Dentistas en Izmir, Turquía

Dentistas en Izmir, Turquía


¿Por qué visitar a un dentista en Izmir?

Elegir al dentista adecuado en el extranjero puede resultar complicado, dadas las numerosas opciones disponibles. Sin embargo, si buscas un dentista altamente calificado y recomendado, has llegado al lugar correcto. En esta guía, analizaremos los dentistas más reputados de Izmir, Turquía, y los servicios que ofrecen, para que puedas decidir cuál es el mejor para ti.

A los pacientes de odontología del Reino Unido les resulta muy asequible acudir a un dentista en Izmir, ya que el cuidado dental puede resultar muy caro en casa. Si está considerando un tratamiento dental en Izmir, le ofrecemos información investigada sobre cómo combinar un tratamiento dental eficaz con unas vacaciones en la hermosa Izmir.

Aquí hay una breve información:

Clínica: Clínicas Hermes , Clínica Dental West Turquía y Bestify Group

Procedimiento: Trabajo dental

Coste de los implantes dentales en Izmir : 680 $

Coste de los implantes dentales en el Reino Unido : 2.500 dólares

Principales atracciones turísticas: Plaza Konak, ruinas del templo en Ágora, Éfeso, mercado de Kemeralti, etc.

Ofertas especiales de paquetes de turismo dental en Izmir, Turquía

Comience su viaje odontológico a Izmir sin estrés y sin complicaciones eligiendo uno de nuestros mejores paquetes para el procedimiento odontológico que desee. Ofrecemos una amplia gama de paquetes de implantes dentales con todo incluido a precios que van desde $4,466 a $12,752 , según el tipo de material de implante utilizado (NOBEL o STRAUMANN) y las pruebas de laboratorio necesarias.

Estos paquetes incluyen los siguientes servicios:

  • Estancia de una noche en el hospital para observación de medicación,
  • Consulta Médica,
  • Alojamiento en hotel con desayuno, piscina, spa, gimnasio para ambas visitas (1 semana para cada visita o 5 noches para ambas visitas ),
  • Traslados entre Aeropuerto-Clínica-Hotel,
  • Servicios de traducción durante el tratamiento (alemán, inglés, turco, ucraniano, francés, ruso, árabe),
  • Visita a Éfeso y la Casa de la Virgen María.

¡Consulta los detalles de los paquetes a continuación y cuando encuentres el que más te convenga, no dudes en contactarnos para reservar!

Coste de la atención dental en Izmir en comparación con el Reino Unido

Una de las ventajas de recibir un tratamiento dental en Izmir es el precio asequible. Por ejemplo, los implantes dentales All on 4 en Izmir cuestan $7,000 , mientras que en el Reino Unido son más de $15,500. Pagarás menos de la mitad en Izmir y recibirás la misma calidad de atención.

Para los británicos, esta es una alternativa atractiva, ya que pueden relajarse en unas vacaciones placenteras combinadas con una odontología de primer nivel en Izmir y ahorrar más del 50% en tratamientos dentales. Además, encontrará vuelos directos a Izmir desde muchas ciudades de su país con aerolíneas de bajo costo.

Comparemos los precios de varios procedimientos dentales entre el Reino Unido y Esmirna:

Dentistry Comparación de costos de centros en Izmir, Turkey

Proveedor Procedimiento Precio
Dr. Nevsin Sener Dental Treatment Clinic Dental Veneers  (per tooth), Dentistry $233
Dr. Nevsin Sener Dental Treatment Clinic Dental Implants, Dentistry $678
Dr. Nevsin Sener Dental Treatment Clinic Dentures, Dentistry $1030
Dr. Nevsin Sener Dental Treatment Clinic Dental Crowns, Dentistry $205
Dr. Nevsin Sener Dental Treatment Clinic All on 4 Dental Implants, Dentistry $6916

Dentistry Cost Comparison in Turkey

País Procedimiento Precio
United Kingdom Dental Crowns, Dentistry $850
United Kingdom Dental Veneers, Dentistry $600
United Kingdom Dental Bridges, Dentistry $1158
United Kingdom All on 4 Dental Implants, Dentistry $15500
United Kingdom Dental Implants, Dentistry $2500
United Kingdom Dentures (Full mouth) Abroad, Dentistry $1450

Las mejores clínicas dentales de Izmir

Si busca una clínica dental de confianza que cumpla con sus criterios de atención dental de calidad, nuestro equipo de PlacidWay puede ayudarlo. Nuestras clínicas dentales en Izmir ofrecen precios económicos en tratamientos dentales como carillas dentales, implantes, dentaduras postizas y cambios de imagen de la sonrisa.

Además, estas clínicas siguen los protocolos de la ADA sobre higiene, esterilización y utilizan la última tecnología para brindar la mejor calidad de atención. Puede confiar en el equipo médico de estas clínicas, que puede brindarle un tratamiento agradable e indoloro.

Eche un vistazo a los perfiles de las 6 mejores clínicas dentales de Izmir:

Vídeo sobre tratamientos dentales en Izmir, Turquía

Reseñas de dentistas en Izmir, Turquía

Preguntas y respuestas sobre el trabajo dental en Izmir

El cuidado dental en Izmir puede ser la mejor decisión para lograr una nueva sonrisa y mejorar la salud bucal. Pero si aún tienes dudas sobre los precios de los tratamientos dentales en Izmir, puedes leer nuestras respuestas detalladas a continuación.

Entonces sabrá qué esperar y cómo preparar su presupuesto antes de visitar al dentista en Izmir.

Which are the Best Dental Clinics in Turkey?

Top 10 Dental Clinics in Turkey offering the Best Dental Care: Turkey is more than a tourist destination. Today this country has more to offer the visitor – the wonderful opportunity to receive cosmetic dental treatment done at some of the best dental clinics in the world. Dental care in Turkey is of a high standard and the country has become a popular destination for dental tourists in recent years. There are a number of reasons for this, including the fact that dental clinics in Turkey offer a wide range of treatments at very competitive prices. In addition, the quality of care is excellent and most clinics use state-of-the-art equipment. As a result, more and more people are choosing to have their dental work done in Turkey. Whether you're looking for a simple check-up or more complex treatment, you can be sure that you'll receive the best possible care at a dental clinic in Turkey. Turkey is nowadays the Mecca for cosmetic dental treatment, owing to the world-renowned expertise offered by the most experienced Turkish dentists, as well as state of the art of facilities, affordability, and convenience they offer. Dental tourism is on the rise in Turkey, as patients from all over the world come to take advantage of the country's high-quality dental care. With so many clinics to choose from, however, it can be difficult to know where to go for treatment. To help you make the best decision for your needs, here is a list of the best dental clinics in Turkey: Bergedent Aesthetic Dental and Implantology Zeynep Isilay Kaya Bilgi Hastanesi Denart Turkey Dental Centre Side Smile Dental Clinic Alanya Dental Center Antlara Dental Clinic CAPA Cerrahi Estetik Dental Clinic Cerrahi Group Dental Clinic Clinic Center Here are some of the most popular dental procedures offered by dental clinics in Turkey: Dental ceramic implants Dental porcelain crowns Dental porcelain veneers Cosmetic dentistry Tooth whitening Tooth extraction If you want to learn more about dental clinics in Turkey contact us now.  

How much would I pay for Wisdom Tooth Extraction in Izmir, Turkey?

If you need Wisdom Tooth Extraction than Izmir, Turkey is an option that you might want to consider. Prices for Wisdom Tooth Extraction start at $55, but the final cost depends on the complexity of the procedure, the clinic and doctor that you choose, the materials and equipment needed and the duration of the treatment. There are many dental clinics in Izmir, Turkey that offer Wisdom Tooth Extraction packages for international patients, which include transportation from the airport to the hotel and clinic, translators (if needed), consultation, second opinion diagnostic and case manager assistance. Wisdom Tooth Extraction will help you restore your oral health, teeth function and smile. Now you have no reason to postpone your dental treatment. With the affordable Dentistry prices in Izmir, Turkey and the expertise of the dentists, you will have your teeth fixed in no time, without spending a fortune. Turkey is renowned for its dental tourism. Many medical tourists actually go for major dental work because of the cost advantages, so it?s common to see patients having multiple crowns, implants and other dental cosmetic procedures. Thanks to modern technology some procedures which were done in several days before, can now be performed in just one day. You will go home with a brand new smile and restored confidence. To make sure that you choose the best dentist in Izmir, Turkey, you will have to know exactly what to look for. Here are several questions that will help you make the best choice Are you certified in performing Wisdom Tooth Extraction? Are you a member of any Dentistry association or society? How many years of experience do you have performing Wisdom Tooth Extraction? How often have you performed this procedure? How many years of experience do you have performing Dentistry? What are the advantages and disadvantages of Wisdom Tooth Extraction? What about the risks and complications? What if something goes wrong during Wisdom Tooth Extraction procedure? What if I am not happy with Wisdom Tooth Extraction results? What happens if I arrive in my home country and I realize that something is not right with the Dentistry? Below you can find some of dentist in Izmir, Turkey that offer most affordable price for Wisdom Tooth Extraction.Wisdom Tooth Extraction at Dr. Nevsin Sener Dental Treatment Clinic (Izmir): from $55 Find out more about the best dentists in Izmir, Turkey! Contact us and choose the best dental specialist!

What is the price for Deep Cleaning in Izmir, Turkey?

The average price for Deep Cleaning in Izmir, Turkey starts at $137. Some clinics also offer international travelers packages that include a comprehensive range of healthcare services for international patients such as diagnostic needs, physician consultations, insurance and billing assistance, travel and accommodations, language interpretation and cultural mediation services. The price varies depending on the complexity of the dental treatment or procedure, the materials and equipment use, the doctor and clinic that you choose and many other factors. After the first consultation the dentist will be able to tell you the final cost. Taking care of your teeth is crucial, as they are the one that help you eat and speak. Left untreated, teeth problems can lead to serious health issues such as respiratory conditions and even cardiovascular diseases. If you do not know how to choose the best dentist for Deep Cleaning in Izmir, Turkey, here are some questions that will help you: What are the advantages and disadvantages of Deep Cleaning? What about the risks and complications? Are you certified? Are you a member of any Dentistry association or society? How many years of experience do you have performing Deep Cleaning? How often have you performed Deep Cleaning? What if something goes wrong during Deep Cleaning procedure? What if I am not happy with Deep Cleaning results? Turkey has become one of the top choices when it comes to dental care. More and more dental tourists choose Turkey for its affordable prices, highly trained dentists and modern dental clinics fitted with high class equipment and laboratories. Below you can find some of dentist in Izmir, Turkey that offer most affordable price for Deep Cleaning.Deep Cleaning at Dr. Nevsin Sener Dental Treatment Clinic (Izmir): from $137 Find out more about the best dentists in Izmir, Turkey! Contact us and choose the best dental specialist!

How much is average cost for Maxillofacial Surgery in Izmir, Turkey?

Average cost for Maxillofacial Surgery in Izmir, Turkey starts from $162. Maxillofacial Surgery price can be cheaper or expensive that mentioned price depending on different aspects. The final price depends on the type of materials and equipment used, the treatment requirements, the duration of the treatment, and the dentist and clinic you choose. Please note that the price for Maxillofacial Surgery does not usually include the hotel stay and airfare. There are many clinics in Izmir, Turkey which offer attractive package for the Maxillofacial Surgery you need, which include many other benefits, besides the treatment itself. By choosing Maxillofacial Surgery in Izmir, Turkey you will restore your teeth functionality and aesthetics, improve your oral health, boost your confidence and get that perfect smile you have always dreamed of. Take care of your oral health and you will prevent serious health issues such as respiratory infections, cardiovascular diseases or diabetic complications. Choosing the best dentist in Izmir, Turkey can be quite challenging, taking into consideration the numerous options that you have. Here is a list of questions that you should ask your dentist before making your final decision: What are the advantages and disadvantages of Maxillofacial Surgery? What about the risks and complications? Are you certified? Are you a member of any Dentistry association or society? How many years of experience do you have performing Dentistry? How often have you performed Maxillofacial Surgery? What if I am not happy with Maxillofacial Surgery results? What if something goes wrong during Maxillofacial Surgery procedure? Over the past years Turkey has become one of the top choices when it comes to dental treatments. Many medical tourists from all over the world come here to take advantage of the high quality and affordable dental care. Izmir has numerous modern dental clinics and more medical providers have started to offer attractive packages to their customers. Below you can find some of the best dentists in Izmir, Turkey that offer the most affordable packages for Maxillofacial Surgery. Find out more about the best dentists in Izmir, Turkey! Contact us and we can present you the top choices according to your needs.

What is the Average Price of Dental Implants in Turkey?

If you're considering dental implants to restore your smile and confidence, Turkey might just be the place to make your dream a reality. Known for its world-class dental clinics, skilled professionals, and affordable prices, Turkey has become a hotspot for dental tourism. But what exactly is the average cost of dental implants in this enchanting country? Let's delve into the details and uncover why Turkey is the go-to destination for your dental implant needs. The Average Cost of a Dental Implants in Turkey Let's start with the most pressing question on your mind: "How much are dental implants going to cost me in Turkey?" The good news is that dental implants in Turkey are much more affordable than in other countries. On average, Dental implants in Turkey Cost between $500-$1,500 per implant. But, the cost will vary depending on the location within Turkey. For example, dental implant prices in Istanbul can range from $600-$2,000, while in Antalya, prices can be as low as $450-$800. So, whether you're on a tight budget or just looking to save a little cash, Turkey has got you covered. Country Dental Implants Price Turkey $500 - $1,500 United Kingdom $2,500 Factors Affecting the Cost Several factors can influence the cost of dental implants in Turkey: Number of Implants: The total cost will depend on how many implants you need to restore your smile. Whether you require a single implant, multiple implants, or a full mouth reconstruction will impact the final price. Implant Material: The type of implant material used can affect the cost. While titanium implants are more common and cost-effective, zirconia implants may be pricier but offer aesthetic benefits. Clinic Location: Dental implant prices may vary depending on the location of the clinic. Clinics in major cities or popular tourist destinations may have slightly higher prices than those in smaller towns. Top Certified Clinics for Dental Implants in Turkey Here are the premier top 10 certified clinics specializing in dental implants in Turkey. With a commitment to excellence and advanced technology, these clinics offer top-tier care and exceptional results. Find your trusted partner for restoring your smile and oral health with dental implants in Turkey.  BHT CLINIC Istanbul Tema Hastanesi WestDent Clinic Turkey Bergedent Aesthetic Dental and Implantology Tower Dental Clinic Zeynep Isilay Kaya Denart Turkey Dental Centre  Side Smile Dental Clinic  Academic Hospital Alanya Dental Center Antlara Dental Clinic Why Choose Turkey for Dental Implants? Turkey's allure goes beyond its stunning landscapes and rich history. When it comes to dental care, the country offers a winning combination of quality treatment and cost-effectiveness. Here are a few reasons why Turkey stands out: Top-notch Clinics: Turkey boasts state-of-the-art dental clinics equipped with the latest technology and staffed by experienced dentists who adhere to international standards of excellence. Skilled Professionals: Dentists in Turkey are renowned for their expertise in implantology and cosmetic dentistry. Many have received training abroad and possess extensive experience in performing successful dental implant procedures. Affordable Prices: One of the most attractive aspects of getting dental implants in Turkey is the cost. Compared to countries like the UK or the US, dental implant procedures in Turkey are significantly more affordable, making high-quality treatment accessible to a broader range of patients. Let's Get Ready to Rumble: The Preparation Process Before diving into the world of dental implants, a crucial step awaits: the consultation. Your dentist will thoroughly assess your oral health, jawbone density, and overall well-being to determine your candidacy for the procedure. Once given the green light, a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs will be crafted. All Aboard the Implant Express: The Procedure The journey towards your new smile begins with the dental implant procedure itself. It's a swift and straightforward process where the dentist inserts the implant into your jawbone, allowing it to gradually merge with the bone over several months. Once integration is complete, a custom-made crown is affixed to the implant, unveiling your brand-new tooth in no time. Recovering in Style: The Post-Op Experience After the procedure, some swelling and discomfort may occur – perfectly normal passengers on this post-op journey. Fear not, as your dentist will provide pain relief and comprehensive aftercare instructions for a smooth recovery. During this period, a soft food diet is recommended to facilitate healing and ensure your mouth feels at ease. No More Hide and Seek: The Benefits of Dental Implants Bid farewell to dental woes and embrace the myriad benefits of dental implants. Beyond enhancing your smile's aesthetics, they play a pivotal role in maintaining dental health. By preventing adjacent teeth from shifting and preserving jawbone structure, implants offer stability and functionality, enabling you to savor your favorite foods and engage in conversations with newfound confidence. Best 10 Board Certified Dentists for Dental Implants in Turkey Discover the top 10 board-certified dentists specializing in dental implants in Turkey. With expertise in advanced implant techniques and cutting-edge technology, these professionals offer unparalleled care and exceptional results. Find your trusted partner for restoring your smile and confidence with dental implants in Turkey.  Dt. Zeynep Yilmaz Dt. Tugce Bigis Dr. Dt. Ebru Keles Gulbahce Dr. Dt. Hasan Onur Akin Dt. Emine Tugce Atesh Dt. Tunc Berge  Dt. Susana Akdas Dt. Nebil Sezer, MSc DT. Fatih KARADAYI Dt. Merve Sadak Experience the Best of Both Worlds: Dental Implants in Turkey Discover why dental tourism in Turkey is booming and why it's the ultimate destination for your dental implant needs. From the longevity and safety of dental implants to the unique blend of culture and cost savings, Turkey offers an unparalleled experience that combines quality care with unforgettable adventures. The Longevity of Dental Implants: When properly cared for, dental implants can last a lifetime! Made of durable materials, they withstand daily wear and tear, ensuring your smile remains intact for years to come. The Safety of Dental Implants in Turkey: Turkey boasts highly skilled dentists and state-of-the-art technology, providing safe and effective dental care at a fraction of the cost elsewhere. Trust your smile to Turkey's renowned dental professionals. Why Turkey is the Place to Be for Dental Implants: Beyond quality dental care, Turkey offers a wealth of cultural and natural attractions. Explore ancient ruins, relax on picturesque beaches, or indulge in the vibrant atmosphere of bustling cities while recovering from your procedure. The Cost Savings of Dental Implants in Turkey: Enjoy significant savings on dental implants compared to other countries. Factor in the cost of travel and accommodations, and Turkey becomes a cost-effective option for world-class dental treatment. The Quality of Dental Implants in Turkey: Despite lower costs, Turkey maintains high standards of dental care. With cutting-edge technology and top-notch facilities, you can trust that your new smile will be of the highest quality. Embark on your dental implant journey in Turkey and experience the best of both worlds: exceptional dental care and unforgettable adventures. Book Your Dental Implant Appointment in Turkey Choosing to undergo dental implant treatment is a significant decision, and finding the right balance between quality and affordability is crucial. With its exceptional clinics, skilled professionals, and competitive prices, Turkey emerges as a top contender for dental implant procedures. By understanding the average cost of dental implants in Turkey and considering the factors that influence pricing, you can make an informed choice and embark on your journey to a brighter, healthier smile.

Dentistas certificados en Izmir, Turquía

Los dentistas de Izmir tienen mucha experiencia y las habilidades necesarias para ofrecer diversos procedimientos dentales. En Izmir, encontrará que los dentistas están capacitados para realizar atención dental de alta calidad con equipos de última generación, como radiografías digitales, CAD/CAM y escaneo 3D.

Además, estos especialistas han estudiado y se han graduado en Europa y América y son miembros de prestigiosas instituciones internacionales. Como profesionales en su campo, te ayudarán a eliminar el miedo a ir al dentista y a relajarte antes del procedimiento.

¿Te preguntas si los dentistas de Izmir hablan inglés? ¡Por supuesto! Los dentistas de Izmir hablan inglés con fluidez, por lo que no tendrás barreras lingüísticas.

Le facilitamos la conexión con el experto dental adecuado en Izmir. Contáctenos hoy para conocer a su dentista.

¿Qué ver y hacer en Esmirna?

Esmirna es la tercera ciudad más grande de Turquía y una de las más antiguas del Mediterráneo. Históricamente conocida como Esmirna, hoy en día es una ciudad tranquila donde puedes disfrutar de actividades relajantes y aventureras.

La ciudad en sí no tiene playas, pero el paseo marítimo a lo largo de la costa promete un paseo tranquilo con muchos cafés y bazares locales.

La ciudad está rodeada de lugares interesantes como la Mezquita Yali, la Mezquita Hisar, el Bazar Kemeralti, el Museo Ataturk y el Museo de Historia y Arte de Izmir .

Si lo prefiere, puede realizar una excursión de un día a la antigua ciudad de Éfeso , Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO, o a populares centros turísticos de verano como Bodrum y Kusadasi , a lo largo del mar Egeo.

Como turista dental, encontrarás muchas cosas para ver y hacer entre las visitas al dentista. Estas son algunas de ellas:


La torre del reloj en la plaza Konak

Ruinas del templo de Agora en Izmir, Turquía

Ruinas del templo de Ágora

Esmirna, Turquía

La vista de la ciudad de Izmir

¡Organiza hoy un viaje de turismo dental a Izmir en PlacidWay!

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Nuestro equipo de atención al cliente está disponible las 24 horas del día si tiene alguna pregunta o desea ayuda adicional.

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