicas con mayor experiencia en su campo.


  • Postgraduate Education Doctorate : 2004-2010 : Doctorate in Gazi University Medical Biology and Genetics Department
  • Postgraduate Study Abroad: 2003 – 2004 January : Cornell University Joan and Sanford I.Weill Medical College Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Maternal-Fetal medicine and Ultrasound Division
  • Post Graduate Study Abroad : 1997 January - June : University of Southern California, School of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
  • Specialization Education: 1988 – 1992: Ankara Maternity and Gynecology H.
  • University Education: 1981 – 1987: Ankara University Faculty of Medicine
  • Postgraduate Education Doctorate : 2011 : Medical Biology and Genetics Specialist 2011 : Perinatology Minor Specialist

Private Koru Ankara Hospital reviews

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    Mehmet S K

    Hello, we came from Koru hospital Mardin, we were hospitalized on the 7th floor. The nurses on the 7th floor were friendly, caring and professional in their work, which made us very comfortable. Thank you to Koru family. Thank you Nilufer Hanimada for visiting us.

    Private Koru Ankara Hospital Apr 13 2023
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    Gozde C

    I gave birth at Koru Çukurambar Hospital. Like most mothers, we have had major problems with breastfeeding. Our dear Guldane midwife! 2. Grandmother of my well-known baby…
    I am glad that our paths crossed with Ms. Güldane. His knowledge, his naivety, his patience…
    If you came across this process, you are really lucky! My baby was not breastfeeding. We asked him for help. Every time we went to him and every time we called, he patiently taught us the same procedures one by one. He patiently helped me not to give up. It not only prevented the baby from rejecting the breast, but also calmed me psychologically and enabled me to breastfeed.
    Some people are not paid, Guldane is such a person. Good luck, my son's grandmother, God bless you!

    Private Koru Ankara Hospital May 18 2023
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    Ozge V

    From the moment I stepped into the hospital, I received a quality and friendly service. It was a hospital recommended by my doctor for nose surgery, I decided to have surgery here in line with the experience of a few of my friends. Everyone from the desk to the secretary was very friendly and helpful when I went in for pre-operative tests. When I went on the day of the operation, I received a friendly and fast service during the hospitalization procedures, which made me feel very good when they accompanied me to my room, I did not have to search for which floor. I received a quality service in the pre-operative preparations, thank you to the nurses, our doctor and all the other hospital staff.

    Private Koru Ankara Hospital Jun 06 2023

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