Además de comunicarse en su lengua materna, el turco, el Dr. Ecevit también habla inglés. Está disponible para consultas por video gratuitas y puede comunicarse con él a través del siguiente enlace cuando esté listo para su cirugía de trasplante de cabello en Estambul .

Dr. Saim Nedim, Hair Transplantation - Istanbul, Turkey
About - Dr. Saim Nedim
El Dr. Saim Nedim Ecevit tiene más de 14 años de práctica clínica como especialista en trasplantes capilares. Es uno de los mejores cirujanos de trasplantes capilares de Turquía y ofrece resultados excepcionales con los que los pacientes están satisfechos. Después de graduarse de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Osmangazi, Eskisehir , Turquía, en 2000, el Dr. Ecevit adquirió experiencia laboral en algunos de los hospitales más prestigiosos de Turquía.
Actualmente trabaja en Capital Hair Center en Estambul. El deseo de aprender y comprender la piel y el cuerpo humano lleva al Dr. Ecevit a desarrollar más conocimientos mediante la asistencia a formaciones continuas en el país y en el extranjero. Por ello, ha completado múltiples programas y cursos médicos en tratamientos cosméticos lo que lo hace altamente calificado para su puesto.
Se especializa en trasplantes capilares FUE y FUT y utiliza técnicas avanzadas en cirugía de restauración capilar. Sus pacientes se sienten seguros y tranquilos durante el tratamiento y se van con una sonrisa y una mayor confianza en el aspecto de su cabello.
La floreciente y extensa trayectoria del Dr. Nedim le ayuda a conseguir los mejores resultados en el tratamiento de la caída del cabello.
Qualifications of Dr. Saim Nedim Ecevit
Dr. Saim Nedim Ecevit is a highly qualified hair transplant surgeon with an extensive career, which includes:
FUE Hair Transplantation
FUT Hair Transplantation
- Graduated in 2002 from the Faculty of Medicine, Osmangazi University, Eskisehir, Turkey
14 years of experience in hair transplantation
Works at Capital Hair Center
Capital Hair Center reviews
James S
Capital Hair Center is much more than a hair transplant clinic.
patient Apr 27 2022
I am really happy to choose Capital Hair Center because they give all their patients the red-carpet treatment.
They provided accommodation in a luxury hotel. When I arrived at the airport, they welcomed me with a private car.
I made a consultation with Dr. Ekrem Keskin, he determined my hairline and decided I need almost 3500 grafts.
The operation was great and comfortable.
If you are interested in undergoing a hair transplant operation, I highly recommend Capital Hair Center. -
Ethan M
I got a hair transplant procedure with Dr. Ekrem Keskin.
patient Apr 26 2022
I’m very happy with natural-looking result. All medical staff and Dr. Ekrem Keskin are very professional and friendly.
I recommend Capital Hair Center those who want to have hair transplant operation -
Alia Z
Excellent clinic, excellent service!
patient Apr 26 2022
I am very satisfied with the Capital Hair Center that I chose for my hair transplant operation.
Other services such as accommodation in a luxury hotel and transfer service are also very good.
Thanks for everything -
Daniel R
I am very satisfied with my hair transplant result and the whole service at Capital Hair Center
patient Apr 27 2022
Thanks for everything -
Daniel T
Before going into the operation, there was only one question in my mind, "Will the result look natural?"
patient Apr 27 2022
I've asked this question to everyone at every opportunity, and they said that Dr.Ekrem Keskin is a plastic surgeon, he is very careful about points such as symmetry and facial harmony and determined the hairline in the most ideal way. So, they replied that I will have a natural-looking result.
I must confess that I still had doubts in me. However, after I saw my operation results and my hair started to grow, I realized how wrong I was. My hair doesn't look like I've ever had an operation. People who do not know that I had a hair transplant operation are very surprised when I tell them that I had an operation.
If you want natural-looking hair, your address should be Capital Hair Center / Dr. Ekrem Keskin. -
Kinsley K
I had been suffering from hair loss very long time. Losing hair made me feel more depressed. That's why I finally decided to have a hair transplant.
patient Apr 27 2022
While researching on the internet, I came across Capital Hair Center. I sent them an e-mail for information. They responded quickly to my e-mail. I talked to their medical consultants face to face via Whatsapp.
Together we set the most suitable date for the operation. Up to this point, the professionalism of the team made a good impression on me.
They welcomed me very well when I arrived in Turkey, met Dr. Ekrem Keskin. He is very courteous and understanding person. After my consultation with Dr. Ekrem Keskin, I had the operation and, it went very well.
My hair is starting to grow and, I see what a good decision I made. Thank you Dr. Ekrem Keskin and his team for their professional approach. ofrece información y servicios relacionados con viajes. No ofrecemos servicios de atención médica. Ofrecemos información únicamente con fines informativos y no respaldamos a ningún proveedor o centro de atención médica en particular ni a ningún servicio o tratamiento de atención médica en particular. No estamos afiliados a ningún proveedor o servicio de atención médica y no somos responsables de ningún servicio de atención médica. Consulte con su proveedor de atención médica autorizado local antes de buscar los servicios de cualquier proveedor de atención médica del que se entere a través de nuestro sitio.