Cirugía Bariátrica en Cancún, México - La Guía Definitiva

Cirugía Bariátrica en Cancún, México - La Guía Definitiva


Cirugía bariátrica en Cancún, México: destino económico para cirugía de pérdida de peso

El problema de la obesidad es un espectro aterrador porque puede provocar complicaciones y otros problemas de salud graves. Sin embargo, con solo $5,500 en Cancún, México, obtendrá la solución que necesita para combatir este problema de sobrepeso.

La cirugía bariátrica en Cancún, México, es un procedimiento quirúrgico eficaz y confiable que se lleva a cabo en manos expertas de cirujanos certificados. ¡Recibirá la mejor atención en buenas manos! Tome su decisión hoy y comience su cita con nuestro cirujano y clínica más recomendados a continuación.

Paquetes de cirugía de pérdida de peso con todo incluido en Cancún, México

¿Sabías que el Paquete para la Obesidad puede ofrecerte más de lo que esperas? En forma de paquetes, hay muchas inclusiones disponibles que sin duda te brindarán más beneficios.

Recopilamos información sobre el paquete de cirugía bariátrica en Cancún, México para que sepas lo que puedes obtener en el paquete de obesidad disponible. Este paquete está disponible a un precio accesible, desde $5,800 - $9,750 .

Costo de la cirugía bariátrica en Cancún, México

El costo de la cirugía bariátrica en Cancún es de alrededor de $5,500 , mientras que en otros países hay que gastar más de $17,500 . Sin embargo, el costo puede variar según el tipo de cirugía para bajar de peso. Así, por ejemplo, por una manga gástrica en Cancún pagarás $5,800, mientras que un bypass gástrico es de $7,800.

La gastrectomía en manga puede ser muy costosa en Estados Unidos, donde los pacientes deben pagar más de 18.000 dólares de su propio bolsillo. Lo mismo ocurre con el bypass gástrico en Estados Unidos, que cuesta 25.000 dólares.

Realizarse una cirugía para bajar de peso en Cancún es una opción rentable hasta un 90% más asequible en comparación con los precios de los mismos procedimientos en Estados Unidos o Canadá.

Obtén información sobre los mejores precios para Cirugía Bariátrica en Cancún, México ahora para que puedas comparar las opciones adecuadas para el problema que estás experimentando.

Obesity/Bariatric Surgery Comparación de costos de centros en Cancun, Mexico

Proveedor Procedimiento Precio
Metabolic Health Gastric Bypass, Obesity/Bariatric Surgery $8200
Metabolic Health Bariatric Surgery, Obesity/Bariatric Surgery $8700
Dr. Fernando Ceron Bariatric Surgeon Gastric Bypass, Obesity/Bariatric Surgery $7800
Dr. Fernando Ceron Bariatric Surgeon Sleeve Gastrectomy, Obesity/Bariatric Surgery $5800
Dr. Fernando Ceron Bariatric Surgeon Gastric Balloon, Obesity/Bariatric Surgery $3200

Obesity/Bariatric Surgery Cost Comparison in Mexico

País Procedimiento Precio
United States Sleeve Gastrectomy, Obesity/Bariatric Surgery $18000
Mexico Bariatric Surgery, Obesity/Bariatric Surgery $5500
United States Bariatric Surgery, Obesity/Bariatric Surgery $19000
United States Gastric Balloon, Obesity/Bariatric Surgery $8000
United States Gastric Bypass, Obesity/Bariatric Surgery $25000
Canada Bariatric Surgery, Obesity/Bariatric Surgery $17500

Las 2 mejores clínicas de cirugía bariátrica en Cancún, México

Centro de Cirugía Bariátrica en Cancún, México está listo para brindarte las mejores opciones de centros médicos que te harán someterte a una cirugía sin preocuparte más.

Todas las clínicas que recomendamos están acreditadas, certificadas y tienen décadas de experiencia tratando a pacientes locales e internacionales.

Videos Información sobre Cirugía de Pérdida de Peso en Cancún, México

Los videos de cirugía bariátrica en Cancún, México pueden ser la opción correcta cuando desea obtener una referencia visual. Como resultado, podrá imaginar por sí mismo qué tipo de servicios de salud recibe en determinadas clínicas. Esto lo ayudará a tomar las decisiones correctas y de acuerdo con lo que necesita.

Reseñas de pacientes reales sobre cirugía bariátrica en Cancún, México

Reseñas Cirugía Bariátrica en Cancún, México contiene información sobre pacientes que han recibido la mejor atención en esta clínica.

Esta información puede darle una idea de cómo se sienten los pacientes cuando acuden a una clínica particular para Cirugía Bariátrica en Cancún, México y muchos de ellos han experimentado su calidad.

Preguntas importantes sobre la cirugía bariátrica en Cancún, México

Asegúrese de que su conocimiento sea completo antes de elegir la cirugía bariátrica en Cancún, México. No sea ciego al tomar decisiones. Cuando tome una decisión, asegúrese de saber realmente lo que está eligiendo.

Aquí PlacidWay lo empaqueta para usted en forma de Cirugía Bariátrica en Cancún, México, haciéndole más fácil obtener respuestas a las preguntas que ha estado en su mente todo este tiempo.

What is the Average Price of Mini-Gastric Bypass Surgery in Cancun, Mexico?

What is the Average Price of Mini-Gastric Bypass Surgery in Cancun, Mexico? Mini gastric bypass surgery is also known as sleeve gastric bypass surgery or a mini gastric surgical procedure. Gastric bypass surgery literally bypasses the bulk of the stomach and encourages massive weight loss in obese individuals. Mini gastric bypass surgery is performed using a laparoscopic approach, meaning minimally invasive techniques and procedures. The average price for Mini-Gastric Bypass treatment packages in Cancun, Mexico is around $8,850. However, the cost may vary from clinic to clinic and you may find the same clinic in Cancun, Mexico is offering Mini-Gastric Bypass treatment at different prices. The price for Mini-Gastric Bypass here in Mexico may range between $8,200 and $9,500. Factors that Affect the Price of Mini-Gastric Bypass in Cancun, Mexico You can reach Cancun, Mexico to get the Mini-Gastric Bypass treatment conveniently. Before you plan to travel to this nation, you should be aware of the factors that can affect the package price. Have a look at the factors that can affect the overall cost of the treatment. Medication Age of the patient Health plan Weight Assistive and augmentative equipment Complexities associated with the treatment, etc. What Should Be Expected from the Mini-Gastric Bypass procedure in Cancun, Mexico? Cancun, Mexico has become the home of a number of world-class healthcare institutions offering the Mini-Gastric Bypass procedure at affordable price. Here, you can receive the Mini-Gastric Bypass procedure through highly experienced dentists and supporting medical staff. How Much You Can Save by Receiving Mini-Gastric Bypass Treatment in Cancun, Mexico? The average price for Mini-Gastric Bypass in most of the leading countries may range between $10,000 and $22,000 approximately. However, you can receive the same treatment here in Cancun, Mexico at around $8,850. So, you can save more than $12,000 by choosing Cancun, Mexico in Cancun, Mexico as your preferred medical tourism destination for the Mini-Gastric Bypass procedure. Approximately Cost of Mini-Gastric Bypass Variations in Cancun, Mexico Sleeve Gastrectomy $5,800 Gastric Bypass $8,600 Tummy Tuck Surgery  $4,650  Other Costs to Consider If you are preparing for the overall expense of the Mini-Gastric Bypass treatment in Cancun, Mexico, you have to consider some other associated expenses as well. These expenses are: Hotels and accommodation Food and drinks during stay Airfare and transport Travel insurance These are the details of the estimated costs and you should not grant it as the final cost of the Mini-Gastric Bypass treatment in Cancun, Mexico. However, you can always ask for the free quotes and check how much you can save by going to Cancun, Mexico for the Mini-Gastric Bypass.

What is the Average Cost of Gastric Balloon in Cancun, Mexico?

Who needs a boring, straight-laced answer when it comes to getting a gastric balloon installed in your tummy? Let's spice things up a bit and talk about the costs with a pinch of humor! Cost of Gastric Balloon in Cancun, Mexico The average cost for a gastric balloon procedure in Cancun, Mexico is around $3,000 to $5,000. It all depends on the clinic's location, the surgeon's experience, and the type of gastric balloon used. So, before you book your flight to Cancun, make sure to do your research and find the best deal that fits your budget. Location Gastric Balloon Price Cancun, Mexico $3,000 - $5,000 United States $8000 Canada $8200 The Importance of Choosing the Right Treatment and Location Just like a good margarita, the right treatment and location are crucial to a successful gastric balloon experience in Cancun. It's important to find a clinic that has a good reputation, experienced surgeons, and a high success rate. Also, make sure to choose a treatment that fits your needs and lifestyle. There are different types of gastric balloons, such as the saline-filled, the gas-filled, and the dual-filled gastric balloon. Each type has its own pros and cons, so it's best to discuss your options with a qualified surgeon before making a decision. How to Save Money on Your Gastric Balloon Procedure in Cancun, Mexico? If you're on a tight budget but still want to enjoy the benefits of a gastric balloon, fear not! There are ways to save money on your gastric balloon procedure in Cancun, Mexico. One way is to book your surgery during the low season, when the demand for gastric balloons is lower and the prices are more affordable. Another way is to find a package deal that includes the surgery, hotel, and transportation. These packages can save you a lot of money and make the whole process more convenient. What to Expect After the Gastric Balloon Procedure in Cancun, Mexico? After the gastric balloon procedure in Cancun, Mexico you can expect to feel a bit sore and bloated for a few days. You'll also have to follow a strict liquid diet for the first few weeks to give your stomach time to heal. But don't worry, you'll be able to enjoy your favorite Mexican dishes in no time! Just remember to chew your food slowly and avoid overeating, or you might end up with a food baby bigger than the gastric balloon itself. The Risks and Side Effects of Getting a Gastric Balloon in Cancun Just like any medical procedure, there are risks and side effects associated with getting a gastric balloon in Cancun. Some of the common side effects include nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and constipation. However, these side effects are usually temporary and can be managed with the help of a qualified surgeon. It's important to discuss the risks and side effects of the gastric balloon procedure with your surgeon before making a decision.  How to Choose the Best Surgeon for Your Gastric Balloon Procedure in Cancun, Mexico? Choosing the best surgeon for your gastric balloon procedure in Cancun is just as important as choosing the right treatment and location. Look for a surgeon with a lot of experience, good reviews, and a high success rate. You can also ask for referrals from friends or family members who have had a gastric balloon procedure, or check online forums and websites for recommendations. Don't be afraid to ask your surgeon questions about their qualifications, experience, and success rate. A good surgeon will be happy to answer your questions and put your mind at ease.  How to Make the Most of Your Trip to Cancun for Your Gastric Balloon Procedure Cancun is not just a place for getting a gastric balloon, it's also a place for relaxation and fun! So, why not make the most of your trip and turn it into a mini-vacation? You can spend your days lounging on the beach, exploring the local attractions, or trying out new restaurants. Just make sure to listen to your body and take it easy after the procedure. And if you need a break from the sun and sand, you can always take a trip to the nearby Mayan ruins or go snorkeling in the clear waters of the Caribbean Sea.  So there you have it, folks! The average cost of a gastric balloon in Cancun, Mexico, and everything you need to know about gastric balloon in Cancun, Mexico. Just remember to do your research, choose the right treatment and location, and have fun! And who knows, you might just come back from Cancun with a smaller waistline and a bigger smile!

What is the Average Price of Gastric Bypass Surgery in Cancun, Mexico?

What is the Average Price of Gastric Bypass Surgery in Cancun, Mexico? Gastric bypass surgery is considered a form of bariatric surgery, a field that deals with weight loss and obesity. Today, gastric bypass is generally performed using a technique called Roux-en-Y. This procedure reduces the size of the stomach to create a pouch that accepts no more than an ounce or so of food at a time. A small opening between the stomach and intestine allows food to travel directly to the large intestine. Gastric bypass surgery literally bypasses the bulk of the stomach and encourages massive weight loss in obese individuals. The average price for Gastric Bypass treatment packages in Cancun, Mexico is around $8,600. However, the cost may vary from clinic to clinic and you may find the same clinic in Cancun, Mexico is offering Gastric Bypass treatment at different prices. The price for the Gastric Bypass treatment here in Cancun, Mexico may range between $6,600 and $11,500. Factors that Affect the Price of Gastric Bypass in Cancun, Mexico You can reach Cancun, Mexico to get the Gastric Bypass treatment conveniently. Before you plan to travel to this nation, you should be aware of the factors that can affect the package price. Have a look at the factors that can affect the overall cost of the treatment. Health and medical issues Body mass index of the patient Age Quality of materials used during treatment Facilities What Should Be Expected from the Gastric Bypass procedure in Cancun, Mexico? The Latin American country Mexico has become the home of a number of world-class healthcare institutions offering the Gastric Bypass procedure at affordable price. Here, you can receive the Gastric Bypass procedure through highly experienced doctors and supporting medical staff. How Much You Can Save by Receiving Gastric Bypass Treatment in Cancun, Mexico? The average price for Gastric Bypass in most of the leading countries may range between $10,000 and $25,000 approximately. However, you can receive the same treatment here in Cancun, Mexico at around $8,600. So, you can save more than $18,000 by choosing Cancun in Mexico as your preferred medical tourism destination for the Gastric Bypass procedure. Approximately Cost of Gastric Bypass Variations in Cancun, Mexico Sleeve Gastrectomy $5,800 Mini Gastric Bypass $8,800 Other Costs to Consider If you are preparing for the overall expense of the Gastric Bypass treatment in Cancun, Mexico, you have to consider some other associated expenses as well. These expenses are: Hotels and accommodation Food and drinks during stay Airfare and transport Travel insurance These are the details of the estimated costs and you should not grant it as the final cost of the Gastric Bypass treatment in Cancun, Mexico. However, you can always ask for the free quotes and check how much you can save by going to Cancun, Mexico for the Gastric Bypass.

Exploring the Cost of Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Cancun, Mexico

Are you tired of feeling self-conscious about your weight? Are you ready to finally take control of your health and make a change? Well, it's time to consider gastric sleeve surgery! But, you may be wondering, what is the average price? Fear not, because Cancun, Mexico is here to save the day.  The Average Price of Gastric Sleeve in Cancun, Mexico The average price of gastric sleeve in Cancun, Mexico is around $5,800. This is a fraction of what you would pay in the US, where the cost is around $18,000. In Cancun, you can receive top-notch medical care and highly trained bariatric surgeons for a fraction of the cost. So, why not invest in yourself and get the body you've always wanted Location Gastric Sleeve Price Cancun, Mexico $5,800 United States $18,000 Canada $19,500 Why Cancun, Mexico is a Popular Destination for Gastric Sleeve? Cancun, Mexico has become a popular destination for gastric sleeve surgery due to several factors: High-Quality Medical Facilities: Cancun boasts modern hospitals and clinics equipped with state-of-the-art technology and staffed by highly qualified medical professionals. Experienced Surgeons: The city is home to experienced bariatric surgeons who specialize in gastric sleeve procedures. Many of these surgeons have extensive training and experience in performing weight loss surgeries. Affordability: The cost of gastric sleeve surgery in Cancun is often much lower than in countries like the United States or Canada, making it a more affordable option for patients seeking weight loss surgery. Short Wait Times: Patients traveling to Cancun for gastric sleeve surgery often benefit from shorter wait times compared to their home countries, allowing them to undergo the procedure sooner. Beautiful Recovery Environment: The recovery process after gastric sleeve surgery can be more comfortable and enjoyable in Cancun, thanks to its beautiful beaches, warm weather, and relaxing atmosphere. Comprehensive Medical Tourism Services: Many medical tourism agencies in Cancun offer comprehensive packages that include not only surgery but also accommodation, transportation, and post-operative care, making the entire process smoother for patients traveling from abroad. Privacy and Confidentiality: Patients may prefer to undergo gastric sleeve surgery away from their home environment for privacy reasons, and Cancun provides a discreet setting for medical procedures. Overall, the combination of high-quality medical care, experienced surgeons, affordability, and a pleasant recovery environment makes Cancun an attractive destination for individuals considering gastric sleeve surgery. How to Choose the Right Bariatric Surgeon in Cancun, Mexico? Choosing the right bariatric surgeon is crucial for a successful gastric sleeve. You want to make sure that your surgeon is experienced, qualified, and has a good track record. Research potential surgeons online, read reviews from past patients, and check to see if they are certified by the Mexican Council of Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery. Schedule a consultation to discuss your goals and ask any questions you may have.  What to Expect During Your Gastric Sleeve Procedure During your gastric sleeve procedure, your bariatric surgeon will remove a portion of your stomach, leaving a narrow sleeve-shaped stomach that restricts food intake and makes you feel full faster. The procedure is minimally invasive and typically takes 1-2 hours. You will be given general anesthesia and will need to stay in the hospital for 1-2 days after the procedure.  Recovery After Gastric Sleeve in Cancun After your gastric sleeve, you can expect to experience some discomfort and swelling. Your bariatric surgeon will prescribe pain medication to help manage any discomfort. You should plan to take it easy for the first few days and avoid any strenuous activities. You will also need to follow a special diet and attend regular follow-up appointments with your surgeon to monitor your progress and ensure the best possible outcome.  The Risks and Complications of Gastric Sleeve Gastric sleeve surgery, like any surgical procedure, carries risks and potential complications. Some of these risks include: Infection: Infection at the incision sites or within the abdominal cavity can occur after surgery. This risk is mitigated with proper preoperative and postoperative care. Bleeding: Bleeding during or after surgery is possible and may require additional intervention or transfusion in severe cases. Leaks: Leakage from the staple line or along the incision site can occur, leading to serious complications such as infection or abscess formation. This risk is higher in the immediate postoperative period. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD): Some patients may develop or experience worsening of GERD symptoms after gastric sleeve surgery due to changes in stomach anatomy and pressure on the lower esophageal sphincter. Stricture: Narrowing of the stomach opening (stricture) can occur, making it difficult for food to pass through. This may require endoscopic dilation to correct. Dumping Syndrome: Rapid emptying of the stomach contents into the small intestine can occur, leading to symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, and sweating after eating high-sugar or high-fat foods. Nutritional Deficiencies: Reduced stomach size can limit food intake, potentially leading to inadequate nutrient absorption and deficiencies in vitamins and minerals such as iron, calcium, vitamin B12, and vitamin D. Patients typically require lifelong supplementation and monitoring of their nutritional status. Weight Regain: While gastric sleeve surgery is an effective tool for weight loss, some patients may experience weight regain over time due to factors such as poor dietary habits, lack of exercise, or stretching of the stomach pouch. Complications related to anesthesia: Anesthesia carries its own set of risks, including allergic reactions, respiratory problems, and cardiovascular complications. It's essential for patients considering gastric sleeve surgery to discuss these risks and potential complications with their healthcare provider and to carefully weigh the benefits and risks before proceeding with the procedure. Additionally, following postoperative instructions, attending regular follow-up appointments, and making necessary lifestyle changes can help minimize the risk of complications and optimize outcomes. The Full Packages in Cancun For Bariatric Surgery Choosing Cancun for your surgery often means you're getting a comprehensive package. This can include your hospital stay, surgery, pre-and post-op consultations, and sometimes even airport transfers and accommodation. When you compare this to the United States, where every service and follow-up appointment adds to the bill, the difference is clear. How to Prepare for Your Gastric Sleeve in Cancun, Mexico? To prepare for your gastric sleeve, you should stop smoking and avoid taking any blood-thinning medications for at least 2 weeks before the procedure. You should also arrange for someone to drive you to and from the surgery center and stay with you for the first 24 hours after the procedure. During your consultation, your bariatric surgeon will give you specific instructions and answer any questions you may have. It's also important to follow a low-calorie, high-protein diet in the weeks leading up to your surgery to prepare your body for the changes to come.  The Benefits of Gastric Sleeve in Cancun, Mexico Not only does gastric sleeve in Cancun, Mexico save you money, but it also offers a number of benefits for your health and well-being. You can expect to lose weight gradually and safely, reduce your risk of obesity-related health problems, and improve your overall quality of life. With the support of your bariatric surgeon and the commitment to a healthy lifestyle, you can achieve your weight loss goals and finally feel confident and comfortable in your own skin.  Best Bariatric Surgeons in Cancun Mexico 1. Dr. Octavio Jimenez Dr. Octavio Jimenez Meza moved on from the National Polytechnic Institute School of Medicine. He is exceptionally gifted and experienced in everyday medical procedure, progressed laparoscopic, and bariatric Surgery. He is affirmed by, and an individual from the Mexican College of Surgery for Obesity and Diseases Metabolic (CMCOEM) for Bariatric Surgery. He is affirmed by the Mexican Association of Endoscopic Surgery (ECFA) for Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery. Dr. Meza educated as a professor of life systems and physiology at HGR IMSS Hospital, and the National Autonomous University of Mexico. He also has published works on “Complications of post-ERCP pancreatitis”, “Revision surgery in a training center for bariatric surgery”, and “Metabolic Surgery: Derivation Duodenum-ileal vertical sleeve gastrectomy laparoscopically.” 2. Dr. Fernando Ceron If you want to get the best surgeon in Cancun, Mexico Dr. Fernando Ceron is one of the experienced surgeons in this area which will provide you with satisfactory result, please check the following surgeon credentials: Doctor have obtained certified courses in bariatric procedures Become certified in Mexican Board of General Surgery Have at least 3 years of experience in bariatric surgeries Proven track record of success Speak English and Spanish Graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, UNAM. License: 733221 General Surgeon with appreciation of the Mexican Council of Surgery Digestive Surgeon recognized by the Mexican Board of Gastroenterology Laparoscopic Surgeon recognized by the Mexican Association of Endoscopic Surgery Former President of the Mexican Society of Obesity Surgery Reviews and Testimonials for Weight Loss Surgery in Cancun, Mexico We advise that our prospective patients always check the reviews and testimonials that patients have left in the past. These reviews are important because they can guide you in your decision-making process. Reviews and Testimonials for Weight Loss will encourage you to visit a certain clinic and speak to the doctors. These testimonials go a long way because experience is truly the best teacher and knowing of others will allow you to gain unbiased feedback. Book Your Appointment Now Ready to take the first step towards a healthier you? Explore our affordable weight loss surgery options in Mexico. With experienced surgeons, modern facilities, and comprehensive care, we're here to support you on your journey to a happier, healthier life. Contact us today to learn more!

El mejor cirujano bariátrico en Cancún, México

El cirujano bariátrico en Cancún, México, le ofrece todo lo mejor que necesita y desea. Recibirá tratamiento directo de un cirujano certificado que tiene experiencia en el tratamiento de cientos, si no miles, de pacientes. Como resultado, podrá recibir el tratamiento adecuado para obtener los resultados satisfactorios que necesita.

Visita Cancún para una cirugía de pérdida de peso y también para visitar las principales atracciones turísticas

Hay muchas cosas que hacer en Cancún, México. Hay varias opciones de atracciones turísticas disponibles para consentirte, por ejemplo, Playa Delfines, La Isla Shopping Village y Xoximilco Cancún.

Desde aquí podrás obtener toda la diversión que necesitas. Después de relajarte con tu cirugía, es hora de divertirte disfrutando de la belleza de Cancún, México.

Playa Delfines

Atracción turística

Pueblo La Isla

Atracción turística

Xoximilco Cancún

Atracción turística

¡Comienza tu cita para cirugía bariátrica en Cancún, México hoy!

La cirugía bariátrica en Cancún, México, es la opción correcta para el turismo médico. Prueba de ello es la gran cantidad de canadienses y estadounidenses que visitan México para obtener los mejores servicios médicos. Además de precios accesibles, también obtienen una calidad que no es menos competitiva que la de su país de origen.

Además, los pacientes también pueden visitar las mejores atracciones turísticas de Cancún, México y vivir la mejor e inolvidable experiencia de Vacaciones Médicas. Contáctenos para obtener más información haciendo clic en el botón a continuación:


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