Dr. Firdavs Ahmedov, Estambul, Turquía
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Dr Firdavs Ahmedov, Hair Transplantation - Istanbul, Turkey

Istanbul Atasehir Istanbul, Turkey
Centro Asociado: Smile Hair Clinic
Especialidad: Hair Transplantation,
Idiomas: English,Russian
Grado: Hair Transplant Surgeon
Área de enfoque: Dr. Firdavs Ahmedov | Estambul | Turquía |

About - Dr Firdavs Ahmedov

El Dr. Firdavs Ahmedov es cirujano de trasplante de cabello en Smile Hair Clinic y miembro asociado de ISHRS.

Su admiración por la estética médica se formó mientras estudiaba medicina en la Universidad de Ege. Esta pasión, que ha crecido exponencialmente, fue coronada con un título honorífico al graduarse en 2012. Su objetivo era ejercer su profesión con el principio de un artesano. Para maximizar sus habilidades prácticas, adquirió una rica experiencia clínica en cirugía general y medicina de urgencias en el Hospital Universitario de Ege, uno de los hospitales académicos más prestigiosos de Turquía.

Desarrolló sus técnicas y abordajes quirúrgicos avanzados formándose en diferentes instituciones de salud públicas y privadas. Destacan sus rotaciones quirúrgicas en el Hospital Mount Sinai, el Instituto de Trasplante Recanati Miller y el Hospital Militar James J. Peters del Bronx en Nueva York, Estados Unidos.

Como entusiasta médico dedicado a la mejora continua, comenzó una carrera en trasplante de cabello y estética médica en 2015 en las mejores instalaciones médicas acreditadas por el Ministerio de Salud de la República de Turquía.

Su principal área de especialización es la cirugía de trasplante capilar FUE, DHI y de revisión en pacientes masculinos y femeninos. El Dr. Ahmedov utiliza tanto la extracción manual como con micromotor de los injertos, y cuchillas de zafiro para la creación del sitio receptor. Su prioridad es siempre hacer felices a sus pacientes. Por lo tanto, realiza cirugías de trasplante capilar de aspecto natural que cambian la vida. Ha realizado más de 3500 procedimientos de trasplante capilar.

El Dr. Firdavs Ahmedov, quien creó el arte del trasplante de cabello combinando su perspectiva médica y analítica con el espíritu de un artista, cree que la planificación meticulosa es el factor más crítico para una cirugía exitosa.

El Dr. Firdavs Ahmedov tiene una visión internacional y pasión por el trabajo. Por ello, además de su carrera médica profesional, se desempeñó como vicepresidente del Centro Internacional de Pacientes del Grupo de Salud Medicana, que atiende y coordina a pacientes de todo el mundo y colabora con los ministros de varios países.

Para mantener el más alto nivel de perfección en su profesión, sigue todos los avances en el campo del trasplante capilar y coopera con colegas de todo el mundo. El Dr. Ahmedov es un estudiante entusiasta y un mentor apasionado que mantiene altos valores éticos en todos los aspectos de su trabajo.

Su lengua materna es el tayiko. También habla con fluidez inglés, turco, ruso y persa.



James J. Peters Bronx Military Hospital in New York, USA

Mount Sinai Hospital, the Recanati Miller Transplant Institute, USA 

Ege University Medical School 



Smile Hair Clinic reviews

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    I love the whole procedure. it was seamless and easy. every staff made me comfortable during the prep, surgery, and the post op. it was nice, there was a break in the middle to let us breathe and see other patients that make us more calm and trusting. the wash day was delightful. the feeling of the staff taking off the bandages and seeing it for the first time was satisfying. i will definitely tell my friends and family to go do their hair there. in fact there’s two already that wanted and convinced on going. they just wanted to setup their schedule at work vacation.

    Google Sep 23 2022
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    My brother had his operation at Smile Hair clinic 4 months ago and was very satisfied so he recommended it to me. Communication was clear from the beginning. Details about transport and accommodation were included. The operation was smooth as well. You do take a break in the middle. Pain wise there was not much pain except for the anaesthetic shots but only for a short period afterwards you dont feel anything. The doctor and his team were very professional and they took good care of me. Received an after operation care kit and guide for recovery and tips for the following months. Followed their instructions and recovery was has been fine. Cant wait for the final results. Patience is key now. I am glad with my choice.Thanks Smile Hair!!

    Google Oct 07 2022
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    I finally had my procedure here a few weeks ago, and I’m glad I did it at Smile Hair Clinic! It was a great experience from the beginning until the drop off at the airport. Extremely professional, organized and highly skilled staff. The entire procedure went seamlessly and in shorter time than expected. Thanks to everyone at the clinic who made my journey a pleasant one. Now I’m patiently waiting for the results ;

    Google Sep 08 2022
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    I did thorough research to find a good clinic in Turkey and came across Smile. The positive reviews and interactions with Smile before travelling gave me confidence that they were suitable and offered a very reasonable price. Subsequently, I have to say at every point during the experience they exceeded the expectations I had and I would thoroughly recommend them to anyone. They are extremely professional and offer a high level of care during and after the operation. Staff are lovely and the facility is extremely clean and modern.

    Google Aug 04 2022
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    This is something I have been wanting to do for many years and engaging with Smile Hair Clinic finally gave me the confidence to move forward. I have been really delighted by their service, so I thought I would write a review as I approach day-10 post surgery.

    Smile Hair Clinic is a very professional and highly efficient organization. Their entire staff is super courteous and treat you very well. They pay meticulous attention to details throughout your journey from transportation, lodging, surgery and post follow up and will make you feel at complete ease while you go through the process. Currently I am noticing good results typically associated with a 10 day growth spurt, but can report back once I achieve full results.

    I highly recommend Smile Hair Clinic for your hair restoration needs. It would be hard to match their excellence, so if you have been thinking about one, this is the place to go

    Google Jul 29 2022

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