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Affordable Cosmetic Dentistry Prices in Puerto Vallarta Mexico at Smile Vallarta

3 Reviews
Boulevard Francisco Medina Ascencio 2898, Next to Intercam bank, Isla Iguana, 48335 Puerto Vallarta, Jal., Mexico, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
Gama de precios: $11 - $1770
Médicos asociados: Dr. Alejandro Sanchez
Especialidad: Dentistry

Acerca de Smile Vallarta

Los precios de Smile Vallarta oscilan entre $11 - $1770 en Puerto Vallarta, Mexico para Dentistry procedimientos y más. Esta gama muestra la promesa de la clínica de ofrecer atención asequible y de alta calidad para una amplia gama de pacientes locales e internacionales.

Al ofrecer una variedad de opciones de precios, Smile Vallarta garantiza que los pacientes puedan elegir tratamientos que no sólo satisfacen sus necesidades médicas sino que también se adaptan a su situación financiera. Este enfoque ayuda a desmitificar los costos de atención médica y permite a los pacientes tomar decisiones informadas. decisiones sobre sus opciones de tratamiento en Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

Smile Vallarta es reconocido por su experiencia excepcional en la entrega de Dentistry procedimientos y más. La clínica cuenta con un equipo de profesionales altamente cualificados, Instalaciones de última generación, y el compromiso de utilizar las últimas tecnologías y técnicas.

Ubicado en Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, Smile Vallarta se ha ganado una reputación de excelencia y excelente atención al paciente. Ya sea que esté buscando tratamientos avanzados o integrales soporte, Smile Vallarta garantiza que cada paciente reciba atención personalizada y atención adaptada a sus necesidades específicas.

Smile Vallarta Pricings:

Procedimiento Detalles Precio en USD
Deep Cleaning Limpieza dental regular $40
Deep Cleaning Limpieza profunda, raspado y alisado radicular (por cuadrante) $94
Teeth Whitening Blanqueamiento y limpieza dental con láser $250
Teeth Whitening Blanqueamiento dental, kit para llevar a casa $100
Dental Fillings Relleno compuesto blanco $49
Dental Fillings Relleno compuesto (1 superficie) $49
Dental Fillings Relleno compuesto (2 superficies) $70
Dental Fillings Relleno compuesto (3 superficies) $80
Tooth Extraction Extracción (simple) $58
Tooth Extraction Extracciones radiculares quirúrgicas $154
Inlay Onlay Restoration Incrustaciones/onlays de porcelana E.max $166
Dental Crowns Corona de porcelana fusionada con metal (aleación estándar) $394
Dental Crowns Corona de porcelana fusionada con metal (aleación preciosa) $270
Dental Crowns Corona de porcelana fusionada con oro $355
Dental Crowns Corona E. Max de porcelana/cerámica completa $462
Dental Crowns Corona de Zirconia $430
Dental Veneers Carilla E.Max $500
Dental Veneers Carilla de zirconio $550
Dental Veneers Carilla compuesta (unión directa) $116
Dental Veneers Corona/carilla temporal $27
Dentures Aleta temporal $140
Dentures Prótesis parcial, marco de acrílico $700
Dentures Prótesis parcial, estructura metálica $535
Dentures Prótesis parcial, estructura flexible $519
Dentures Acrílico Inmediato Total o Parcial $930
Dentures Prótesis dental completa, dientes acrílicos (superior o inferior) $409
Dentures Prótesis completa, dientes de porcelana (superior o inferior) $900
Root Canal Conducto radicular (diente anterior) $300
Root Canal Conducto radicular (premolar) $300
Root Canal Conducto radicular (molar) $355
Root Canal Construcción de postes y núcleos $122
Root Canal Tratamiento de conducto radicular (incluye poste/núcleo y corona estándar) $811
Cosmetic Dentistry Examen inicial/consulta $25
Panoramic X Ray Radiografía única (aleta de mordida o periapical) $11
Panoramic X Ray Radiografías panorámicas $22
Cosmetic Dentistry Sedación intravenosa (por anestesiólogo) $500
Cosmetic Dentistry Protector nocturno (plástico blando) $66
Cosmetic Dentistry Protector nocturno (plástico duro) $66
Dental Braces Abroad Brackets metálicos $388
Dental Braces Abroad Brackets transparentes $500
Dental Veneers Carilla de porcelana $288
Dental Fillings Retire los empastes viejos y reemplácelos con resina compuesta. $86
Inlay Onlay Restoration Incrustación o recubrimiento de metal plateado $245
Dental Bridges Puente de 3 unidades $1770
Dental Fillings Adhesión dental $90
Tooth Extraction Extracción quirúrgica $123
Wisdom Tooth Extraction Simple $125
Wisdom Tooth Extraction Semi-impactado $125
Wisdom Tooth Extraction Hueso completamente impactado $230
Dentures Prótesis dental completa/arco de la más alta calidad $930
Dentures Rebase de prótesis dental (blanda, realizada en clínica) $250
Dentures Rebase de prótesis dental (realizado en laboratorio dental) $125

Smile Vallarta Reviews

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    Dr. Sanchez is an outstanding dentist. After having several extremely frustrating evaluation experiences in the US, when I arrived in PV, I made an appointment with Dr. Sanchez. Without question, it was a good choice. He is professional, highly skilled, very experienced and fluent in English. My problem having a missing tooth replaced with an emax 3 unit bridge because the gap left by the missing tooth was too small for an implant was solved in two consecutive visits. I spoke with my cousin in the US who runs his own dentist business in Milwaukee and he was also impressed with the work Dr. Sanchez did he reviewed the pictures I sent him . I would highly recommend Dr. Sanchez to anyone who was considering dental work. As an added bonus, the price was approximately 75-80% less than it would have cost in the US.

    Google Apr 22 2021
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    I am extremely happy with my resin/composite veneers! I had my top teeth done, and they look amazing. My teeth were discolored and had stains, so I was always embarrassed about them.
    I was in Puerto Vallarta on vacation and had done my research ahead of time to schedule an appointment during my trip.
    There wasn’t much setup before getting started, but I believe that was because I had previously been in contact explaining what I was hoping for as far as matching two crowns I already had.
    Unlike porcelain veneers, resin veneers don’t require any numbing of the mouth or grinding the teeth down. I do have a couple of extremely sensitive teeth, so looking back I probably should have opted for an added cost of numbing.
    Dr. Alejandro Sanchez was very warm and welcoming. He even gave me a hug when I finally saw my teeth and cried out of happiness! I am not a cryer but I was shocked my teeth could look so good

    If you are self-conscious about your teeth/smile, I highly recommend making an appointment with Dr. Alejandro Sanchez.

    Google Jul 15 2021
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    I recently was in Mexico for a vacation and fell while getting out of a pool and broke one of my front teeth in half. As someone who prides themselves on having always had great teeth with little to no issues it was a very traumatizing experience. I contacted Smile Vallarta immediately and met with Dr. Alejandro Sanchez who was AMAZING! Not only was the cost great but my experience with Alejandro was so comfortable - he felt like someone I had known for a long time. He was very gentle, open and honest about the work that was about to take place. He was also very funny and REAL. I would recommend him to anyone and everyone!

    Google Aug 19 2021


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