Dr Francisco Anaya, Gynecologist - Alicante, Spain
About - Dr Francisco Anaya
El Dr. Francisco Anaya es un ginecólogo y obstetra con gran experiencia que reside en Alicante, España. Con una pasión por la salud y el bienestar de la mujer, el Dr. Anaya ha dedicado su carrera a brindar una atención excepcional a sus pacientes. El Dr. Francisco Anaya se licenció en Medicina en la Universidad de Alicante y realizó la residencia en Obstetricia y Ginecología en un prestigioso hospital de España. También ha realizado una formación avanzada en tratamientos de fertilidad y medicina reproductiva. El Dr. Anaya se especializa en una amplia gama de servicios ginecológicos y obstétricos, que incluyen atención prenatal, parto, manejo de la menopausia y tratamientos de fertilidad. Es conocido por su enfoque compasivo y atención personalizada para cada paciente. El Dr. Francisco Anaya trabaja en UR Vistahermosa - Clínica de FIV en España, una clínica de fertilidad líder conocida por sus tratamientos de vanguardia y altas tasas de éxito. Trabaja en estrecha colaboración con un equipo de expertos para brindar atención integral a los pacientes que buscan soluciones de fertilidad. El Dr. Anaya es miembro de varias organizaciones profesionales, entre ellas la Sociedad Española de Ginecología y Obstetricia (SEGO) y la Sociedad Europea de Reproducción Humana y Embriología (ESHRE). Se mantiene actualizado sobre los últimos avances en su campo para ofrecer la mejor atención posible a sus pacientes. Si buscas atención ginecológica u obstétrica experta en Alicante, España, el Dr. Francisco Anaya está aquí para ayudarte. Programa una consulta en UR Vistahermosa - Clínica de FIV para recibir atención personalizada de un especialista dedicado. Dr. Francisco Anaya
Ginecólogo y obstetra
Alicante, España
Acerca del Dr. Francisco Anaya
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UR Vistahermosa - Fertility Clinic in Spain reviews
I am very happy with this Clinic. All of them made the whole process very easy from the beginning to the end, the international department girls and the rest of staff at the Unit. Now I am pregnant ,after 4 years trying ,and cannot wait to see my baby girl face . Thank you all.
Google Jan 08 2022 -
I had an appointment with Dr. Valeria Sotelo and I must say that she is a charming person, empathetic, close, decisive and charming. I definitely recommend it 100%.
Google Dec 25 2021 -
From the beginning to the end of the treatment, I felt protected and comfortable and to put the finishing touch, here I am waiting for my 26-week-old baby. Grateful.
Google Aug 26 2022 -
After 4 unsuccessful years of PMA in France, I was followed by Fred, from Fertilog and the clinic.
Google Oct 21 2022
We took the time to do the exams, the treatments, they accompanied me from A to Z in my approach, v they reassured and supported me at every stage because I was very afraid of another failure.
And when all the lights were green they told me to come!
It was last January...
My son Lukas was recently born and I am really on cloud nine.
My dream is finally coming true -
I have always had the dream of being a mother. I married an incredible man, who I describe as my perfect complement. Once married, the classic questions they ask a newly married woman began to come to me: When is the baby due? and other comments that at first sounded funny and harmless to me.
Google Nov 04 2022
My husband and I were planning to have a baby, but as time went on, I could not get pregnant, and thats when we decided to visit the doctor for the first time.
After some medical tests I was diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome and I was referred to the Assisted Reproduction clinic to study my case.
After several fertility treatments, going through a bumpy road, I was able to get pregnant.
I would like to publicly thank the entire Assisted Reproduction team at the Vistahermosa Hospital in Alicante for their attention and dedication, but with special mention to Dr. Valeria Sotelo.
From the first moment we met you, you transmitted us a lot of serenity and a reassuring attitude.
You knew how to give light to our darkness. You were very patient and knew how to listen to us and empathize, giving us a lot of strength and energy not to throw in the towel.
Medicine should not be practiced without being involved with the dedication and unconditional way that you do.
I wish with all my heart that all the love you put into doing your work is returned to you a thousand times.
You will always be in our hearts. -
Personalmente a mi me han tratando muy bien, me explican todo muy bien , son muy considerados y humanos , la verdad que solo tengo que darles las gracias por todo lo que están haciendo por nosotros todo su equipo. Gracias a ellos estamos esperando nuestro pequeño ha sido toda a la primera, les recordamos al 100%.
Google Mar 16 2021
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