El mejor médico en odontología de Turquía: Dt. Ali Sefa Cali
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Dt. Ali Sefa Cali, Dentist - Antalya, Turkey

Bahçelievler Mahallesi Sorgun Bulvar? No:29 MAnavgat Side Antalya, Turkey
Centro Asociado: Denart Turkey Dental Centre
Especialidad: Dentist,
Idiomas: English
Grado: Dentist
Área de enfoque: Dentista en Antalya, Turquía | Centro dental Denart Turkey | Dt. Ali Sefa Cali

About - Dt. Ali Sefa Cali

Dt. Ali Sefa Cali - Dentist

Dt. Ali Sefa Cali | Dentista certificado en Antalya por Denart

Biografía del teniente general Ali Sefa Cali

El Dr. Ali Sefa Cali es el mejor dentista en Antalya, Turquía, según Denart. Reserve su consulta y hable con el mejor doctor en odontología en Turquía en PlacidWay. Cuando se trata de cuidar sus dientes, desea la mejor atención posible. El Dr. Ali Sefa Cali es un especialista en odontología general y estética que puede brindarle la atención de alta calidad que necesita.

También es experto en implantes dentales y estética dental, por lo que puede estar seguro de que recibirá el mejor cuidado posible para su sonrisa. Asegúrese de programar una consulta y obtener más información sobre cómo puede ayudarlo a lograr la sonrisa hermosa y saludable que se merece.

El Dr. Ali Sefa Cali es un dentista profesional que siempre pone a sus pacientes en primer lugar y brinda la mejor atención posible. Tiene una gran cantidad de conocimientos y experiencia, que utiliza para brindar atención dental de primera calidad. Es muy importante elegir siempre al mejor médico que lo cuidará muy bien, y el Dr. Ali Sefa Cali es la respuesta.

Es un dentista con licencia y experiencia en Denart Turkey Dental Centre . Denart es una clínica de primera categoría que ofrece atención dental de primera clase. Ofrecen una amplia gama de servicios, que incluyen blanqueamiento dental, carillas, coronas y puentes. También brindan tratamientos de ortodoncia como aparatos ortopédicos e Invisalign. Su equipo de profesionales capacitados se apasiona por brindar la mejor atención posible a nuestros pacientes. Siempre se enorgullecen de su trabajo y están comprometidos a brindar la mejor calidad de atención posible.

¡No dude en contactarnos hoy para programar una consulta!



Experience and Education of Dt. Ali Sefa Cali | Best Dentist in Turkey by Denart


  • General & Aesthetic Dental Specialist
  • Dental Implant Expert
  • Dental Aesthetics Specialist

Languages Spoken:

  • English

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Denart Turkey Dental Centre reviews

  • User Profile Image


    What can I say, after just finished my 2nd visit. This clinic is absolutely amazing. Everything they do is better than 1st class, it is on another level. The technology, staff, surroundings, service, hotels, taxi service even the coffees n shakes. Big big thank you to everyone involved. Andy

    Google May 12 2022
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    Everything about this place is amazing.
    I had 20 zirconium crowns 10 top 10 bottom couldn’t fault my dentist at all he made me feel at ease when having the injections he talked me all the way through what he was doing. All the clinic staff were amazing.
    I can actually smile now without hiding my teeth so thank you dental centre Turkey.

    Google Jun 16 2022
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    If you’re having any doubts about booking with dental centre turkey, I’m here to tell you to go for it. It’s the best decision I’ve ever made and the service was absolutely amazing. You are well looked after throughout the whole process including private transfers and refreshments from the on-site cafe fresh pegs (the milkshakes are out of this world!). My dentist was so thorough and made sure every detail was perfect. He even added pink to the bottom of one of my crowns where my gum had receded, which I thought was incredible! If you’re thinking of having any dental work done, you will not be disappointed with dental centre turkey (and getting a holiday out of it is an extra little bonus of course!)

    Google May 18 2022
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    I can honestly say that the experience was perfect from beginning to end. From being collected and dropped off at my hotel for my appointments.

    Everyone at the the clinic were very friendly and I was looked after so well.

    It is so high tech - makes our dentists in the UK look prehistoric.

    My teeth look beautiful and I can’t stop smiling - get so many compliments.

    Thank you so much to you all that made my experience so nice and also for my amazing smile.

    Would highly recommend

    Google May 12 2022
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    I cannot fault this clinic. It is exceptionally clean and the staff are professional whilst demonstrating empathy. I was very nervous as I always am at the dentist, but I was put at ease and treated with respect. The reception staff were amazing. They provided drinks and if there was any delay, they kept me informed. Their English was very good. I would recommend this clinic to anyone who needs dental work and I will certainly return in the future.

    Google Apr 15 2022
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    The best dentist and service. Everything is awesome

    Facebook Jul 29 2017

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