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Dr. Carlos Eduardo Rojas Martinez MD, Regenerative Medicine - Cali, Colombia

Calle 6 Oeste 24 F 13 Cali, Colombia
Centro Asociado: Stem Cells Kyron Colombia
Especialidad: Regenerative Medicine,
Idiomas: English,Spanish
Área de enfoque: Dr. Carlos Eduardo Rojas Martínez MD | Cali | Colombia |

About - Dr. Carlos Eduardo Rojas Martinez MD

El Dr. Carlos Eduardo Rojas Martínez, MD, es un distinguido y respetado especialista en células madre en Colombia. Con una gran experiencia y conocimientos en medicina regenerativa, se ha convertido en un nombre de confianza en el campo. El Dr. Rojas Martínez es conocido por su compromiso inquebrantable con el cuidado del paciente, empleando los últimos avances en terapia con células madre para ofrecer soluciones innovadoras para una amplia gama de condiciones médicas. Su dedicación a las prácticas éticas, el bienestar del paciente y la investigación de vanguardia lo convierten en una figura líder en la comunidad médica colombiana. Los pacientes que buscan esperanza y curación a través de tratamientos con células madre en Colombia pueden depositar su confianza en las capaces manos del Dr. Carlos Eduardo Rojas Martínez.

Stem Cells Kyron Colombia reviews

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    Amanda S

    I had a great experience with Stem Cell Kyron in Cali, Colombia. The concierge Daniel made sure that information was shared immediately and competently which made the entire process seamless. Every obstacle, big or small, Daniel was there to help get through it with ease. Dr. Rojas was extremely knowledgeable about Stem cells and regenerative medicine. His desire to help patients more than just make money from them was obvious and commendable. I studied this treatment for years and discussed with several neurologists and Dr. Rojas never failed to provide accurate, transparent, and reliable information. I came to Stem Cell Kyron for a regenerative treatment after Multiple Sclerosis left me with several dozens of lesions in my brain and neuropathy in my legs. I look forward to continued improvement with the help of this therapy.

    Google Nov 27 2023
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    Carlos P

    Dr Rojas is a miracle worker who gave me my quality of life back. I’m so glad I made the trip to Colombia to have my shoulders injected w/ stem cells. Best decision I ever made! The patient coordinator, Daniel Sanz, is also fantastic. Super helpful, responsive and attentive. Kyron has an excellent team in place. I plan on returning soon.

    Google Nov 27 2023
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    Tanner L

    My experience with Stem Cell Kyron was fantastic. My point of contact, Daniel, made me feel at home through the whole process and was a great host during my time in Cali, Columbia. Daniel was very thorough in explaining the science of stem cells and exosomes. I spoke to 7 or 8 various clinics while doing research, but Daniel and Stem Cell Kyron gave me the most confidence that I was in good hands.

    When going through the consultation process from the United States, I was able to speak directly to Dr. Carlos Rojas via a zoom call. He was very thorough about his process. I had spoken to other clinics that felt very transactional, as if it were a one time procedure, and then I would be on my own after completion and often times I spoke to a representative of the doctor and not the Dr themselves. That was not the case with Stem Cell Kyron, they were very hands on through the whole process and quick to answer any questions or concerns.

    When I arrived in Cali, Daniel picked me up from the airport with a driver and took me directly to the surgical center. The total process lasted for 3 days and was as follows…

    Day 1: After a consultation with the Dr. and pain specialist, I was given umbilical stem cell injections into the site of my injuries, and exosomes by IV. If you are not familiar with exosomes, as I was not, they are absolutely worth doing research on. The fact that it’s offered as part of the procedure is a huge benefit.

    Day 2: A follow-up consultation with the doctor and round 2 of exosomes, followed by oxygenation of the blood by ozone, both by IV. The ozone process is worth doing research on as well, and was not offered by any of the other clinics that I researched.

    Day 3: the final round of the ozone process and a closing consultation with the doctor.

    After the process, Dr. Rojas and Daniel assured me that they’d be in contact in the future to check on me and make sure the healing process was taking effect. The effectiveness of the stem cells, themselves, won’t be entirely known for at least a couple of months, but you can do your research beyond a Google review to know if it is right for you or not. After determining that, it’s a matter of it being done correctly and thoroughly. When traveling to a third world country for a medical procedure, you want to be in the right hands and I feel very confident that I was in great hands after my experience with Stem Cell Kyron.

    Google Dec 07 2023
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    Tehuti M

    I have disc issues since I was in the army. I love to workout and my back would get irritated by doing some exercises including squats. I came into Cali Colombia and they had Daniel meet me at the airport with my own personal driver for the entirety of the time I was there. Daniel was a an amazing host. He made me feel comfortable. It was like we had been friends for years. Daniel speaks fluent English and Spanish, so if anyone from the U.S. is skeptical of going because of the language barrier. My hotel and transportation was taken care of 100% by them. The hotel they had me in was very nice. I would say 5 star hotel. The entire stem cell staff including Dr Rojas were very nice and did an amazing job. The first day we did the Ozomes and Exosome. You could see the difference in my blood when they put the blood back in my body. The next day was the stem cell procedure. I got the stem cells in my back. The procedure didnt hurt, as I was awake for it. The only thing you feel is the initial pinches from the needles, and the turning of the needle inside. Nothing actually hurt though. After the procedure the doctor told me I may get some hot/cold fever like symptoms due to my body adjusting to the new cells. That’s exactly what happened. And only lasted about 24 hours just like he said. The last day we did Ozomes and exosomes again, and then I returned home. 3 months later my back has no more irritation. I have done squats twice in the last month with no irritation in my back at all. I am extremely happy with the results and I still have 3 months to go left for the stem cells to fully do its thing. I will definitely be going back in the future to handle some of the other irritations my body has had from being an athlete.

    Google Jan 26 2024
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    Hugh F

    I can\'t sing Dr Carlos\' praises loud enough. I went for my knee, heart and a droopy face. Got 50million stemcells my knee, 50m in my face and 100m in my iv. I was told not to expect anything with my face for 6 months. This is 3 weeks. Wow. My neck wasn\'t treated, but look at the difference just from my facial treatment and iv. My skin on my entire body is so much healthier and has amazing elasticity. Now, I can\'t wait to see what 6 months more does. Could barely walk on my knee and now it\'s usable, off all heart medicine. Unreal.Highly recommended and will update with knee results in a few months. But my local orthopedic was extremely happy with results after only 3 weeks.I literally was unable to walk on it without a crutch before, now I can walk with a brace as much as I want. I know this will be awesome after 3 to 4 months.

    Do yourself a favor and reach out to them. Daniel is incredible and will walk you through everything from beginning to end. Answering ever question you have and literally being by your side step by step.

    If you think this is the Colombia you remember from the 80s, you are mistaken. You are safer here than in the states. Also, the states aren\'t interested in curing your issues, only to keep treating them. Stemcell treatments in the USA have a long way to go to catch up to the rest of the world. Colombia is one of the number countries in research and treatment, and Dr Carlos Rojas the top Dr in Colombia for treatment. There are other fancier places, but you pay for the fancy not just the treatment. I don\'t regret my decision at all and would do it all again in a heartbeat. Reach out to Daniel at Kyron, I\'m happy to share my experience in person.

    Google Jan 26 2024
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    Cesar A

    (Translated by Google) Greetings everyone! My name is Cesar Arroyo, and I\'ve been an avid cyclist for over 20 years. However, recently, knee pain has been seriously limiting my ability to enjoy my passion. Thanks to Daniel Sanz\'s recommendation, I found Stem Cells Kyron Medical Center, where Dr. Rojas and his team provided me with exceptional treatment to overcome my arthritis.

    From my first consultation, I felt a deep commitment from the medical team to understand my situation and find the best solution for me. The personalized care and dedicated attention I received were truly impressive.

    After following the recommended treatment plan, I am joyfully relieved to say that the pain in my knees has significantly reduced, allowing me to enjoy cycling again like never before!

    I would wholeheartedly recommend Stem Cells Kyron Medical Center to anyone struggling with similar issues. Their innovative approach and highly competent team truly made a difference in my life. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

    Hello everyone! My name is Cesar Arroyo and I have been passionate about cycling for more than 20 years. However, lately, the pain in my knees was seriously limiting my ability to enjoy my passion. Thanks to Daniel Sanz\'s recommendation, I found the Stem Cells Kyron Center, where Doctor Rojas and his team provided me with exceptional treatment to overcome my osteoarthritis.

    From my first consultation, I felt a deep commitment from the medical team to understand my situation and find the best solution for me. The personalized care and dedicated attention I received was truly impressive.

    After following the recommended treatment plan, I can happily say that the pain in my knees has reduced significantly, allowing me to once again enjoy cycling like never before!

    I would without hesitation recommend Stem Cells Kyron Medical Center to anyone struggling with similar issues. Their innovative approach and highly competent team really made a difference in my life. Thank you with all my heart!

    Greetings everyone! My name is Cesar Arroyo, and I\'ve been an avid cyclist for over 20 years. However, recently, knee pain has been seriously limiting my ability to enjoy my passion. Thanks to Daniel Sanz\'s recommendation, I found Stem Cells Kyron Medical Center, where Dr. Rojas and his team provided me with exceptional treatment to overcome my arthritis.

    From my first consultation, I felt a deep commitment from the medical team to understand my situation and find the best solution for me. The personalized care and dedicated attention I received were truly impressive.

    After following the recommended treatment plan, I am joyfully relieved to say that the pain in my knees has significantly reduced, allowing me to enjoy cycling again like never before!

    I would wholeheartedly recommend Stem Cells Kyron Medical Center to anyone struggling with similar issues. Their innovative approach and highly competent team truly made a difference in my life. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

    ¡Hola a todos! Mi nombre es Cesar Arroyo y soy un apasionado del ciclismo desde hace más de 20 años. Sin embargo, últimamente, el dolor en mis rodillas estaba limitando seriamente mi capacidad para disfrutar de mi pasión. Gracias a la recomendación de Daniel Sanz, encontré el Centro Stem Cells Kyron, donde el Doctor Rojas y su equipo me proporcionaron un tratamiento excepcional para superar mi artrosis.

    Desde mi primera consulta, sentí un profundo compromiso por parte del equipo médico para comprender mi situación y encontrar la mejor solución para mí. El cuidado personalizado y la atención dedicada que recibí fueron verdaderamente impresionantes.

    Después de seguir el plan de tratamiento recomendado, puedo decir con alegría que el dolor en mis rodillas se ha reducido significativamente, ¡permitiéndome volver a disfrutar del ciclismo como nunca antes!

    Recomendaría sin dudarlo el Centro Medico Stem Cells Kyron a cualquier persona que esté luchando contra problemas similares. Su enfoque innovador y su equipo altamente competente realmente marcaron la diferencia en mi vida. ¡Gracias de todo corazón!

    Google May 24 2024

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