Dr. Oguz Kayiran - Cirujano plástico en Estambul, Turquía
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Dr. Oguz Kayiran, Plastic Surgeon - Istanbul, Turkey

Abide-i Hürriyet Caddesi 166 Istanbul, Turkey
Especialidad: Plastic Surgeon,
Idiomas: English,German
Grado: Assoc. Prof
Área de enfoque: Dr. Oguz Kayiran | Estambul | Turquía | Grupo de hospitales de Florence Nightingale

About - Dr. Oguz Kayiran

Dr. Oguz Kayiran

El Dr. Oguz Kayiran es el mejor cirujano plástico de Estambul, Turquía. Trabaja en el Grupo Florence Nightingale Hospitals y tiene una amplia experiencia en cirugías cosméticas, reconstructivas y estéticas. Su compromiso con la excelencia y la atención personalizada son lo que lo hace el preferido de muchos pacientes de todo el mundo.

Nació en 1977 en Ankara y se graduó en la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Ankara en 2001 y completó su residencia en el Hospital de Formación e Investigación de Ankara en 2008. Durante su formación, trabajó en el Departamento de Cirugía General de la Universidad de Sheffield, Inglaterra en 2000, y en las Clínicas de Cirugía Plástica, Reconstructiva y Estética y de Cirugía General de la Universidad de Pittsburgh, EE.UU. en 2008.

Realizó el servicio militar en el Hospital Militar de Erzincan como jefe de clínica. La mejor presentación recibió el primer premio. Ha impartido clases de microcirugía. Continúa su programa de Doctorado en Anatomía en la Universidad de Gazi y un programa de Licenciatura en Administración de Empresas en la Universidad de Estambul. Trabajó como médico operador en la Clínica de Cirugía Plástica del Hospital Estatal de Tekirdag Corlu. Trabajó como especialista en cirugía plástica y médico responsable del Departamento de Cosmetología en el Hospital Privado de Otorrinolaringología Ekol de İzmir.

Entre 2014 y 2015 trabajó como jefe de departamento y miembro del personal docente de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Izmir, Departamento de Cirugía Plástica y Reconstructiva , y trabajó en la Clínica de Cirugía Plástica y Reconstructiva del Hospital Medical Park de Izmir. En 2015 trabajó en el Hospital Internacional Sisli Kolan de Estambul.

Entre 2015 y 2018 trabajó como supervisor administrativo y de capacitación en el Hospital de Capacitación e Investigación de Enfermedades Óseas Metin Sabanci Baltalimani de la SBU de Estambul y en la Clínica de Cirugía Plástica, Reconstructiva y Estética del Hospital de Capacitación e Investigación SBU Sultan Abdulhamid Han.

Obtuvo su segunda especialización en cirugía oral, facial y maxilofacial en 2013 y el título de profesor asociado en 2017. Tiene la certificación de la "Junta Turca y Europea de Cirugía Plástica". También habla inglés con fluidez y alemán a nivel principiante. Está casado y tiene un hijo. La cirugía estética, la cirugía de mama, la cirugía tumoral, la cirugía de la mano y la microcirugía son sus áreas de especial interés.

También es miembro de la Sociedad Internacional de Cirugía Plástica Estética (ISAPS), la Sociedad Turca de Cirugía Plástica Estética (TSAPS), la Sociedad Turca de Cirugía Plástica, Reconstructiva y Estética (TPRECD), la Asociación Turca de Mano y Extremidades Superiores (TEECD), la Asociación Médica Turca (TTB) y Aesthetic Facial y es miembro de la junta de la Sociedad de Cirugía Nasal (EYBCD).

Programe hoy mismo una cita con el mejor especialista en cirugía estética en Estambul, Turquía, en PlacidWay. Haga clic en el botón de contacto que aparece a continuación para obtener más información:



Experiences and Educations

  • The doctor finished medical school at Ankara University in 2001.
  • He learned even more at Ankara Training and Research Hospital and finished in 2008.
  • In 2000, he worked in England to help people with surgeries.
  • In 2008, he went to America to learn about fixing faces, hands, and bodies.
  • He helped soldiers at Erzincan Military Hospital and became the boss of the clinic.
  • He studied how the body works at Gazi University.
  • He also studied business at Istanbul University.
  • He helped people in a hospital in Tekirdag, Turkey.
  • At a hospital in Izmir, he worked to help people look and feel better.
  • From 2014 to 2015, he was a teacher and leader at Izmir University.
  • In 2015, he worked at a hospital in Istanbul.
  • From 2015 to 2018, he was a big helper and teacher at two hospitals in Istanbul.
  • He became a very special doctor in 2013 and a professor in 2017.


He has a certificate to show he is really good at plastic surgery in Turkey and Europe.


  • He speaks English very well.
  • He knows some German, too.


The doctor loves helping people with:

  • Aesthetic Surgery
  • Breast Surgery
  • Tumor Surgery
  • Hand Surgery
  • Microsurgery

If you want to know more or need help, you can contact us!

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  • Member of International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS)
  • Member of Turkish Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (TSAPS)
  • Member of Turkish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (TPRECD)
  • Member of Turkish Hand and Upper Extremity Association (TEECD)
  • Member of Turkish Medical Association (TTB)
  • Aesthetic Facial Board member of the Society of Nasal Surgery (EYBCD)

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Group Florence Nightingale Hospitals reviews

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    Burcşn K

    I was at Istanbul Caglayan Florance Hospital on 17th September. Big disappointment in every way. From beginning to end. The check up Dr Aysan Taghiyeve was only listened my heart beat and than suggested me to do more tests and absolutely nothing else. No other conversation. She was not interested to heal me or help me with my health problems at all. I can easily get better quality doctors in Public Hospital (for free!) She has no smile or either zero empathy on her attitude. I kindly ask to switch my doctor and then I got better Dr. He was more informative and helpful straight away. Because of the long waiting time between two doctors I had breakfast after all my blood works. Had breakfast but now my second dr was ask to do more other test but bcs I had breakfast I couldn’t. Unfortunately I disappointed again. After all they told me my test results will be ready later during the day. No body call me to inform me about my results. Call the customer service at least 5 or 6 times told check up department not picking up. Left my phone number still no response. Never ever go to this hospital again and I never suggest to anyone. Running very unprofessionally.

    Sep 17 2024
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    Hello, thank you for your evaluation, we wish you a healthy day.

    Google May 10 2023
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    It is a hospital whose doctors, hospital staff, cleanliness and hygiene are 4/4. They took very good care of my brother, we cant thank them enough

    Google May 24 2023
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    Its so good

    Google Jul 31 2023
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    I had two surgeries with the diagnosis of Breast Cancer. My surgery was performed by Dr. Cengiz Dİbekoğlu. I thank him. I was very sad and devastated when I went to Gayrettepe for chemotherapy, our esteemed teacher Prof. Çetin Ordu, and although the chemotherapy was difficult at first due to the effects of the drugs, I could reach him at any time with his knowledge, interest and care. It is very important. I would like to thank him and his entire team, especially nurse Dilek and nurse Zeynep. They are a nice team that does their job very well. I understood from the first examination and chemotherapy that I was in safe hands. I am glad they exist. May God not show their shortcomings. Thank you very much.

    Google Aug 01 2023
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    For my mom surgery, Dr. We got to know the hospital through Mr. Hamdi Koçer. From the very first entrance, you meet with interest and smiling face at the hospital. The employees working in each different unit are so helpful and good that we are very, very pleased. It is in the hospital that our doctor has chosen wonderfully. Thank you to all the employees who contributed. We were very pleased for their kind behavior.

    Google Aug 08 2023

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