Cirugía de Manga Gástrica en México

Cirugía de Manga Gástrica en México


Manga Gástrica en México - Cirugía Bariátrica Asequible para VGS

Luchar por perder peso puede ser una tarea abrumadora y frustrante. Para muchas personas, la cirugía bariátrica ofrece un rayo de esperanza, pero los altos costos en sus países de origen a menudo la convierten en un sueño inalcanzable. Sin embargo, hay buenas noticias: México se ha convertido en un destino de primer nivel para procedimientos bariátricos asequibles y de alta calidad, incluida la cirugía de manga gástrica. No solo puede encontrar cirujanos experimentados e instalaciones médicas modernas, sino que el costo de la cirugía de manga gástrica en México es significativamente menor que en muchos otros países.

Una de las principales razones por las que México es la mejor opción para la cirugía de pérdida de peso es el importante ahorro de costos que ofrece. En México, puede someterse a una cirugía de manga gástrica por una fracción del costo que pagaría en países como Estados Unidos o Canadá. Esta asequibilidad no significa que deba comprometer la calidad de la atención; los hospitales y clínicas mexicanos son reconocidos por sus instalaciones de última generación y sus profesionales médicos capacitados. Los pacientes pueden esperar el mismo nivel de experiencia y seguridad a la vez que se benefician de un importante ahorro financiero.

Además, optar por someterse a una cirugía de manga gástrica en México representa una oportunidad única de combinar su experiencia médica con unas vacaciones relajantes. México cuenta con hermosos paisajes, una rica cultura y ciudades vibrantes, lo que lo convierte en un destino ideal para la recuperación posoperatoria. Puede aprovechar el entorno sereno para sanar, tanto física como mentalmente, mientras explora las diversas atracciones del país. Este doble beneficio de una cirugía bariátrica asequible y unas vacaciones rejuvenecedoras hace que México sea una opción atractiva y convincente para quienes buscan una solución permanente a su problema de obesidad a través de la cirugía de manga gástrica.

• Clínica: Hospital De La Familia | Hospital De La Familia , Soluciones Laparoscópicas , Cirugía Bariátrica de Obesidad Por el Dr. Jorge Maytorena , Dr. Ricardo García Audelo Cirujano Bariátrico , Centro Quirúrgico Gilenis , y el Dr. Oscar Siller .

• Ubicación: México

• Procedimiento: Manga Gástrica

• Precio del paquete: $4,200

• Costo en otros países: $18,000 - $19,500

• Médico: Dr. Gabriel Rosales , Dr. Jorge Maytorena , Dr. Marco Sarinana , Dr. Ricardo García Audelo , Dr. Oscar Siller , y Dra Jessica Sigler .

• Principales atractivos turísticos: Bosque y Zoológico de la Ciudad, Plaza Cachanilla, Catedral de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, y muchos más.

Paquetes Todo Incluido de Manga Gástrica en México

La manga gástrica en México no solo ofrece seguridad, sino también asequibilidad, con precios que comienzan desde $4,200 . Las clínicas mexicanas brindan atención y servicios de primer nivel, lo que la convierte en una opción popular para las personas que buscan una cirugía para bajar de peso sin gastar una fortuna. El costo total del paquete puede variar según la clínica específica, la complejidad de su caso médico y las inclusiones proporcionadas. A continuación, describimos algunos paquetes asequibles recomendados que pueden ayudarlo a lograr sus objetivos de pérdida de peso sin comprometer la calidad ni la seguridad.

Costo de la cirugía de manga gástrica en México

La cirugía de manga gástrica en México ofrece una solución rentable para las personas que buscan una pérdida de peso sostenible. Los precios de este procedimiento en México son generalmente más asequibles en comparación con muchos otros países. El costo de la cirugía de manga gástrica puede variar según varios factores, como la ubicación de la clínica, la experiencia del cirujano y el paquete específico o los servicios incluidos. Es importante tener en cuenta que, si bien los precios pueden variar, la calidad de la atención y la experiencia que brindan los cirujanos mexicanos siguen siendo altas.

En promedio, el rango de precios de la cirugía de manga gástrica en México puede variar entre aproximadamente $4,200 y $5,899 . Este rango de precios a menudo cubre la cirugía en sí, las evaluaciones preoperatorias, los cuidados posoperatorios y los honorarios del hospital o la clínica. Sin embargo, es fundamental consultar con las clínicas u hospitales individuales para obtener un precio más preciso y actualizado para sus requisitos específicos.

Sleeve Gastrectomy Comparación de costos de centros en Mexico

Proveedor Procedimiento Precio
Obesity Bariatric Surgery by Dr. Jorge Maytorena Sleeve Gastrectomy, Obesity/Bariatric Surgery $4800
Family Hospital | Hospital de la Familia Sleeve Gastrectomy, Obesity/Bariatric Surgery $4350
Dr. Ricardo Garcia Audelo Surgeon Sleeve Gastrectomy, Obesity/Bariatric Surgery $4600
Laparoscopic Solutions Sleeve Gastrectomy, Obesity/Bariatric Surgery $5900
Dr. Oscar Siller Sleeve Gastrectomy, Obesity/Bariatric Surgery $5700

Sleeve Gastrectomy Cost Comparison in Mexico

País Procedimiento Precio
United States Sleeve Gastrectomy, Obesity/Bariatric Surgery $18000
Canada Sleeve Gastrectomy, Obesity/Bariatric Surgery $19500

Clínicas de cirugía de pérdida de peso en México para VGS

En México, la asequibilidad va de la mano con la calidad. No debe preocuparse por eso porque México está bien equipado con clínicas de última generación. Si necesita seguridad y comodidad, estas clínicas se las brindarán. Echemos un vistazo a las razones clave por las que debería elegir México para la manga gástrica:

  • Costos accesibles – En México ahorrarás hasta un 70% en la cirugía de manga gástrica.
  • Servicio de alta calidad - El personal médico es bilingüe y la clínica cuenta con instalaciones de primer nivel para su agradable estadía.
  • Cirujanos bariátricos experimentados : están calificados para ayudarle a obtener el resultado deseado para la imagen corporal.
  • Ubicación conveniente : para estadounidenses y canadienses, México está a solo unas horas en avión o en automóvil.
  • Vacaciones : México tiene mucho que ofrecer además de tratamientos médicos de alta calidad. Más adelante en este artículo, verás los mejores lugares que puedes visitar durante tu estadía para realizarte una cirugía.

Videos sobre la Manga Gástrica en México

Entendemos que tomar una decisión informada sobre la Gastrectomía en Manga en México es crucial, y es por eso que hemos reunido una colección de videos informativos para usted. Estos videos cubren una amplia gama de temas, incluidas explicaciones detalladas del procedimiento de cirugía de manga gástrica en sí, presentaciones de algunas de las mejores clínicas en México y testimonios sinceros de pacientes que se han sometido con éxito a esta cirugía que les cambió la vida. Creemos que estos videos le brindarán información valiosa y lo ayudarán a sentirse más seguro y preparado a medida que se embarca en su viaje de pérdida de peso a través de la Gastrectomía en Manga en México. Tómese un momento para mirar y aprender de estos recursos a continuación.

Reseñas de Manga Gástrica en México

Explorar las experiencias de antiguos pacientes que se han sometido a la cirugía de manga gástrica en México puede ofrecer información valiosa y ayudarle a prepararse para su propio viaje. Estas reseñas ofrecen relatos de primera mano de personas que se han embarcado en su transformación de pérdida de peso en México, ofreciendo una visión de la calidad de la atención, la experiencia de los profesionales médicos y la experiencia general de someterse a esta cirugía en México. Leer estas reseñas puede ser una excelente manera de ganar confianza en su decisión y comprender mejor qué esperar durante su propia cirugía de manga gástrica en México. Le animamos a que se tome un tiempo para examinar estas reseñas y aprender de las historias de la vida real de aquellos que han logrado con éxito sus objetivos de pérdida de peso a través de este procedimiento.

Preguntas frecuentes sobre la cirugía de manga gástrica en México

La cirugía de manga gástrica en México es un procedimiento exitoso que le ayudará a perder peso fácilmente. Se sentirá libre de estrés y superará todo el proceso mientras disfruta de unas agradables vacaciones. Pero primero, debe saber si es elegible para una manga gástrica. Las respuestas a sus preguntas se encuentran a continuación, así que tómese el tiempo para estudiarlas detenidamente.

¿Quién es elegible para la cirugía de manga gástrica en México?

La cirugía de manga gástrica en México generalmente se recomienda para personas que tienen un índice de masa corporal (IMC) de 40 o más, o un IMC de 35 con problemas de salud relacionados con la obesidad. La elegibilidad también puede depender de otros factores, por lo que es esencial consultar con un profesional médico para una evaluación personalizada.

¿Cuánto cuesta la Cirugía de Manga Gástrica en México?

El costo de la cirugía de manga gástrica en México varía según la clínica, el cirujano y el paquete específico que elija. En promedio, puede oscilar entre $4,200 y $7,000, lo que es significativamente más asequible que en muchos otros países.

¿Es segura la cirugía de manga gástrica en México?

Sí, la cirugía de manga gástrica en México es segura cuando la realizan cirujanos experimentados en instalaciones acreditadas. México tiene una industria de turismo médico próspera y muchas clínicas mantienen altos estándares internacionales de seguridad y calidad.

¿Cuánto dura el período de recuperación de la cirugía de manga gástrica?

Por lo general, los pacientes pueden volver a sus actividades normales entre dos y cuatro semanas después de la cirugía. Sin embargo, los tiempos de recuperación individuales pueden variar y es fundamental seguir las instrucciones posoperatorias del cirujano para obtener los mejores resultados.

¿Necesitaré seguir una dieta especial después de la cirugía de manga gástrica?

Sí, una dieta posoperatoria es esencial para el éxito. Comenzará con una dieta líquida y gradualmente pasará a alimentos blandos y luego a alimentos normales durante varias semanas. Su cirujano y nutricionista le proporcionarán pautas dietéticas detalladas que deberá seguir.

¿Cuáles son los posibles riesgos y complicaciones de la cirugía de manga gástrica?

Como cualquier cirugía, existen riesgos, como infecciones, sangrado o reacciones adversas a la anestesia. Las complicaciones a largo plazo pueden incluir reflujo, deficiencias vitamínicas o pérdida de peso insuficiente. Hable sobre estos riesgos con su cirujano antes del procedimiento.

¿Necesitaré realizar cambios en mi estilo de vida después de la cirugía de manga gástrica?

Sí, los cambios en el estilo de vida son cruciales para el éxito a largo plazo. Deberá adoptar una dieta más saludable, una rutina de ejercicio regular y realizar ajustes significativos en sus hábitos alimenticios para lograr y mantener sus objetivos de pérdida de peso. A menudo, se le brinda apoyo de un equipo de atención médica para ayudarlo a afrontar estos cambios de manera eficaz.

Which is safer the Lap Band or Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

  When it comes to weight loss surgery, there are a few different options to choose from. Two of the most popular types of surgery are lap band surgery and gastric sleeve surgery. Both surgeries have their own benefits and drawbacks, so it can be difficult to decide which is the right choice for you. In this answer, we will compare lap band and gastric sleeve and help you decide which is the safer option for you. What is Lap Band Surgery? Lap band surgery is a type of weight loss surgery that involves placing a band around the stomach. This band limits the amount of food that the stomach can hold, which leads to weight loss. Lap band surgery is less invasive than gastric sleeve surgery and has a shorter recovery time. However, the lap band is not as effective as the gastric sleeve and has a higher risk of complications. What is Gastric Sleeve Surgery? Gastric sleeve surgery is a type of weight loss surgery that involves removing a portion of the stomach. This surgery limits the amount of food that the stomach can hold, which leads to weight loss. Gastric sleeve surgery is more effective than lap band surgery but has a longer recovery time. Which is the safer option? Both lap band surgery and gastric sleeve surgery have their own risks and benefits. It is important to talk to your doctor about which surgery is right for you. Lap band surgery is less invasive but has a higher risk of complications, while gastric sleeve surgery is more effective but has a longer recovery time. Ultimately, the decision comes down to your personal preferences and health needs.   If you cannot choose between these two procedures you should talk to your doctor who will determine which is the best for you and which will suit your weight, circumstances, and goals. Here are some of the best packages for bariatric surgery, including lap band and gastric sleeve surgery.

Beyond Chance: How Dubai's Advanced Clinics Are Making Gender Selection a Reality for Prospective Parents

In the heart of the bustling, futuristic city of Dubai, a remarkable medical revolution is unfolding—one that is transforming the dreams of prospective parents into reality. This revolution is not about towering skyscrapers or sprawling shopping malls; it's happening within the sophisticated clinics of Dubai, where advanced medical practices are making gender selection an accessible option for families. This blog post delves into the science, ethics, and implications of this groundbreaking development, aiming to enlighten readers of all ages about a subject that combines the wonders of modern medicine with deep ethical considerations. The Science Behind Gender Selection Gender selection, also known as sex selection, is a medical process that allows couples to increase the chances of having a child of a specific gender. The techniques used for gender selection in Dubai's clinics are rooted in Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART). The most common method is Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) coupled with In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). Here’s how it works: IVF Process: The journey begins with the standard IVF process, where eggs are harvested from the woman's ovaries and fertilized with sperm from the man in a laboratory setting. Embryo Development: The fertilized eggs develop into embryos over a few days. PGD Analysis: Once the embryos reach a certain stage, a few cells are carefully removed and analyzed using PGD. This technique can detect the sex of each embryo along with genetic conditions. Selection and Transfer: Based on the PGD results, the prospective parents can choose an embryo of the desired gender for implantation into the woman’s uterus. This intricate process is performed with meticulous care, leveraging cutting-edge technology and expertise, which Dubai’s medical facilities are renowned for. Gender Selection Clinics in Dubai are known for their high-quality services, experienced professionals, and adherence to international standards. Dr. Mazen Dayeh Fertility Center Canadian Specialist Hospital Dr. Sameh Hany Ethical Considerations The ability to choose the gender of a future child is a topic of intense ethical debate. Advocates argue that it offers couples the chance to balance their families or avoid sex-linked genetic diseases. Critics, however, raise concerns about potential gender imbalances and the commodification of life. Dubai's clinics navigate these ethical waters with strict regulations and guidelines, ensuring that the technology is used responsibly and ethically. The Impact on Society The availability of gender selection technology has various implications for society. On one hand, it represents a leap forward in reproductive autonomy, allowing families to make choices that were previously left to chance. On the other hand, it prompts a reevaluation of values and raises questions about the natural versus the engineered in human reproduction. The Process: Personal and Emotional Aspects Choosing to undergo gender selection is a deeply personal decision, often accompanied by a rollercoaster of emotions. Couples may feel excitement at the prospect of fulfilling their dream of having a son or daughter, yet also face anxiety about the process and outcomes. Dubai's clinics provide comprehensive support throughout this journey, including counseling and guidance to help prospective parents make informed decisions and cope with the emotional aspects of the process. Technological and Medical Advances Dubai is at the forefront of medical innovation, and its clinics are equipped with state-of-the-art technology for gender selection. These advancements not only improve the accuracy of gender determination but also enhance the safety and efficacy of the IVF and PGD processes. Ongoing research and development in this field promise to further refine these techniques, potentially making them more accessible and affordable in the future. A Global Perspective While Dubai is a hub for medical tourism, offering advanced reproductive technologies to couples from around the world, it's important to note that gender selection practices vary globally. In some countries, these procedures are heavily regulated or even prohibited, reflecting differing ethical standards and cultural norms. This global patchwork of policies underscores the complexity of the issue, as it intersects with deeply held beliefs about life, family, and equality. The Future of Gender Selection As technology continues to evolve, the possibilities and challenges of gender selection will likely become even more pronounced. This raises important questions about how society will adapt to these changes. Will regulations become more standardized globally? How will cultural attitudes shift in response to these capabilities? The answers to these questions will shape the future of gender selection and its role in human reproduction. Get IVF with Gender Selection in Dubai UAE The advances in gender selection technology in Dubai’s clinics represent a remarkable intersection of science, ethics, and societal change. While the ability to choose the gender of one’s child may seem like a dream come true for many, it also prompts a thoughtful consideration of the implications for individuals, families, and society at large. As we navigate this new frontier, it is crucial to balance the marvels of medical science with careful ethical consideration and respect for the diversity of human values. In essence, the journey of gender selection in Dubai is a microcosm of the broader human experience with technological advancement: it is filled with hope, shadowed by controversy, and ultimately shaped by our collective choices and values. As we move forward, let us do so with mindfulness, ensuring that the future we build is inclusive, ethical, and respectful of all life.

How Much Does Gastric Sleeve Cost?

If you're considering getting a gastric sleeve surgery, you're probably wondering how much it costs. The cost of a gastric sleeve surgery can vary depending on several factors, such as your location, the surgeon's experience, the hospital or clinic where the surgery is performed, and more. In this article, we'll discuss the average cost of gastric sleeve surgery and what factors can affect the cost. What is Gastric Sleeve Surgery? Gastric sleeve surgery, also known as sleeve gastrectomy, is a surgical procedure that involves removing a large portion of your stomach, leaving a small "sleeve" or tube-shaped stomach. This procedure is typically used to help people who are obese or severely overweight lose weight. Average Cost of Gastric Sleeve Surgery The cost of gastric sleeve surgery can vary widely depending on several factors. The average cost of gastric sleeve surgery ranges from $3,200 to $13,800. However, some surgeons may charge more or less than this amount, depending on their experience and other factors. Countries Gastric Sleeve Average-Cost Mexico $3,200 Turkey $3,250 Spain $4,000 Poland $5,000 United States $13,800 United Kingdom $11,900 Canada $12,700   Note: Price can change depends on complexity of procedures and patient conditions. For more information about cost, contact our customer representative. Factors that Affect the Cost of Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery Several factors can affect the cost of sleeve gastrectomy surgery, including: Location: The cost of living can vary widely depending on where you live, which can affect the cost of healthcare services in your area. Surgeon's experience: More experienced surgeons may charge more for their services. Hospital or clinic where the surgery is performed: The cost of healthcare services can vary depending on the hospital or clinic where the surgery is performed. Insurance coverage: Some insurance plans may cover part or all of the cost of gastric sleeve surgery, while others may not. How to Pay for Gastric Sleeve Surgery? If you don't have insurance that covers the cost of gastric sleeve surgery, there are still options for financing the procedure. Some surgeons offer financing options, such as payment plans or loans, to help make the procedure more affordable. You can also look into medical credit cards or personal loans to finance the surgery. Best Hospitals for Weight Loss Surgery Worldwide Fortunately, we have compiled a list of the best hospitals for weight loss surgery worldwide to help you make an informed decision. Clinics Cities/Countries CER Hospital Tijuana, Mexico Bypass Gastrico Merida Merida Mexico Dr HE Obesity Clinic Istanbul, Turkey DR. RICARDO GARCIA AUDELO Mexicali, Mexico KCM Clinic Jelenia Gora, Poland Private International Optimed Hospital Istanbul, Turkey Quironsalud University Hospital Madrid Spain Obesity Surgical Center | Dr. Jorge Reyes Mendiola Tijuana, Mexico 0to1: Metabolic advance endosurgery Mexico City, Mexico Advance Health Medical Center Tijuana, Mexico   Top 10 Weight Loss Surgeons in the World There are many talented and skilled surgeons who perform bariatric surgery, but who are the very best? Here is a list of the top 10 bariatric surgeons in the world, based on experience, training, and success rates. Name Countries Dr. Marco Mexico Dr, Bulent Halaclar Turkey Dr. Hasan Erdem Turkey Dr. Ricardo Mexico Dr. Fernando Mexico Dr. Ibrahim Karatas Turkey Dr. Onur Kesler Turkey Dr. Alberto Mexico Dr. Hassan Altun Turkey Dr. Oscar Gastelum Mexico   Discover the Benefits of Gastric Sleeve Surgery Are you struggling with obesity and looking for a long-term solution to improve your health and quality of life? If so, you may want to consider gastric sleeve surgery. This procedure, also known as sleeve gastrectomy, involves removing a portion of the stomach to reduce its size by 70-80%. Here are some of the benefits of gastric sleeve surgery: Significant Weight Loss: Gastric sleeve surgery can help you lose a significant amount of weight and improve your overall health. Studies have shown that patients can lose up to 60-70% of their excess weight within the first year after surgery. Reduced Risk of Obesity-Related Diseases: Obesity is a leading cause of many health problems, including heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and sleep apnea. Gastric sleeve surgery can significantly reduce the risk of these conditions and improve overall health. Improved Quality of Life: Losing weight can improve your self-esteem and confidence, as well as increase your energy levels and mobility. You may also find that you can enjoy activities that were once difficult or impossible due to your weight. Sustainable Results: Unlike other weight loss methods, gastric sleeve surgery provides sustainable results. With proper diet and exercise, patients can maintain their weight loss and continue to enjoy the benefits of the procedure for years to come. Shorter Recovery Time: Gastric sleeve surgery is a minimally invasive procedure that typically requires only a one to two-day hospital stay. Most patients can return to work within two weeks and resume normal activities within four to six weeks. If you want to know more about gastric sleeve cost. Please contact us by clicking the button below!

How much does gastric sleeve surgery cost in Mexico?

Gastric Sleeve in Mexico is a popular weight loss surgical procedure in which the size of your stomach is reduced by 60-85%. This is the best option for patients with a BMI of 50 or higher. The fact that the size of the stomach is reduced, more exactly the one which is responsible for stimulating hunger, implies that the food intake will also be diminished. Patients will eat less and the weight loss expectations are between 60-90% in the first 1-2 years after the procedure. The average cost of a gastric sleeve surgery in Mexico is generally lower than the cost of the same procedure in the United States or Canada. According to some estimates, the average cost of a gastric sleeve surgery in Mexico is around $4,700 to $9,700. However, it is important to note that this is just an estimate and the actual cost of the procedure may vary depending on a number of factors, including the specific hospital or clinic where you have the surgery, the location in Mexico where you have the procedure, and the specific type of gastric sleeve surgery you choose. In addition to the cost of the surgery itself, you may also need to consider the cost of travel, accommodation, and other related expenses when planning for your gastric sleeve surgery in Mexico. It is a good idea to do your research and carefully consider all of your options before making a decision about where to have your surgery. The final cost for this procedure in Mexico depends on the clinic or hospital where it is performed, the surgeon and also the options included in the total price, besides the surgery (e.g. anesthesiologist fees, medication, check up, hospitalization, etc). How Gastric Sleeve Procedure Perform in Mexico? Gastric sleeve surgery, also known as sleeve gastrectomy, is a weight loss procedure that involves removing a portion of the stomach to create a narrow tube or "sleeve." The procedure is performed using laparoscopic surgery, which means that it is done using small incisions and specialized instruments that are inserted through the incisions. During the surgery, the surgeon removes a large portion of the stomach and sutures the remaining portion together to create a narrow tube. The procedure is designed to reduce the amount of food the stomach can hold, which can help to promote weight loss. In Mexico, gastric sleeve surgery is typically performed by trained and experienced surgeons who use advanced medical equipment and techniques to ensure the safety and success of the procedure. The procedure is typically performed on an outpatient basis, although some patients may require a short hospital stay after the surgery. Most patients are able to return to their normal activities within a few weeks of the procedure, although it may take several months to a year for the full effects of the surgery to be realized. It is important to follow the instructions of your surgeon and to make any necessary lifestyle changes in order to achieve the best possible results from your gastric sleeve surgery. Benefits of Gastric Sleeve: Helps patients lose between 40% and 70% of their excess weight in the first 12 months after the procedure. Helps reducing the risk and development of medical issues which result from obesity (diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol, lack of mobility, etc). It does not involve any risky stomach or intestinal re-routing. It requires 5 very small incisions. Minimal postoperative pain. Minimal scarring. Fullness and satisfaction with small & healthy portions of food. Very fast recovery, only two night of hospital stay. What Things You Should Consider Before Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Mexico? There are several things you should consider before deciding to have gastric sleeve surgery in Mexico. Some of the most important things to consider include: Your overall health: Gastric sleeve surgery is generally considered safe, but it is still a major surgical procedure that carries some risks. You should be in good overall health and have no conditions that would make the surgery unsafe for you. Your weight loss goals: Gastric sleeve surgery is designed to help people lose weight and improve their health, but it is not a magic solution. You should be committed to making the necessary lifestyle changes to support your weight loss goals after the surgery. The cost of the procedure: The cost of gastric sleeve surgery in Mexico is generally lower than the cost of the same procedure in the United States or Canada, but it is still a significant investment. You should carefully consider the cost of the surgery, as well as any additional expenses such as travel, accommodation, and post-surgery care. The reputation of the hospital or clinic: It is important to choose a reputable hospital or clinic for your surgery in order to ensure that you receive the highest quality of care. You should research the hospital or clinic where you are considering having the surgery and make sure that they have a good track record and are accredited by the appropriate regulatory bodies. Your surgeon: The success of your gastric sleeve surgery will depend in large part on the skills and experience of your surgeon. You should choose a surgeon who is highly qualified and has a good track record of performing gastric sleeve surgery. By considering these factors and doing your research, you can increase your chances of having a successful and safe gastric sleeve surgery in Mexico. Why Choose Gastric Sleeve in Mexican Clincs? There are several reasons why some people choose to have gastric sleeve surgery in Mexican clinics: Lower cost: One of the main reasons why some people choose to have gastric sleeve surgery in Mexican clinics is because the cost is generally lower than the cost of the same procedure in the United States or Canada. This can be especially appealing to those who are uninsured or who have limited insurance coverage for weight loss surgery. Reputable clinics and surgeons: Despite the lower cost, Mexican clinics and surgeons can still offer high-quality care and have a good reputation. Many Mexican clinics and surgeons are accredited by international regulatory bodies and have experience performing a variety of weight loss surgeries. Convenient location: For those living in the United States or Canada, Mexico can be a convenient location for gastric sleeve surgery because it is relatively close and easy to access. All-inclusive packages: Some Mexican clinics offer all-inclusive packages that include the surgery, hospital stay, post-surgery care, and other related expenses for a fixed price. This can make it easier to budget for the surgery and to plan your trip. It is important to do your research and carefully consider all of your options before deciding to have gastric sleeve surgery in Mexico. It is also a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional to discuss your options and to ensure that you are a good candidate for the procedure. Which Factors Affect the Price of Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Mexico? There are several factors that can affect the price of gastric sleeve surgery in Mexico. Some of the most important factors include: The location of the hospital or clinic: The cost of gastric sleeve surgery in Mexico can vary depending on the location of the hospital or clinic where you have the procedure. Prices may be higher in larger cities or tourist areas, while they may be lower in smaller towns or rural areas. The reputation and experience of the surgeon: The cost of gastric sleeve surgery may also be affected by the reputation and experience of the surgeon performing the procedure. Surgeons with more experience and a higher level of expertise may charge higher fees for their services. The type of gastric sleeve surgery: There are different types of gastric sleeve surgery, and the cost of the procedure can vary depending on the specific type of surgery you choose. For example, some types of gastric sleeve surgery may be more complex or involve additional procedures, which can increase the overall cost of the surgery. Any additional treatments or procedures: The cost of gastric sleeve surgery may also be affected by any additional treatments or procedures that you choose to have at the same time as the surgery. For example, you may choose to have liposuction or a tummy tuck in addition to your gastric sleeve surgery, which can increase the overall cost of the procedure. Any additional expenses: The cost of gastric sleeve surgery in Mexico may also be affected by any additional expenses you incur, such as travel and accommodation costs. It is important to consider all of these factors when deciding on a hospital or clinic for your gastric sleeve surgery in Mexico. It is also a good idea to do your research and shop around to compare prices and find the best deal. In conclusion, gastric sleeve surgery is a weight loss procedure that involves removing a portion of the stomach to create a narrow tube or "sleeve." The procedure is performed using laparoscopic surgery and is designed to reduce the amount of food the stomach can hold, which can help to promote weight loss. The cost of gastric sleeve surgery in Mexico is generally lower than the cost of the same procedure in the United States or Canada. Some people choose to have the surgery in Mexico due to the lower cost, reputable clinics and surgeons, convenient location, and all-inclusive packages that are offered by some clinics. If you want to know more about gastric sleeve surgery in Mexico contact us by pressing the button below:

Los mejores cirujanos bariátricos en México para VGS

Antes de venir a México, la elección más difícil que harás es encontrar a los mejores cirujanos bariátricos en México que realicen una cirugía de manga gástrica exitosa. Es por eso que te ayudaremos con nuestra lista de los mejores cirujanos bariátricos en México . Sabrás quién será tu cirujano después de leer su perfil a continuación. Estos médicos están calificados y tienen más de diez años de experiencia trabajando con pacientes obesos. Un consejo: pídele a tu médico una consulta por video para discutir tus inquietudes de antemano.

¿Por qué elegir México para la cirugía de manga gástrica?

Elegir el lugar adecuado para este procedimiento que cambiará su vida es fundamental para su éxito. México se ha convertido rápidamente en un destino de primer nivel para las personas que buscan una cirugía de pérdida de peso segura, asequible y eficaz. En esta guía, analizaremos en profundidad seis razones convincentes por las que debería elegir México para su cirugía de manga gástrica .

  • Accesibilidad: México ofrece cirugía de manga gástrica a una fracción del costo que pagaría en muchos otros países. Con precios que comienzan desde $4,200, hace que la cirugía de pérdida de peso sea accesible para una gama más amplia de personas sin comprometer la calidad.
  • Cirujanos con experiencia: Los cirujanos mexicanos son reconocidos por su experiencia en procedimientos bariátricos. Muchos han recibido capacitación y certificaciones internacionales, lo que garantiza que recibirás atención médica de primer nivel.
  • Instalaciones modernas: México cuenta con hospitales y clínicas de última generación equipados con la última tecnología médica. Encontrará instalaciones que cumplen o superan los estándares internacionales, lo que promueve la seguridad y la comodidad durante su proceso quirúrgico.
  • Tiempos de espera cortos: en muchos países, puede haber largas listas de espera para cirugías bariátricas. México ofrece un acceso más rápido a la cirugía, lo que le permite comenzar su proceso de pérdida de peso antes.
  • Atención integral: las clínicas mexicanas suelen ofrecer paquetes con todo incluido que cubren evaluaciones preoperatorias, cirugía, atención posoperatoria e incluso asistencia con los preparativos del viaje. Este enfoque holístico garantiza una experiencia sin estrés.
  • Recuperación panorámica: después de la cirugía, tendrá la oportunidad de recuperarse en los hermosos paisajes de México, que pueden resultar rejuvenecedores tanto física como mentalmente. Esta combinación única de atención médica y vacaciones se suma al atractivo de elegir México para su cirugía de manga gástrica.

México combina asequibilidad, experiencia y un hermoso entorno para ofrecer un destino atractivo para la cirugía de manga gástrica. Con profesionales experimentados, instalaciones modernas y un enfoque integral de la atención, México se ha convertido en una de las mejores opciones para las personas que buscan embarcarse en su camino hacia la pérdida de peso con confianza.

Visita México para VGS – ¡El segundo país más visitado para turismo médico!

No debería sorprender que México sea el segundo país más visitado por los turistas médicos. Las clínicas de última generación, los médicos con gran experiencia y las vacaciones únicas hacen que México sea atractivo para los viajeros. Estos son solo algunos de los muchos lugares que vale la pena visitar durante su estadía en México para una cirugía de manga gástrica.

Baja California aventurera

Baja California

Antigua Chichén Itzá

Checheno Itza

Impresionante Puerto Vallarta


¡Planifique hoy su viaje para cirugía de manga gástrica en México!

La cirugía de manga gástrica es una cirugía eficaz para pacientes obesos que les ayudará a lograr su objetivo de perder peso. No solo eso, sino también a recuperar la autoestima y la preferencia en la imagen corporal. ¡Usted también puede comenzar un nuevo capítulo de la vida con la cirugía de pérdida de peso en México hoy mismo! ¡Póngase en contacto con nuestro equipo de PlacidWay para planificar su viaje y preparar sus maletas para un viaje que le cambiará la vida!


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