Dr. Jose Ignacio Madero Cervera, IVF Specialist - Bogotá, Colombia
About - Dr. Jose Ignacio Madero Cervera
Conozca al Dr. José Ignacio Madero Cervera, un distinguido profesional médico radicado en Bogotá, Colombia. Con una gran experiencia y un compromiso con el bienestar del paciente, el Dr. Madero Cervera es su socio de confianza en materia de atención médica. Ya sea que necesite asesoramiento médico, una consulta o un tratamiento especializado, puede confiar en su experiencia. Su salud está en buenas manos con el Dr. Madero Cervera en Bogotá, Colombia.
Eugin Colombia reviews
I have a month of pregnancy I had an echo and I do not see the bag gestations xq occasion this happens it is clear that I was the quantitative test and I get 380 mul / ml they told me that it is equivalent to a month but what I would like to know is xq does not appear even the sack gestations xfa help me with this I am worried. please I would very much appreciate
Google Aug 04 2016 -
I am from Florida and went to this clinic in 2018 for IVF treatment with Dr. Giovanni Lopez. I got pregnant and had a healthy baby girl on 1/17/19. She is now 3 years old. Last year April (2021) I returned and had my last embryo transferred. I got pregnant and delivered my sweet healthy baby boy on 12/21/21! God is so good. The customer service and assistance has always been wonderful at this clinic. Even though I dont speak Spanish, they made sure someone was available to assist me in English so language was not a barrier. Dr. Lopez is absolutely the best! We stayed in touch throughout my entire pregnancy and after, even though I was all the way in Florida. Unfortunately he left the clinic after my transfer last year. I believe he was a great asset there. Thank you Clinical Eugin for everything!
Google Apr 29 2022 -
The best professionals and the best service.
Google Jun 16 2022 -
Google Mar 12 2020 -
Excellent care all staff very understanding and caring for you as a patient and the doctors are caring and caring for you
Google Jan 26 2021 -
Happy and grateful to Eugin doctors and staff for helping me make my mother dream come true. I had a beautiful girl who is currently 9 months old, she came out very healthy and smart. Thanks Eugin!
Google Feb 05 2021
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