Op. Dr. Hakan Cakici | Urology Doctor in Istanbul, Turkey, Urologist - Tekirdag/Istanbul, Turkey
About - Op. Dr. Hakan Cakici | Urology Doctor in Istanbul, Turkey
Op. Dr. Hakan Cakici | Urólogo en Estambul, Turquía, por Hospital Privado Internacional Optimizado
Biografía del Dr. Hakan Cakici – Urología
El Dr. Hakan Cakici ofrece el mejor tratamiento urológico en Estambul, Turquía. Reserve ahora su consulta para cistografía , disfunción eréctil y trasplante renal. En el quirófano del Dr. Hakan Cakici. Es un cirujano de alto nivel, graduado de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Ankara y miembro de la Asociación Médica Turca.
Información general
- Nombre-Apellido: Hakan CAKICI
- Fecha de nacimiento: 1979
- Lugar de nacimiento: Ankara/Turquía
Experience and Education of Op. Dr. Hakan Cakici | Urology Surgeon in Istanbul, Turkey by Private International Optimed Hospital
- 2002 – Ankara University Medicine Faculty
- Academic Title: Urology Specialist
- 2002 – 2007 SSK Ankara Training and Research Hospital Urology Clinic
- 2007 – Ankara Dr. Zekai Tahir Burak EAH IVF Center
- 2008 – Erzincan Government Hospital
- 2009 – Izmir Military Hospital
- 2010 – Erzincan Government Hospital
- 2011 – Private Optimed Hospital
Languages Spoken
- Foreign Language: English
Membership of Op. Dr. Hakan Cakici | Urology Doctor in Istanbul, Turkey by Private International Optimed Hospital
- Turkish Medical Association
- Turkish Urology Association
- Endourology Association
Optimed International Hospital reviews
Very caring staff and thank you very much.
Google Sep 27 2022 -
This is patient satisfaction
Google Oct 06 2022 -
We are very pleased with our doctor Hakan Sunal, your 5th floor nurses, your secretary, your cleaning staff. We wish everyone continued success. Best regards.
Google Oct 27 2022 -
I would like to thank my teacher Hakan Sunal and his team, floor nurses and hospital nurses, God bless you, I am glad to have you.
Google Nov 24 2022 -
It is the only health institution that I have been treated and left without getting angry. Bravooo
Google Nov 30 2022 -
After the previous application, I got a call from the patient rights unit of the optimed hospital and the lady g**** took care of me by asking about the situation. He informed me that the situation was wrong and that the second payment would be returned to me. As I mentioned in my previous comment, there is never a problem with doctors or employees, only the application was wrong and in this case it was corrected. Thank you.
Google Nov 20 2022
On October 15, 2022, we entered the emergency room around 22:00 in the evening for the treatment of my son. I have nothing to say to the doctor. Thankfully, they were interested and we paid 519 TL for the account. As a result of the treatment, the doctor informed us that there was no need for any medication. However, the next day, on October 16, 2022, when our son reported the same ailments again, we went to the emergency room again because it was Sunday. We were examined. My medication was prescribed. Afterwards, at the exit, we were asked for an examination fee of 280 TL again. When I said that the fee should not be charged again in this way before it was 24 hours, they said that if we had applied to the polyclinic, it would not be charged, but that it should be taken from the emergency room. The working staff, who did not know that there was no polyclinic on Sunday, talked to their superior officer and ensured that 240 TL was taken from us. Thank you very much for your interest. I would not do business with any hospital that turns the health sector into a commercial sector.
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