¿Por qué debería considerar la cirugía de cataratas en Turquía?
Cuando la visión se vuelve borrosa, es posible que necesite una cirugía de cataratas. Pero si tiene un presupuesto ajustado, viajar al extranjero es una opción más asequible. La cirugía de cataratas en Turquía cuesta alrededor de un 60 % menos que en Estados Unidos o el Reino Unido, sin comprometer la calidad.
Por lo tanto, muchos pacientes consideran Turquía como una opción para una cirugía ocular eficaz, realizada por cirujanos oftalmólogos altamente cualificados. En esta guía, conocerá las mejores clínicas y cirujanos de cataratas, así como los mejores lugares para visitar en Turquía durante su estancia.
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Paquetes asequibles para cirugía de cataratas en Turquía
Podemos ayudarle a decidir sobre su viaje a Turquía para el tratamiento de cataratas con nuestros mejores paquetes. El precio de estos paquetes oscila entre $900 y $3,000, dependiendo de la clínica, el tipo de cirugía y los servicios incluidos.
Lea a continuación para obtener más detalles sobre nuestros paquetes y elija el que se ajuste a sus necesidades y presupuesto.
Comparación de precios de cirugía de cataratas en Turquía, Reino Unido y EE. UU.
El costo de la cirugía de cataratas en Turquía ronda los $1700 . En el Reino Unido y Estados Unidos, esta cirugía supera los $3500 y es hasta un 60 % más cara que en Turquía.
Además de ahorrar, a los pacientes les encanta el clima cálido, la gente amable y los hermosos lugares de Turquía. Así que puede disfrutar de unas vacaciones únicas viniendo aquí para una operación de cataratas.
Aquí están los costos entre Turquía, Estados Unidos y el Reino Unido:
Cataract Surgery Cost Comparison in Turkey
País | Procedimiento | Precio |
Turkey | Cataract Surgery, Eye/Lasik Care | $1733 |
United Kingdom | Cataract Surgery, Eye/Lasik Care | $4000 |
United States | Cataract Surgery, Eye/Lasik Care | $3500 |
Los mejores centros de oftalmología en Turquía
Turquía es conocida por sus centros de cirugía ocular de primer nivel, a los que acuden pacientes de países como Estados Unidos y el Reino Unido. El bajo costo de la atención médica, las instalaciones y equipos modernos, y un equipo médico profesional son las razones por las que las clínicas en Turquía son populares entre los pacientes extranjeros.
Por lo tanto, tenemos una lista de las 6 mejores clínicas de cirugía de cataratas en Turquía cuyos perfiles puedes leer a continuación.
Lea reseñas de cirugía ocular en Turquía
Encuentre respuestas sobre el costo promedio de la cirugía de cataratas en Turquía
Descubramos más sobre los precios asequibles de la cirugía de cataratas en Antalya y Estambul. Vea nuestras respuestas a continuación.
What is the Cost of Cataract Surgery in Istanbul, Turkey?
Cataract surgery helps you see better and feel happier. It fixes your cloudy eye lens so you can see clearly again. In Istanbul, Turkey, doctors do a great job at helping people see again, and it doesn't cost too much. Is Cataract Surgery Right for You? Check Now! Many people go to Istanbul because they have good doctors, new equipment, and fair prices. This guide will help you learn more about cataract surgery in Istanbul, what it costs, and why it is a good choice. Cost of Cataract Surgery in Istanbul Turkey Here is a simple list of what cataract surgery can cost in Istanbul: Type of Surgery Regular Lens Special Lens Regular Cataract Surgery $1,200 - $1,800 $2,500 - $3,200 Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery $2,000 - $3,000 $3,500 - $4,500 Note: Prices can change, so it is a good idea to ask the clinic for the exact cost. What Affects the Cost of Cataract Surgery in Istanbul? The cost of cataract surgery in Istanbul depends on a few things: Type of Surgery: Regular surgery costs less than surgery with a laser. The laser helps make the surgery better but costs more money. Type of Lens: There are different types of lenses. Regular lenses cost less. Special lenses, like ones that help you see both near and far, cost more. Clinic Location: Some clinics charge more because they are famous or in a busy part of the city. These clinics often have better services. Extra Services: Some clinics include everything in the price, like check-ups and medicine. Others charge extra, so it's important to know what is included. Why Choose Istanbul for Cataract Surgery? Istanbul has great hospitals, good prices, and smart doctors. Here are some reasons to pick Istanbul: Low Cost: Cataract surgery costs a lot less in Istanbul than in other places like the U.S. or Europe. You can save money and still get great care. Experienced Doctors: The doctors in Istanbul are very good at what they do. Many of them have trained in other countries and know how to take care of your eyes very well. Modern Clinics: Eye Care Clinics in Istanbul have the newest tools for eye surgery. This helps make the surgery safe and makes sure it works well. Help for Tourists: Many hospitals help people who come from other countries. They can help you with airport rides, hotels, and translations, so everything is easy for you. Besides the great care, you can also enjoy Istanbul. There are many things to see, like old buildings and tasty food. It can be a nice trip where you get care and have fun too. How Cataract Surgery Works in Istanbul Cataract surgery is a simple way to make your eyes see better. Here are the steps: Check-Up: The doctor will look at your eyes to see what kind of lens you need. They will talk to you about your eye health and help you pick the right lens. Numbing the Eye: The doctor will give you eye drops to make your eye numb. This makes sure you do not feel any pain. Taking Out the Cloudy Lens: The doctor will take out the cloudy lens in your eye and put in a new clear lens. They use special tools to make sure it is done safely. Getting Better: You can go home the same day. Your eyes will start to get better over the next few weeks. It is important to rest and follow the doctor's instructions. Benefits of Cataract Surgery in Istanbul There are many good things about getting cataract surgery in Istanbul: No Long Wait: You can get the surgery quickly without waiting for a long time. This is helpful if you want care right away. See the City: You can get great medical care and also enjoy visiting Istanbul. There are many beautiful places to see and things to do. All-Inclusive Packages: Many clinics have packages that include everything you need, like the surgery, hotel, and airport rides. This makes it easy for you to get the care you need without stress. Is Cataract Surgery in Istanbul Safe? Yes, cataract surgery in Istanbul is very safe if you pick a good clinic. Many clinics have special certificates to show they follow the best safety rules. You can check reviews and learn about the doctors to feel good about your choice. The clinics have to follow strict safety rules, so you can trust them to take good care of you. FAQs How much does cataract surgery cost in Istanbul, Turkey? The cost is between $1,200 and $4,500. It depends on the type of surgery and the lens you choose. You can save a lot of money compared to other countries. What is the recovery time for cataract surgery? Most people feel better in about a week. Full recovery can take a few weeks. It is important to rest and follow the doctor's advice. Are the surgeons in Istanbul qualified? Yes, the surgeons in Istanbul are very qualified. Many have trained in other countries and have a lot of experience. What types of lenses are available for cataract surgery? You can choose regular lenses or special lenses. Special lenses help with seeing both near and far. Your doctor will help you pick the best one for you. Does insurance cover cataract surgery in Turkey? Some insurance plans may cover it. You should ask your insurance provider to be sure. It is good to know what they will pay for and what you have to pay yourself. Is it worth traveling to Istanbul for cataract surgery? Yes, it can be a very good idea. You save money, get great care, and can have a nice visit to a beautiful city. Get Help from PlacidWay for Your Cataract Surgery Ready to get cataract surgery in Istanbul? PlacidWay is here to help you connect with the best clinics and make the process easy. Contact us today for personalized guidance and take the first step toward clearer vision!
What is the Average Cost of Cataract Surgery in Antalya, Turkey?
The average cost of Cataract Surgery in Antalya, Turkey, is $3,000 for one eye. Cataracts are described as a clouding of the lens of the eye. Known as opacity, the condition causes a progressive loss of vision. Untreated cataracts are the leading cause of blindness. Cataracts reduce vision, depth perception, and peripheral vision. Cost of Eye Surgery Variations in Antalya, Turkey Eye Surgery Procedures Eye Surgery Cost in Antalya, Turkey (per eye) IntraLASIK Surgery $1,890 PRK Eye Surgery $1,190 How Much Can I Save By Choosing Cataract Surgery in Antalya? Cataract surgery can cost you up to $5,000-$10,000 in developed countries, whereas you can get the same treatment within $3,000 approximately in Antalya. If you are considering cost efficiency, you can easily save around 5,000 or more by getting the treatment here in Antalya, Turkey. Other Costs to Consider If you have just decided to get your cataract surgery treatment from Antalya, Turkey, other expenses can affect the cost of treatment and hence you need to consider them. Have a look at the other associated expenses. Hotel and accommodation Foods and drinks Cost of Transportation Travel Insurance What is Cataract Surgery Procedure? The surgeon makes a very small incision in the eye and removes the cataract by destroying it or breaking it up with ultrasound waves. Pieces are removed. The process is known as phacoemulsification. After pieces of the cataract are removed, the surgeon replaces the cataract with an artificial or intraocular lens. Cataract surgery is generally done under a local anesthetic. The surface of the eye is numbed with eye drops or an injection. General anesthesia is usually only offered to those who can't hold still during the surgical process. The entire procedure lasts about 30 minutes. Cataract surgery is considered a same-day surgery. Benefits of Eye Surgery in Antalya Improved vision Decreased glare Improved peripheral vision and depth perception Improved blurred vision Increased independence What Should I Expect From Lens Replacement Surgery in Antalya? The scenario of medical tourism is rapidly changing in Antalya and the place is famous for offering world-class treatment at a cheaper cost. There’s an opportunity to get the best cataract surgery from the world-famous doctors and staff at the clinics. Get the Low-Cost Cataract Surgery in Antalya at PlacidWay! Improve your eye health and vision with cost-effective Cataract surgery in Antalya. Save up to 70% on UK and USA prices by booking with PlacidWay. Contact us now for more details and to receive a free quote!
Cirujanos oculares certificados en Turquía
El equipo de PlacidWay le ayudará a encontrar al mejor cirujano para su cirugía de cataratas en Turquía. Así que relájese y deje que nos encarguemos de todo. Nos basamos en los mejores cirujanos oftalmológicos gracias a su experiencia, su pertenencia a la junta, su dominio del inglés y las opiniones de antiguos pacientes.
Verá que los cirujanos turcos cumplen con altos estándares en cirugía ocular, exámenes preoperatorios y seguimiento postoperatorio. Le ayudarán a mejorar su visión y salud ocular de la mejor manera posible.
Contáctenos para conocer a su cirujano de cataratas en Turquía.
Principales atracciones turísticas de Turquía
Como país con una ubicación geográfica única, que abarca dos continentes: Europa y Asia, Turquía es un destino magnífico en todos los sentidos. Millones de turistas visitan Turquía para explorar sus principales atractivos. Además, muchos acuden a Turquía para recibir atención médica eficaz, como cirugías oculares.
Los siguientes lugares son una visita obligada durante su estancia en Turquía para el procedimiento de cataratas:
Mezquita de Santa Sofía y crucero por el Bósforo |
Antalya, un popular destino de verano
Capadocia romántica: un lugar de cuento de hadas
¡Reserve hoy la cirugía de cataratas en Turquía!
¡Deshazte de la visión nublada con la cirugía de cataratas en Turquía a bajo costo!
¡El equipo de PlacidWay está aquí para todas tus preguntas, así que no dudes en contactarnos si necesitas ayuda para preparar el viaje!
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