Especialista en FIV en San José, Costa Rica por el Dr. Marcos Azulay
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Dr. Marcos Azulay – IVF Doctor in San Jose, Costa Rica, Infertility/IVF - San José, Costa Rica

Costa Rica, San Jose, Mata Redonda, Sabana Sur, 100mts Este del Colegio de Médicos y Cirujanos, Edificio Abdin, Piso 1 San José, Costa Rica
Centro Asociado: Azul Fertility Experts
Especialidad: Infertility/IVF,
Idiomas: English
Grado: OBGYN
Área de enfoque: Dr. Marcos Azulay | San José | Costa Rica | Expertos en fertilidad de Azul | Fertilización In Vitro | Donación de óvulos | Subrogación

About - Dr. Marcos Azulay – IVF Doctor in San Jose, Costa Rica

Dr. Marcos Azulay

El Dr. Marcos Azulay es el mejor médico de FIV en San José, Costa Rica. ¡Programe su cita hoy con el mejor médico de fertilidad en San José en PlacidWay! El Dr. Marcos Azulay es uno de los mejores médicos de FIV en San José, Costa Rica. Es el mejor médico de fertilización in vitro en San José, Costa Rica. Es un especialista en fertilidad con gran experiencia y ha ayudado a muchas parejas a concebir con éxito.

Si tiene dificultades para quedar embarazada, el Dr. Azulay puede ayudarla a lograr su sueño de formar una familia. El Dr. Azulay se graduó del Colegio de Médicos y Cirujanos de Costa Rica y realizó su formación de posgrado en Obstetricia y Ginecología en la Universidad Central de Venezuela. Habla inglés con fluidez, lo que lo hace fácilmente accesible para pacientes de todo el mundo.

El Dr. Azulay tiene más de 20 años de experiencia ayudando a parejas a concebir. Actualmente trabaja en el Hospital Azul Fertility Experts en San José, Costa Rica. Este hospital ofrece una variedad de tratamientos de fertilidad que pueden ayudar a las parejas que tienen dificultades para concebir. El hospital cuenta con un equipo de especialistas en fertilidad con experiencia que ofrecen una amplia gama de servicios, que incluyen fertilización in vitro (FIV), donación de óvulos y gestación subrogada.

Si busca la mejor atención y tratamiento posibles para la infertilidad, programe una cita con el Dr. Azulay hoy mismo. Estará en buenas manos con este destacado médico especialista en fertilidad en San José. Para obtener más información sobre la FIV en San José, Costa Rica , haga clic en el botón de contacto a continuación:



Experiences and Specializations:

  • MED13702 - Physicians and Surgeons College of Costa Rica
  • Postgraduate in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Central University of Venezuela, January 1995 - January 1998
  • Central University of Venezuela - "Luis Razetti" School of Medicine, Caracas., January 1985 - January 1992
  • Infertility specialist in San Jose, Costa Rica at Azul Fertility Experts Hospital

Languages Spoken:

  • English

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Azul Fertility Experts reviews

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    Excellent clinic, with a fully professional staff, people with great charisma, super recommended!!

    Facebook Feb 22 2020
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    Excellent treatment, too much professionalism, they clarified each of my doubts filling me with hope without promising impossible, although the appointment was online you feel one at home we hope in God and in you achieve our goal.
    thank you very much!

    Facebook Apr 08 2020
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    I am currently a patient of Doctor Marcos Azulay and from the beginning they have made me feel comfortable with the service and attention. Deciding where to have treatments like these is not easy, because we all carry feelings on the surface. But the team of people who work in the clinic and the professionalism they have, I highly recommend it.

    Google Mar 28 2022
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    The clinic has the best professionals you can ask to take care of you in an infertility situation. They are knowledgeable but most of all, ethic human being who think first of you as s human and then as a patient, doing for you the best they can to reach a healthy baby.

    I have gone thru other IVF processes, and Dr Azulay managed my case to get a good amount of embryo without putting me at risk, a hard goal to manage in my case. We know that, with everyone help in the clinic, we will have a baby with us.

    Google Apr 22 2022
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    Thank you Dr. Azulay for your professional guidance and encouragement. Looking forward to working with you and your staff to build my family.

    Google May 01 2022
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    I want to thank the entire team, Dr. Azulay for his words, his comments and explanations always concrete, in simple language, his support and advice, Tati, always kind, happy, involved in the process, with a Monday disposition to Sunday, excellent attention, celebrating day by day that little miracle in formation. To the embryology team, I admire you and I wish I could be there and see those sparks of life that happen in that laboratory. To your urologist, anesthetist.
    Thanks to God and his team, today we celebrate the miracle of Life, which we await with much love.

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