Jorge Chavez - Terapeuta de células madre en México
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Dr Jorge Chavez, INTMED, Regenerative Medicine - Puerto Vallarta,Nuevo Vallarta, Mexico

Paseo de los Cocoteros Interior 1105, 63732 Nuevo Vallarta, Nay., Mexico Puerto Vallarta,Nuevo Vallarta, Mexico
Centro Asociado: Renue Medical Centre
Especialidad: Regenerative Medicine,
Área de enfoque: Dr. Jorge Chávez, INTMED | Puerto Vallarta,Nuevo Vallarta | México |

About - Dr Jorge Chavez, INTMED

Conozca al Dr. Jorge Chávez, un distinguido especialista en Medicina Interna y un pionero en el campo de la terapia con células madre en México. Con un profundo compromiso con el avance de la ciencia médica, el Dr. Chávez se ha establecido como un modelo de experiencia e innovación. Su amplio conocimiento y experiencia en medicina interna proporcionan una base sólida para su trabajo pionero en el aprovechamiento del potencial de las células madre para transformar el panorama de los tratamientos médicos. La dedicación del Dr. Jorge Chávez a la atención personalizada al paciente, junto con su incansable búsqueda de soluciones de vanguardia, lo posicionan como un sanador confiable a la vanguardia del progreso médico en México.

Renue Medical Centre reviews

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    Patient U

    Profoundly unprofessional and disappointing.

    Aug 19 2024
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    Hi my name is arlene reed and i'm from san diego california i came here today to see dr castillo and have had the best experience. The moment we walked in he took the time to sit us down and sit me down and explain the process to me find out more about what my needs were and he addressed them. And from that moment on everything's been wonderful the staff was great started with a hyperfacial which i've never had before and it was a wonderful experience.

    Renue Medical Centre Mar 23 2023
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    Joseph N

    I've never had a doctor in my entire life make me feel the way that dr visio has in this entire team the rev the renew team gee again. She's like a person like a brother like like family uh like uh they very much care about me noticed this here right away. I started with my whole life issue i'm 57 years old i started when i was 11 years old with type 1 diabetes so i've been dealing with this for numbers of years all the way from a kidney pancreas transplant.
    I came down here and have had an excellent experience from the minute I landed with a great team of people that were there to greet us. Again dr casillo is excellent excellent. Excellent doctor cares very much about me!
    It's been three years since i've been able to walk and i've been here just a few days and able to walk down the street with no issue whatsoever.

    Renue Medical Centre Apr 17 2023
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    S H

    Amazing, professional, top quality Doctors and staff.

    Renue Medical Centre May 04 2023 ofrece información y servicios relacionados con viajes. No ofrecemos servicios de atención médica. Ofrecemos información únicamente con fines informativos y no respaldamos a ningún proveedor o centro de atención médica en particular ni a ningún servicio o tratamiento de atención médica en particular. No estamos afiliados a ningún proveedor o servicio de atención médica y no somos responsables de ningún servicio de atención médica. Consulte con su proveedor de atención médica autorizado local antes de buscar los servicios de cualquier proveedor de atención médica del que se entere a través de nuestro sitio.

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