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Affordable Cost of Cosmetic Surgery in Merida Mexico by Dr. Ernesto Javier

3 Reviews
26 #199 Altabrisa, Yucatan, Merida, Mexico

Acerca de Dr. Ernesto Javier Acosta Abeyta

Los precios de Dr. Ernesto Javier Acosta Abeyta oscilan entre $4000 - $30000 en Merida, Mexico para Anti Aging, Cosmetic/Plastic Surgery procedimientos y más. Esta gama muestra la promesa de la clínica de ofrecer atención asequible y de alta calidad para una amplia gama de pacientes locales e internacionales.

Al ofrecer una variedad de opciones de precios, Dr. Ernesto Javier Acosta Abeyta garantiza que los pacientes puedan elegir tratamientos que no sólo satisfacen sus necesidades médicas sino que también se adaptan a su situación financiera. Este enfoque ayuda a desmitificar los costos de atención médica y permite a los pacientes tomar decisiones informadas. decisiones sobre sus opciones de tratamiento en Merida, Mexico

Dr. Ernesto Javier Acosta Abeyta es reconocido por su experiencia excepcional en la entrega de Anti Aging, Cosmetic/Plastic Surgery procedimientos y más. La clínica cuenta con un equipo de profesionales altamente cualificados, Instalaciones de última generación, y el compromiso de utilizar las últimas tecnologías y técnicas.

Ubicado en Merida, Mexico, Dr. Ernesto Javier Acosta Abeyta se ha ganado una reputación de excelencia y excelente atención al paciente. Ya sea que esté buscando tratamientos avanzados o integrales soporte, Dr. Ernesto Javier Acosta Abeyta garantiza que cada paciente reciba atención personalizada y atención adaptada a sus necesidades específicas.

Dr. Ernesto Javier Acosta Abeyta Pricings:

Procedimiento Detalles Precio en USD
Mommy Makeover Incluye: - Traslado aeropuerto-hotel - Clínica - Honorarios de enfermeras - Cirujano y anestesiólogo - Fajas o ropa postoperatoria según procedimiento - Consultas pre y postoperatorias - Medicamentos postoperatorios (excepto creatinas) $9000
Breast Augmentation Incluye: - Traslado aeropuerto-hotel - Clínica - Honorarios de enfermeras - Cirujano y anestesiólogo - Fajas o ropa postoperatoria según procedimiento - Consultas pre y postoperatorias - Medicamentos postoperatorios (excepto creatinas) $5000
Brazilian Butt Lift Incluye: - Traslado aeropuerto-hotel - Clínica - Honorarios de enfermeras - Cirujano y anestesiólogo - Fajas o ropa postoperatoria según procedimiento - Consultas pre y postoperatorias - Medicamentos postoperatorios (excepto creatinas) $7000
Liposuction Incluye: - Traslado aeropuerto-hotel - Clínica - Honorarios de enfermeras - Cirujano y anestesiólogo - Fajas o ropa postoperatoria según procedimiento - Consultas pre y postoperatorias - Medicamentos postoperatorios (excepto creatinas) $5000
Face Lift Incluye: - Traslado aeropuerto-hotel - Clínica - Honorarios de enfermeras - Cirujano y anestesiólogo - Fajas o ropa postoperatoria según procedimiento - Consultas pre y postoperatorias - Medicamentos postoperatorios (excepto creatinas) $9000
Arm Lift Incluye: - Traslado aeropuerto-hotel - Clínica - Honorarios de enfermeras - Cirujano y anestesiólogo - Fajas o ropa postoperatoria según procedimiento - Consultas pre y postoperatorias - Medicamentos postoperatorios (excepto creatinas) $4000
Thigh Lift Incluye: - Traslado aeropuerto-hotel - Clínica - Honorarios de enfermeras - Cirujano y anestesiólogo - Fajas o ropa postoperatoria según procedimiento - Consultas pre y postoperatorias - Medicamentos postoperatorios (excepto creatinas) $5000
Tummy Tuck Surgery Incluye: - Traslado aeropuerto-hotel - Clínica - Honorarios de enfermeras - Cirujano y anestesiólogo - Fajas o ropa postoperatoria según procedimiento - Consultas pre y postoperatorias - Medicamentos postoperatorios (excepto creatinas) $7000
Nose Surgery Rhinoplasty Incluye: - Traslado aeropuerto-hotel - Clínica - Honorarios de enfermeras - Cirujano y anestesiólogo - Fajas o ropa postoperatoria según procedimiento - Consultas pre y postoperatorias - Medicamentos postoperatorios (excepto creatinas) $4000
Gynecomastia Incluye: - Traslado aeropuerto-hotel - Clínica - Honorarios de enfermeras - Cirujano y anestesiólogo - Fajas o ropa postoperatoria según procedimiento - Consultas pre y postoperatorias - Medicamentos postoperatorios (excepto creatinas) $5000
Breast Reduction Incluye: - Traslado aeropuerto-hotel - Clínica - Honorarios de enfermeras - Cirujano y anestesiólogo - Fajas o ropa postoperatoria según procedimiento - Consultas pre y postoperatorias - Medicamentos postoperatorios (excepto creatinas) $5000
Stem Cell Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis Stem Cell Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis $30000
Breast Implants Breast Implants $5000

Dr. Ernesto Javier Acosta Abeyta Reviews

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    Jennifer E J

    This doctor disfigured, gaslit and ghosted me.

    Dr Acosta gave me a BBL which involved liposuction. It gave me permanent lumps on my mid area He neither warned me of this risk, nor was it stated in the document I signed. When I left his office he told me to get lymphatic massages for the fibroids. I followed his instructions exactly, but it was ineffective. When I later contacted him about this, he told me that they weren’t fibroids and created a false narrative that this occurred because I didn’t follow his advice which was a blatant lie

    We had agreed in advance that I was to have 3 treatments with him: the second a BBL and the third a tummy tuck. He never advised me not to get a BBL or lipo (required for BBL). When I asked him to clarify,he told me that he’d stated that the proper treatment for this was a tummy tuck, which made no sense whatsoever. He refused to clarify what “this” even was. A tummy tuck in no way enhances the buttocks. I then sent him screenshots of every conversation we’d ever had, illustrating that at no time had he advised against the BBL.

    Since we were still slated to get the 3rd procedure (the tuck) I asked what he would do to treat these lumps during that time. No matter how many times I asked (even begged) I asked for specificity, he gave me cryptic, non-specific answers. He named procedures but refused to explain what they meant or what the risks were. When I initially approached him about this, it wasn’t to blame him. I just wanted a reasonable solution, yet he was defensive, manipulative, and vague from the very beginning and refused to provide me with any. These horrible lumps only appeared after the lipo. There is no other possible cause. He said it was loose skin which was expected. To be clear, IT IS NOT LOOSE SKIN. When I pull the skin back the hard lumps are still there, clear as day. The more I attempted to reach a coherent resolution, the more contentious and defensive he became; constantly deflecting, avoiding, and using cryptic rhetoric. He constantly gas-lit me and even questioned my mental health. It soon became apparent that he didn’t actually have a solution, or didn’t want to do what was necessary to resolve the problem, which is why he desperately tried to project the blame onto me.

    The last we spoke, he still agreed to see me for the third procedure which was part of our initial agreement, even though a resolution still had not been established. It was so stressful and still causes me extreme anxiety to this day. Then he just disappeared. For 6 months now I have tried politely and diplomatically to reach out to him, repeatedly explaining that I didn’t want to have to do this review but would do so if he didn’t respond. I was far more patient than I should have been. Clearly, he didn’t think I’d follow through

    Pictures don’t lie and there appears to be a pattern here, despite his high rating. I did a little digging and read a review by someone who stated that he had agreed to do a procedure on her, but when she asked him to be clear about the risks, he backed out of the arrangement. He obviously doesn’t have much respect for the hippocratic oath. The first procedure I got with him was a facelift, which went well and he seemed like a very nice person. Little did I know that if something were to go sideways, his MO would be to blame the victim and offer no empathy or clear solution.

    It should also be noted that he neglected to mention until after the 3rd day, that I should not sit on my butt. The first 6 weeks are the most important but the first 3 days in particular. As a result, I lost at least 50% of the fat he injected (he said I’d lose no more than 20 or 25%). I later got sick and lost the rest but that part wasn’t his fault. So in the end, there’s no butt enhancement, $10,000 lost, 6 weeks of extreme discomfort, and permanent disfigurement. I am beyond devastated. He will retort to this with lies and probably some out of context screenshots. Please don’t fall for it.

    Dec 20 2024
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    Debj W

    terrible. service. had a scheduled zoom call that never happened and when I requested another one or why they missed the call, they have never gotten back to me.

    Jul 14 2023
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    Will A

    All very good services

    Dec 17 2022


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