Star Dental Implant Center en Escazu, Costa Rica Reseñas de pacientes reales
Focus Area:
Star Dental Implant Center | Implantes dentales | All on Four | Odontología estética | Adhesión dental | Puentes dentales | Endodoncia | Injerto óseo | Puentes dentales | San José | Costa Rica
Acerca de Star Dental Implant Center
Los implantes dentales son mejores opciones que las prótesis dentales tradicionales para lograr un aspecto más natural y una forma de comer más natural. ¡Obtenga la última tecnología en implantes dentales en Star Dental Implant Center, ubicado en el Hospital CIMA en Escazú, San José, Costa Rica!

Review Summary of Star Dental Implant Center
Collin, Todd, FireDean, ToddHill, and Carla all had positive experiences at Star Dental Implant Center in Escazu, Costa Rica. The doctors were highly professional and provided excellent follow-up care after surgery. Patients felt like family from the moment they entered the office and appreciated the quality service provided by the team. The staff was described as sensitive, helpful, smart, professional, and even fun, creating a welcoming and comfortable environment for patients. Patients also praised the meticulous work done by the clinic, including crowns, veneers, and implants. Overall, Star Dental Implant Center stood out for its personalized and attentive care, making patients feel well taken care of throughout their visits.
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