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Stem Cell Therapy Cost in Tijuana Mexico at ProgenCell Clinic

3 Reviews
Paseo del Centenario 9580-2802 NewCity Medical Plaza |, Piso 28, Zona Urbana Rio Tijuana, 22010 Tijuana, B.C., Tijuana 22010, Mexico

Acerca de Progencell - Stem Cell Therapies

Los precios de Progencell - Stem Cell Therapies oscilan entre $1760 - $8500 en Tijuana, Mexico para Alternative Medicine, Anti Aging, Detox, Neurology, Stem Cell Therapy procedimientos y más. Esta gama muestra la promesa de la clínica de ofrecer atención asequible y de alta calidad para una amplia gama de pacientes locales e internacionales.

Al ofrecer una variedad de opciones de precios, Progencell - Stem Cell Therapies garantiza que los pacientes puedan elegir tratamientos que no sólo satisfacen sus necesidades médicas sino que también se adaptan a su situación financiera. Este enfoque ayuda a desmitificar los costos de atención médica y permite a los pacientes tomar decisiones informadas. decisiones sobre sus opciones de tratamiento en Tijuana, Mexico

Progencell - Stem Cell Therapies es reconocido por su experiencia excepcional en la entrega de Alternative Medicine, Anti Aging, Detox, Neurology, Stem Cell Therapy procedimientos y más. La clínica cuenta con un equipo de profesionales altamente cualificados, Instalaciones de última generación, y el compromiso de utilizar las últimas tecnologías y técnicas.

Ubicado en Tijuana, Mexico, Progencell - Stem Cell Therapies se ha ganado una reputación de excelencia y excelente atención al paciente. Ya sea que esté buscando tratamientos avanzados o integrales soporte, Progencell - Stem Cell Therapies garantiza que cada paciente reciba atención personalizada y atención adaptada a sus necesidades específicas.

Progencell - Stem Cell Therapies Pricings:

Procedimiento Detalles Precio en USD
Bone Marrow Stem Cell Therapies Enfermedades Degenerativas Crónicas: Diabetes, Hipertensión, Enfermedades Renales, etc. $7300
Stem Cell Treatment for Autism $7,800 - $8,500 $7800
Stem Cell Therapy for Joints Osteoartritis, degeneración del cartílago, etc. $3500
Stem Cell Treatment for Eye Diseases $8,500 - $9,000 $8500
Stem Cell Treatment for Neurological Diseases Lesión cerebral traumática, accidente cerebrovascular, Parkinson, Alzheimer, parálisis cerebral, etc. $8300
Stem Cell Treatment for Autoimmune Diseases Lupus, artritis reumatoide, esclerosis múltiple, etc. $7300
Live Cell Therapy for Anti Aging Tratamiento antiaging sistémico, PRP, Caída del cabello, etc. $4500
Stem Cell Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis $7,800 - $8,500 $7800
Stem Cell Treatment for Cerebral Palsy $7,800 - $8,500 $7800
Stem Cell Treatment for ALS $7,800 - $8,500 $7800
Stem Cell Therapy for Stroke $7,800 - $8,500 $7800
Stem Cell Treatment for Parkinsons Disease $7,800 - $8,500 $7800
Stem Cell Treatment for Alzheimers Disease $7,800 - $8,500 $7800
Stem Cell Treatment for Crohn Disease $5,800 - $6,500 $5800
Stem Cell Therapy for Osteoarthritis $5,800 - $6,500 $5800
Stem Cell Treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis $5,800 - $6,500 $5800
Sports Medicine $1,760 - $3,060 $1760
Stem Cell Treatment for Liver Diseases $5,800 - $6,500 $5800
Stem Cell Treatment for Diabetes $5,800 - $6,500 $5800
Stem Cell Treatment for Kidney Failure $5,800 - $6,500 $5800
Anti Aging Stem Cell Treatments $3,250 - $5,500 $3250
Sexual Medicine and Treatment $5,500 - $7,500 $5500

Progencell - Stem Cell Therapies Reviews

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    Priscilla A

    Honest pricing, knowledgeable and helpful.

    Nov 04 2023
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    I share my great experience in ProgenCell as a patient with Rheumatoid Arthritis ... I have been treated after 3 years of being diagnosed with this autoimmune disease and having been taking medications between cortisone and chemotherapy, since I was given the first treatment not I have had a crisis or taking medication again, my vision improved to the point of not needing my glasses again, my general condition is much better now than before the treatment, I infinitely thank my doctors, God Bless you always!

    Google Sep 25 2013
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    I went to ProgenCell because I have Multiple Sclerosis and have been suffering from many symptoms of the disease for years. At the end of my first treatment at ProgenCell, Dr. Gavino said to me, Your MS will no longer progress and you are going to see improvements in your condition. I thought, Yeah, well see. It cant really be that easy. I have just read my San Francisco Doctor report on my latest MRI and he concludes there are no new lesions on my brain and spinal cord, and SEVERAL LESIONS HAVE DISAPPEARED. There is nothing in U.S. FDA-approved treatment or drugs that can heal the damage caused to nerves by MS. The best they can do to is slow the progression. I have not suffered any new symptoms of MS and am feeling less fatigue every day. I highly recommend ProgenCell and the stem cell therapy provided there. The staff and doctors were happy to answer all my questions, were courteous and compassionate, and were knowledgeable far beyond the stem cell field, being doctors qualified in many specialties.

    Google Aug 21 2013


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