Reseñas verificadas de Dr. Alvaro Uribe - Plastic Surgery in Colombia en Barranquilla, Colombia
Dr. Alvaro Uribe - Plastic Surgery in Colombia en Barranquilla, Colombia Reseñas de pacientes reales

Dr. Alvaro Uribe - Plastic Surgery in Colombia en Barranquilla, Colombia Reseñas de pacientes reales

(5 Reviews)
Calle 85#50-37 consultorio 606 centro médico del mar, Atlantico
Price range:: $2040 to $7200
Focus Area: Dr Alvaro Uribe | Barranquilla | Colombia | Aumento de Senos | Abdominoplastia | Liposucción | Rinoplastia | Cirugía de Párpados

Acerca de Dr. Alvaro Uribe - Plastic Surgery in Colombia

Descubra la Cirugía Plástica en Colombia con el Dr. Álvaro Uribe en Barranquilla. Especialista en aumento de senos, abdominoplastia, liposucción y rinoplastia.

Dr. Alvaro Uribe - Plastic Surgery in Colombia en Barranquilla, Colombia Reseñas de pacientes reales Slider image 1
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Dr. Alvaro Uribe - Plastic Surgery in Colombia en Barranquilla, Colombia Reseñas de pacientes reales Slider image 9
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Review Summary of Dr. Alvaro Uribe - Plastic Surgery in Colombia

Patients like Verna Shannan, Diana GR, and Martha Hernandez shared their experiences at Dr. Alvaro Uribe - Plastic Surgery in Colombia in Barranquilla, Colombia, highlighting the exceptional care and professionalism they received. Verna mentioned the thorough pre-surgery tests, including blood tests and an ECG, which she found to be a unique and reassuring practice. Diana expressed gratitude for the doctor's attentiveness and support throughout her surgery process, emphasizing the excellent team that assisted her. Martha praised the surgeon for delivering results that made her happy, particularly appreciating the improvement in the curve of her waist.

Many reviewers emphasized the high level of professionalism and skill of Dr. Alvaro Uribe, with Vero ThaVisonary mentioning the great surgical expertise and competitive pricing offered. Cristian Moreno and others recommended the surgeon highly for meeting and exceeding patient expectations. The recurring theme among these reviews is the satisfaction and confidence patients felt in the surgical outcomes and the personalized care provided by Dr. Alvaro Uribe and his team.

Disclaimer: Results may vary from patient to patient. It is important to consult with qualified healthcare professionals to determine the most appropriate treatment for your individual needs.

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Lo que dicen los pacientes sobre Dr. Alvaro Uribe - Plastic Surgery in Colombia en Barranquilla, Colombia

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