Aktip Hospital Prices in Bartin Turkey
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Aktip Hospital Treatment Cost in Bartin Turkey

3 Reviews
Kemer Kopru, Kadioglu Str. No:30, 74100 , Bartin 74100 , Turkey
Gama de precios: $3500 - $4500
Médicos asociados: Ainura Sarybaeva
Especialidad: Cosmetic/Plastic Surgery, Dentistry, ENT, Eye/Lasik Care, General Medicine, General Surgery, Gynecology Treatment, Neurology, Orthopedic/Knee Surgery, Urology

Acerca de Aktip Hospital

Los precios de Aktip Hospital oscilan entre $3500 - $4500 en Bartin, Turkey para Cosmetic/Plastic Surgery, Dentistry, ENT, Eye/Lasik Care, General Medicine, General Surgery, Gynecology Treatment, Neurology, Orthopedic/Knee Surgery, Urology procedimientos y más. Esta gama muestra la promesa de la clínica de ofrecer atención asequible y de alta calidad para una amplia gama de pacientes locales e internacionales.

Al ofrecer una variedad de opciones de precios, Aktip Hospital garantiza que los pacientes puedan elegir tratamientos que no sólo satisfacen sus necesidades médicas sino que también se adaptan a su situación financiera. Este enfoque ayuda a desmitificar los costos de atención médica y permite a los pacientes tomar decisiones informadas. decisiones sobre sus opciones de tratamiento en Bartin, Turkey

Aktip Hospital es reconocido por su experiencia excepcional en la entrega de Cosmetic/Plastic Surgery, Dentistry, ENT, Eye/Lasik Care, General Medicine, General Surgery, Gynecology Treatment, Neurology, Orthopedic/Knee Surgery, Urology procedimientos y más. La clínica cuenta con un equipo de profesionales altamente cualificados, Instalaciones de última generación, y el compromiso de utilizar las últimas tecnologías y técnicas.

Ubicado en Bartin, Turkey, Aktip Hospital se ha ganado una reputación de excelencia y excelente atención al paciente. Ya sea que esté buscando tratamientos avanzados o integrales soporte, Aktip Hospital garantiza que cada paciente reciba atención personalizada y atención adaptada a sus necesidades específicas.

Aktip Hospital Reviews

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    Abdullah S

    Hello, When we came to your hospital for check-up procedures, we were extremely pleased with the very decent greeting and follow-up guidance of Ms. Gülten, one of the patient greeters (hostess), I wish you continued success; We were extremely pleased with the information provided by your specialist doctors. Thanks.

    Aktip Hospital Nov 26 2023
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    I was examined in the neurosurgery department at Aktip Hospital. The care shown by the doctor and the assistant was very sincere and sincere, and the guidance team in the hospital was very good. We are very grateful to Aktip Hospital and recommend it to everyone.

    Aktip Hospital Oct 24 2023
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    Suleyman E

    I would like to thank all the hospital staff for their interest and concern at Aktip Hospital, which we found on the internet and went to after our child became ill when we went to visit Amasra from Afyonkarahisar. It is a really great chance for Bartın, especially for coach Ahmet Yılmaz Çeltik. From the moment we entered the hospital to the moment we left, all staff, nurses and cleaning staff were polite and courteous and regularly asked us if we needed anything. Even though we went to so many private hospitals, I saw this interest in Acibadem and Aktip, and I would like to thank them for everything.

    Aktip Hospital Oct 09 2023


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