Dr. Sergio Quiroga - Dentista Cosmético en Nuevo Progreso, México
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Dr. Sergio Quiroga, Dental - General Dentistry - Nuevo Progreso, Mexico

Calle Benito Juarez #217 Zona centro Nuevo Progreso,Tamps.,MX Nuevo Progreso, Mexico
Especialidad: Dental - General Dentistry,
Idiomas: English,Spanish
Grado: General Dentist
Área de enfoque: Dr. Sergio Quiroga | Nuevo Progreso | México | Dentista Cosmético | Dentista de implantes dentales | Diseño de sonrisa

About - Dr. Sergio Quiroga

Dr. Sergio Quiroga - Dentist in Nuevo Progreso, Mexico

El Dr. Sergio Quiroga es egresado de una de las mejores escuelas de odontología de México, la UNAL, que ha sido votada como la mejor facultad de odontología del norte de México. El Dr. Sergio tiene más de 10 años de experiencia en restauración de sonrisas, rehabilitación y tratamientos dentales cosméticos como Cirugía de implantes . Es un orgulloso miembro de la ADM (Academia de Materiales Dentales).

El Dr. Sergio Quiroga está decidido a satisfacer sus necesidades y objetivos dentales. Desde la reconstrucción de toda la boca hasta una simple limpieza dental, el Dr. Corona y su equipo en Dental Artistry & World Dental Center son especialistas altamente capacitados y certificados que pueden ayudarlo a recuperar su salud bucal. ¡Salud y sonrisa hermosa!

El Dr. Sergio Quiroga es un dentista especialista en Odontología Estética, Odontología Preventiva, Odontología Restaurativa y Odontología General. Habla inglés y español con fluidez. Los pacientes del Dr. Quiroga admiran la atención que dedica a cada paciente y la capacidad de brindar un tratamiento individual y personalizado. Orientación para todos los pacientes en función de sus necesidades de salud bucal.

El Dr. Quiroga utiliza materiales dentales avanzados para obtener resultados duraderos en sus tratamientos dentales. Ayuda a pacientes locales y turistas dentales de todo el mundo, principalmente de Estados Unidos y Canadá. Ningún caso dental es demasiado complicado para él. Tiene mucha experiencia en restauración de la sonrisa y tiene como objetivo ofrecer sonrisas hermosas y seguras a sus pacientes.

Si necesita reconstrucción bucal o atención dental estética, póngase en contacto con este increíble Dr. Sergio Quiroga en Nuevo Progreso, México. ¡Contáctenos para conocer a su dentista hoy mismo!

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Dr Sergio Quiroga - Highly Experienced Dentist in Nuevo Progreso, Mexico


  • Cosmetic Dentistry

  • General Dentistry

  • Preventive Dentistry

  • Restorative Dentistry


  • English,

  • Spanish


  • Graduated from U.N.A.L. dental college in northern Mexico

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Dental Artistry & World Dental Center reviews

  • User Profile Image

    Patti D

    No response from Progresso Cosmetics

    Nov 30 2023
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    Great customer service.
    Excellent work. I had a complete removal of all crowns and root canals. The work was done in a week a d results beautiful.
    My husband has has two sets of dentures made over the years. They never even needed adjustments.

    All teeth were crowned and straightened.
    I have been a patient for several years.
    I am going to go back next week.

    Google Jan 03 2019
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    Best dental clinic in new progress

    Google Dec 06 2018
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    My parents and I traveled from La Grange, Texas to Nuevo Progreso, Tamaulipas for an appointment at Dental Artistry yesterday. I have to be honest, The staff treated us really good. The Staff is Very Professional, Courteous and Friendly. They even offered to meet us at the border to personally take us to their office. Prices are not bad compared to the quality of work that they do. I would totally recommend this Dental office to everyone. They are also open every day of the week so it makes it very convenient for us that have a Crazy work schedule.

    Google Nov 07 2018
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    That throbbing tooth on a Saturday. First trip to a dentist in Mexico so i was as nervous as you probably are reading these reviews. My experience was great! I had already been to Nuevo Progresso so the town was never in question, very clean and alot of fun with lots of shopping, alcohol, and food.

    I also looked at reviews and called them up at 1pm and after a 2 hour drive from our RV park Juan Ricardo met us on the Mexico side of bridge and walked us to the office that was only a block away. Juan Ricardo served as the interpreter between the dentist and I and within 15 minutes from bridge I was getting tooth pulled. After novocaine shots he went to tugging. It ended up in had to have tooth cut in half due to my extra long roots. After 30 minutes of tugging and pulling we were done. Let me note I felt zero pain or discomfort and I am a wuss when it comes to dentists. The entire time he would ask if I felt any pain to ensure the novocaine was doing its job. After the x-ray to ensure everything was removed I paid my 35 for extraction and 10 for x-ray and my girlfriend paid her 25 to have hers cleaned. Girlfriend was very impressed also.

    He will then write you a script for antibiotics and over the counter pain meds, he walks you next door to the pharmacy and I paid 15 bucks. You can take the pills back across as long as they are not narcotics.

    We will be going back in 3 weeks to measure for my bridge and have a tooth of hers pulled and measure for braces. I hope this helps anyone wondering. Juan Ricardo makes the process that much easier.

    Enjoy the town first then head into his office is my recommendation.

    Google Oct 31 2017
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    David P

    Truthful, affordable, straight forward.

    May 27 2022

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