Reseñas verificadas de Odin Clinic en Izmir, Turkey
Odin Clinic en Izmir, Turkey Reseñas de pacientes reales

Odin Clinic en Izmir, Turkey Reseñas de pacientes reales

(6 Reviews)
Mansuroglu, 286/10. Sk no:7 kat 5 D:509, 35535 Bayrakli/Izmir
Focus Area: Clínica Odin | Izmir | Turquía | Aumento de senos | Cambio de imagen para mamás | Rinoplastia | Trasplante capilar | Implantes dentales All on 4 | Implantes dentales All on 6 | Carillas estéticas | Manga gástrica | Balón gástrico | Bypass gástrico

Acerca de Odin Clinic

Descubra la mejor cirugía dental, bariátrica y estética en la Clínica Odin en Izmir, Turquía. Transforme su sonrisa y redefina su apariencia con nosotros.

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Review Summary of Odin Clinic

Ionut Stan, Hicri Yilmaz, Donna Horseman, Ruby Reis, and Vera Fernandes all had positive experiences at Odin Clinic in Izmir, Turkey. Marius and Hicri were both pleased with the recommendations from friends and praised the professionalism of the staff. Donna appreciated the VIP treatment and efficient service upon arrival for her friend's gastric sleeve procedure. Ruby commended the doctors and coordinators for their service and satisfaction with the results. Vera was impressed by the high praise from a colleague and the excellent care provided by Adriana, the translator. Overall, Odin Clinic seems to excel in personalized care, professional service, and positive outcomes for their patients.

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Lo que dicen los pacientes sobre Odin Clinic en Izmir, Turkey

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