Dr. Nain Maldonado - Cirujano Plástico en Cancún, México
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Dr. Nain Maldonado, Plastic Surgeon - Cancun, Mexico

Av. Tulum Mza. 1 Lote 1 Sm. 12 Int. 309, 77505 Cancún, Q.R., Mexico Cancun, Mexico
Especialidad: Plastic Surgeon,
Idiomas: English,Spanish
Grado: Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Área de enfoque: Dr Nain Maldonado | Cancún | México | Instituto Riviera de Cirugía Plástica

About - Dr. Nain Maldonado

Dra. Nain Maldonado en Cancún, México

Dr. Nain Maldonado en Cancún, México – Reconocimiento a la excelencia

El Dr. Nain Maldonado , distinguido Cirujano Plástico, ostenta con orgullo el título de mejor especialista en cirugía plástica en México, tal como lo reconocen los Premios Doctoralia. Su dedicación y compromiso con su oficio han sido celebrados no sólo por sus pacientes, sino también por sus colegas médicos especialistas y el comité evaluador. Este prestigioso premio refleja la alta estima en la que se le tiene dentro de la comunidad médica.

Un viaje comienza

Nacido en la Ciudad de México, el Dr. Maldonado inició su trayectoria profesional en el reconocido Hospital Ángeles Lomas , la institución de salud privada más prestigiosa de México. Sus inicios profesionales demostraron su compromiso inquebrantable con la prestación de una atención médica excepcional y precisión en la cirugía plástica, lo que preparó el terreno para sus futuros proyectos.

Una cálida bienvenida en Cancún, México

La búsqueda de la excelencia del Dr. Maldonado finalmente lo llevó al Instituto de Cirugía Plástica Riviera , donde decidió enfocar su carrera médica en atender a pacientes de turismo médico. La cálida recepción que recibió en Cancún fue un testimonio de su experiencia y atención compasiva. En tan solo un año, fue honrado con el Premio Doctoralia, un reconocimiento que tiene en cuenta no solo las reseñas de los pacientes, sino también la estima de sus colegas médicos especialistas.

Un dúo dinámico en Cancún

En Cancún, el Dr. Nain Maldonado y el Dr. Adrián Nieto Romero han unido sus fuerzas como líderes de equipo, combinando su amplia experiencia y enfoques innovadores en el campo de la cirugía plástica. Esta asociación crea una sinergia única que beneficia a sus pacientes y eleva los estándares de los procedimientos cosméticos y reconstructivos en la región.

Credenciales impresionantes

Las credenciales del Dr. Maldonado subrayan su compromiso de mantener los más altos estándares de la cirugía plástica. Posee una tarjeta médica con el número 44443242 y una tarjeta médica de especialista en cirugía plástica con el número 7876032. Su número de certificación 1636 es un testimonio de su experiencia y dedicación a su profesión.

Una perspectiva global

El Dr. Nain Maldonado no es solo un especialista local; es miembro internacional de la Sociedad Estadounidense de Cirujanos Plásticos (ASPS) y miembro de la Fundación Latinoamericana de Cirugía Plástica . Estas afiliaciones resaltan su compromiso de mantenerse a la vanguardia de los avances en el campo y su dedicación a atender a pacientes de todo el mundo que buscan su experiencia en Cancún, México. Reserve su cita con el Dr. Nain Maldonado en Cancún, México en PlacidWay. Haga clic en el botón de contacto a continuación para obtener más información:



Certifications and Memberships:

  • Medical Card: 44443242
  • Plastic Surgeon Specialist Medical Card: 7876032
  • Certification: 1636
  • Member of The Mexican Association of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery
  • Certified physician by The Mexican Council of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery
  • Member of The American Society of Plastic Surgeons
  • Member of the Latin American Foundation of Plastic Surgery

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Riviera Institute for Plastic Surgery reviews

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    Shae T

    The only thing good i can say is that the hospital food was good. Other than that, i travelled over from Canada years ago for a tummy tuck, that i later had to pay 7000$ for a revision on and they STILL couldnt completely fix it. I will start from the beginning, because no one should consider this place. I got recommended staying at the hotel attached to the hospital for aftercare, of which they didnt provide until the VERY end of my trip to remove the stitches from the tuck itself. I had some issues with my stitches in my drains and they wanted to charge me 500$ to use emerg in the hospital to fix it, and i ended up having to remove them myself, with the drains because it was tearing my skin. Second off, i had dog ears, my skin wasnt pulled enough, my belly button was gigantic and had 3 holes in it. The doctor refused to fix the issues, wanted me to pay travel and a new tuck to fix or cut my belly button in office with no anesthesia to fix it, which is insane. Office was extremely unprofessional about it and didnt want to help me. I had to pay 7000$ out of pocket for a revision with another doctor. I had to get a whole new tummy tuck to cut off the terrible scar and scar placement as well as the dog ears, this doctor did my belly button so horribly that they couldnt fix it, therefore i have to have this issue for the rest of my life. They switched my doctor last minute as well which i was uncomfortable with, but if i declined i wouldve spent thousands on travel for nothing so i just rolled with it, and its something i will regret for the rest of my life. Dont do what i did. Go elsewhere. It has been mentally draining me for years going through this, i was ashamed of my body, and scared to write a review. Now i am comfortable after a revision and want to tell my story. Do not waste your time going here, i highly recommend against it.

    Jan 08 2025
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    Eve C

    Perfect all around !!!.,,amazing people !!!…

    Dec 13 2023
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    8 months ago I could not have imagined travel from NYC to Cancun for surgery. Multiple disappointments and hurdles locally had led me here. Life is funny, it takes you into many directions some of them amazing that has been my experience with the medical and support team here. I had surgery on 2 sites abdominal and thighs by Dr. Nain Maldonado and Dr. Adrian Neito. I spent a night in the hospital and was discharged with medications and followup instructions to apart hotel nearby. Of which, all post discharged appointments were coordinated by Luis and chauffeured by Kevin both have been amazing. I also want to mention the amount of medical paperwork that Luis has helped me along with Dr. Nain and Dr. Adrian to complete it was abundant and all done in a timely fashion. In all, I am satisfied with the care and services received. Highly recommended their services.

    Google Feb 16 2021
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    Jennifer E


    I have tried to contact your clinic a few times now as I m interested in a breast lift with implants and buttocks implants.  But I cant get in contact with no one from your clinic.  I m in South Florida and had surgeries in Mexico before so I m very familiar. 
    Could someone please contact me as I will be in Cancun from the 8th February to the 15th and would like a personal consultation with Dr. Benavides. Please contact me. Thank you kindly

    Jennifer Eady 

    Dec 30 2020

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