Dr. Humberto J. Olivero, Pain Management Specialist, Regenerative Medicine - Fort Lauderdale, United States
About - Dr. Humberto J. Olivero
El Dr. Humberto J. Olivero ofrece la mejor medicina regenerativa en los EE. UU. Reserve una consulta ahora Terapia regenerativa en el Dr. Humberto J. Olivero. Proviene de una familia de médicos, ingenieros y arquitectos que influyeron en el Dr. Olivero para que siguiera una carrera apasionada por la ciencia, el arte y la tecnología con una actitud entusiasta y compasiva hacia sus pacientes. Disfruta de una vida romántica de matrimonio con su hermosa esposa Marisa, junto con sus preciados hijos. Es un entusiasta de los deportes y un jugador de equipo.
El Dr. Humberto J. Olivero, médico en Medicina Regenerativa en EE. UU. , se graduó con honores de la UFM como Médico Cirujano en la región centroamericana y realizó investigaciones en Biotecnología y ocupó el cargo de Asistente de Tecnólogo en Fisiología Humana. Influenciado por su amor y pasión por el aprendizaje continuo,
El Dr. Olivero emigró a los EE. UU. en 2004. Estudió en la UM en Miami y la USF en Tampa, completó tres años de capacitación en cirugía general y cuidados intensivos, y luego cambió sus estudios a la carrera de medicina preventiva y ocupacional con una maestría en salud pública, investigación y salud ambiental y ocupacional.
Fue un apasionado de los avances tecnológicos en el campo de la salud y durante una de sus rotaciones en Cabo Cañaveral, en la NASA, comenzó a mostrar curiosidad e interés por las aplicaciones tecnológicas para la salud, como las tecnologías láser avanzadas y otros avances de la medicina biológica regenerativa. El Dr. Olivero continúa su carrera con una mentalidad abierta hacia la seguridad, el aprendizaje y la enseñanza, lo que le ha permitido establecer estándares de atención más altos en su práctica médica.
Dr. Humberto J. Olivero, médico de Medicina Regenerativa en EE. UU. en Regenestem Fort Lauderdale, EE. UU., ha sido autor en Biotecnología y es Miembro Diamante activo de EMT obteniendo certificaciones ACGME en Manejo del Dolor, Estética Médica, Dermatológica y Quirúrgica, Terapia Láser de la Piel, Terapias Biológicas Regenerativas Innovadoras, Transferencia de Grasa Autóloga y Medicina Antienvejecimiento.
Esta variedad de Certificaciones le permite ser uno de los líderes en el campo de la Medicina Moderna brindando al paciente oportunidades y soluciones para diversos desafíos clínicos para que luzca más saludable y más joven.
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Regenestem Fort Lauderdale, USA reviews
MyInex C
I just visited Regenestem office in Plantation, Florida and did an adipose stem cell procedure, peripheral blood stem cell, Ozone and IV vitamins treatment. It is a very clean safe place with excellent team who takes care of you. Everything was explained and all the questions answered. Dr. Stephen Channey is the best doctor I have ever met, he is very professional, caring and loving person. He does care about the patient and outcomes of the procedure. He knows what he is doing 100% and makes you feel at ease during the procedure. He answered all the questions during and after treatment and he has a great sense of humor so he makes you laugh! I would definitely recommend Regenestem to my friends and family. You will be in good hands! Ricardo and his team are the best!
Google May 24 2017 -
Metrouser0099 A
The people at this centre are wonderful, competent, caring; extremely knowledgeable & compassionate. They answer questions readily & completely & explain procedures to satisfaction. I highly recommend them. They respect each individual they work with.
Google Mar 19 2019 -
James D
After many years of deciding whether not to do stem cell therapy I finally decided and found the perfect place to do it. I now have had both knees injected with my home stump stem cells and the procedure could’ve been better faster or more professional the whole team here it’s an absolute but it is pleasure to work with and the best organization hands down in South Florida
Google May 31 2019 -
Francis J S
I had adipose stem cell therapy in response to the diagnosis that I have arthritis on my left middle finger DIP joint. I was told that stem cell therapy has almost a 100% success rate in bringing back joints with arthritis back to normal. I understand that the procedure is experimental and it is not guaranteed but I still went with it. In the end, the therapy had very little effect and it was not worth 3,900USD.
Google Sep 24 2019 -
Meredith M
After much research I decided to introduce stem cell therapy to help me with my years of extreme pelvic pain. More recently I fractured my shoulder and so I needed to address that as well. I chose Regenestem in Plantation, Florida after many months of reviewing all stem cell options both in the States and abroad.
Google Oct 28 2019
I found the CEO Rick to be both extremely knowledgeable and available to answer all of my questions and concerns. His staff are professional caring people all working together in a modern clean facility.
My procedure was performed on September 10, 2019. I will post my improvements as I see the changes that I hope to obtain giving me back quality of life. -
Steven I
The adipose stem cell treatment I received at Regenestem for COPD literally saved my life. The doctors are amazing. The staff was very friendly, accommodating & knowledgable. After the treatment the improvement was immediate. My exposure to the debris field from 9/11 destroyed my lungs. I had only 11% lung function last year when I got the first treatment. I would not be alive if didn\'t have the treatment. The very next day I didn\'t need my inhaler when I woke. I was able to walk up multiple flights of stairs which I was no longer able to do. Each week walking up the stairs got easier & easier. I was not needing the inhaler afterwards. I can\'t thank Rick enough. He saved my life. The treatment literally gave me my life back. My pulmonologist didn\'t know about stem cell treatments & he insisted the damage was irreversible & would only get worse. He wanted me to get a lung transplant. I told him I wanted to try the stem cell treatment first. He gave me another PFT 6 months after my stem cell treatment. The look of amazement on his face looking at the results was priceless. He was very surprised to see my damage did indeed reverse. My lung function went from 11% to 16% & the air exchange went from 30% up to 60%. He was really amazed. That was the first time he had ever seen lung function return like that. I look very forward to the second treatment. I\'m very happy I made the decision & found Regenestem.
Google Nov 21 2019
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